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PkUnknown Properties

The PkUnknown type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBytes
Gets the bytes that makes up a Loconet packet message.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyDescription
User friendly description of the packet.
(Overrides PacketDescription.)
Public propertyID
Gets the unique identifier of the packet.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyIsEchoe
Gets value indicating if the packet is an echoe.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyNeedsPacketResponse
Gets value indicating if this packet expects a response packet.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyOpCode
Gets the Loconet operation code associated with the packet.
(Overrides PacketOpCode.)
Public propertyParmsDesc
User friendly description of the most significant packet parameters.
(Overrides PacketParmsDesc.)
Public propertyPostTxWait
Gets or sets the time in milliseconds to wait after sending this packet before performing the next step.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyRxPacket
Gets the received response packet post transmit.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets an arbitrary object that is associated with the packet.
(Inherited from Packet.)
Public propertyTimeStamp
Gets an event time stamp of the packet's echo or arrival.
(Inherited from Packet.)
See Also