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MultiSenseType Enumeration

Specifies the type of a complex sensor message.

Namespace:  RRAutoLib.Loconet
Assembly:  RRAutoLib (in RRAutoLib.dll) Version: 4.0.8678.28884
Public Enumeration MultiSenseType
  Member nameValueDescription
TransponderRelease0A message indicating that a transponder has exited a block.
TransponderDetect1A message indicating that a transponder has entered a block.
TransponderInputBits2A message indicating the transponder's direction of travel.
PowerManagerStatus3A status message generated by a power management device such as a PM4.
PowerManagerOps4A message used to program power management devices.
BlockDetectionOps5A message used to program block detection devices.
SecurityElementOps6A message used to program security element devices.
StationaryDecoderOps7A message used to program stationary decoder devices.
OtherDetection8A message not currently supported by this API.
This enumeration is used by the PkMultiSense class.
See Also