Cosmic living and dying



Look around and inside you very carefully and consider what you see: an infinite number of opposites killing each other for the sake of survival. Nothing but fight! What is surviving and what is dying nobody knows for sure, because dying is just a change into another living. Nobody can say for sure which change is better either because dying and living are reversible, you never know which is which! From these two conditions a paranoiac behavior starts to develop in T/S. No wonder Buddha's 1st Noble truth is "all life is suffering!"


Let's consider first our surroundings and the way they change continuously with an entropic rate of more or less magnitude. Our body, the trees, the rivers, the ocean, the mountains, our planet, our solar system, our entire universe, are all changing on their own pace. Just lately we've just discovered our planet's polarity moves toward Russia with a pace of 65Km/40 Miles every year -- and we don't know yet when this started. We see all this as a very vivid prove of the processing nature of our universe. 

All the cataclysms of any magnitude that are occurring on Earth like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, etc., are all disruptive changes with a very visible effect on physical living. But other changes are occurring every split second in all our surroundings, on other planets, inside the stars and in the entire universe -- as the scientists have just discovered lately. Which of the changes are to be considered more important, good or bad? Hard to tell from our precarious living perspective.

Let's consider now the microscopic changes inside our body, and the bodies of other beings. The antibodies (cells eating cells), the inside bioprocess of demolishing and rebuilding, the bacteria helping our metabolic process, etc. They are more or less noticeable according with the feedback they are giving us. Which of those changes are to be considered more important, good or bad? I've answered those questions in the chapter called "Duality".


But what is duality in the end? Duality is a Fight, a Struggle, and so is our Life based on Duality! Just think a little and tell me honestly if fight is not what life is all about -- not only here on Earth, but all across our universe. Honestly admitted life is just a continuous fight with no winners and no losers, like a movie on film: each frame depending on the previous and on the next to come.

Can you tell about a winner or a looser here? Hard to tell when all life is actually a struggle in motion of T/S. What I can say from what I see around and deep inside is that the being universe is a dualistic motion of T/S based on struggle, fight, and endless change. And the Being universe, as we know, comes as a result of ITSelf witnessing IT! From here the living illusion of T/S instates as the very product of Bliss traveling through Abyss! Life is indeed a product of T/S velocity leading to endless densities to be!

What TY is trying to do is to transcend beyond the dualistic loop of T/S by using a fusion technique to be applied to the entire universe. The direct result of any fusion is the Total Surrender to the beyond, which leads to an endlessly pouring Bliss. And Bliss is nothing else but an Expansive Feeling, the very "substance" of Life! But this is not something to talk about but rather to identify with in Samadhi! The thing is, Samadhi has no memory, that's why IT cannot be explained!

The old Chinese sages used to say that in order to be an immortal you need three things: freedom, tolerance, and patience! TY is asking you just courage and a sickening mood toward existence/life you are in. Not a morbid kind of mood, just a general feeling of  "IT's enough!........let go of man and suffering!". The rest will be accomplished by ITSelf in all the T/S you need. 


The creative Being-Power is an attribute of all living process, as we have seen already, therefore everybody and everything creates/lives several lives in several worlds in the same instant, all of them as valid as the one which we focus the most and which we consider as "real". The T/S is the "scrambling villain", due to its dualistic velocity! Remove the T/S and all life turns into an endless flowing Bliss, which has Infinite Luminosity! This makes the creative/living process infinite in all living aspects of IT. In short, we are living in an infinite number of worlds, some of them known, some partially known, and some yet to be discovered. And in this respect, man is a multitude not a singularity!

Let's take the human body for example! We have trillions and trillions of "components" spread around inside our body, as well as trillions of living entities outside of our bodies (without which we cannot survive), all in a mutual harmony of sort. If all those are not a multitude, how do you call them? You call them "a man", "an animal", etc., but this doesn't make them a singularity! A man, an animal, etc., is still a multitude! And because of this a man lives in many worlds and many realities as he goes with his precarious living.


