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LongAckType Enumeration

Specifies the type of a long acknowledgement message.

Namespace:  RRAutoLib.Loconet
Assembly:  RRAutoLib (in RRAutoLib.dll) Version: 4.0.8678.28884
Public Enumeration LongAckType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0An acknowledgement type that has not been defined in this library.
NoFreeSlot1An error response from a PkSetLocoAdr packet.
SwitchStateResponse2A response from a PkGetSwitchState packet with the switch state.
IllegalMove3An error response from a PkSlotMove packet.
InvalidLink4An error response from a PkSlotLink packet.
SetSwitchFailed5An error response from a PkSetSwitch packet.
PmOpsWriteOK6A response from a PkMultiSense packet confirming an OPS write to a power management device.
PmOpsRead7A response from a PkMultiSense packet reading an OPS from a power management device.
BdOpsWriteOK8A response from a PkMultiSense packet confirming an OPS write to a block detection device.
BdOpsRead9A response from a PkMultiSense packet reading an OPS from a block detection device.
ProgNoReply10A response from a PkRdWrSlotData packet doing a slot write.
ProgBusy11A response from a PkDccProgram packet. Programmer is busy and task was aborted.
ProgAccepted12A response from a PkDccProgram packet. Task was accepted and reply will follow at completion.
ProgAcceptedBlind13A response from a PkDccProgram packet. Task was accepted with no reply to be expected at completion.
ImmediateRes14A response from a PkImmediate packet.
UnsupportedSlot15A response from a PkReqSlotData packet.
This enumeration is used by the PkLongAck class.
See Also