According with science man has five sense, each one having a world of their own! Nobody can argue with this! We have a visual world! We have the world of sound! We have the smelling world! Etc. The actual man is then a being of five dimensional worlds, depicted by old Seers as "the fifth generation of man". Those worlds are very well defined for us, and they make our daily living, our daily reality. And if you believe me, man is a sensorial pack carrying way more than the five senses you've learned in school to have. The world of feelings, of dreaming, the astral world, the spiritual world, the cellular word, the atomic world, etc. What you need is to discover them through silent meditation!

The being universe is sensorial in nature all across, but some of our sensors are more or less ignored compare with others according with the focusing power of our desirous heart (our real mind). The visual world is the most noticed by man today, and the one of sound is next. The showbiz guys know this, taking advantage of those two gates when they brain-hack us through commercials adds and political propaganda -- the chronic disease of our times.

Some other worlds are just occasionally focused upon, being the cinderellas of man's attention. We cannot enjoy but one world at the time due to our T/S status condition, but the switch from one to another is so quick that we barely notice the disruption -- like switching from the world of smell to the one of sound for instance, etc.

With a proper training man can access far more worlds than the ones he normally knows! Now, being a multitude, we should have a multitude of Selves to control our living process -- and we do --  but we think of having just one and only man oriented Ego-Self. This faulty vision of "ego-body-self" brings the suffering, the misery and the fear of dying in man's life!

Nobody is so foolish to mourn all the atoms, molecules, cells, etc., that are dying everyday in his body. Nobody is equally foolish to feel compassion for a dead tree or an insect dying in a mouth of a lizard. Why are we then mourning our dead ones, and why are we so crippled scared when dying? The answer resides in the wrong and long kept vision we have about living and dying, as we have seen already. We are all unconscious yogis in living (by concentrating our mind on everyday activities), but we are very ignorant humans in dying.


Not having any bodymass to hold on after dying, the man oriented ego-self has nothing to concentrate upon but to the surroundings, to which He cannot report anymore because of the lack of physical body. He tries to report to the body and surroundings desperately! Not knowing what kind of world is in, the self thinks he died, forgetting the fact he never dies. Instead of focusing on his immortality, the Self focuses on the dead physical body and panics. From here the fear and the struggle! The astral body is there, well and alive, but the Self doesn't know this because He is so used with the heaviness of the physical body. A little Yoga practice can change all this!

For a yogi or someone who had a OBE (out of body experience) during his physical living the things are different because they both know what is all about and how to proceed accordingly. A real yogi knows that when one of his infinite chain of lives "dies" the immortal Self has several choices to chose from: 

~  to focus on the new astral body present there and live in a heaven or another.

~  to go back into the past or farther up into the future, take a pick there and reincarnate as man again.

~  to go beyond T/S span and assume the Supreme Witness status.

~  to neither Be or Not-Be, void all the dualistic living and get Free.


Looking deeply into the matter of Living and Dying you must realize we are in fact living in endless number of worlds in the same instance, and the only thing that stops us to be aware of this is the lack of mind focus on some (considered mistakenly as nonexistent), an uneven focus on some others (considered mistakenly as dreams), and a total focus on the ones "we live" (considered mistakenly as the only real). The T/S deceiving movement is to be blamed for all this because is giving us a private memory to be (man)! Privacy is what makes us die, forcing us to live in the mold of man and man only for an eternity due to our silly memory!

The fact is, the Self has them all as sheaths of His, and none of them are real -- nothing living is, as we have seen. The Self knows his immortality and has no reason to be afraid of dying, but the human ego forgets his immortality, mistakenly clinging to the human memory and getting scared of loosing his body-pet of joy. The human mind goes away, but the witnessing Self remains! This new Self is alien to man entirely, until you make the silly bond with man again...........reincarnating! We have been doing this mistake from so long that we are incapable of not doing it again and again..........eternally.

The physical body is unable to know anything, being just a tamasic device put up in the spinning wheel of T/S living by the desirous will of the heart -- where the will power of man resides. IT is the power of the desirous heart then that brings you into a living or another, which comes from an infinite and motionless point, to return back into the same motionless point -- the paradox of IT reflecting ITSelf. All life and all the worlds are hidden in this Point in Infinite (IT)! This is an Axiomatic Truth!


Living in Past/Future (P/F) is the major weakness of the human mind. Through pinpointed concentration we can overcome this P/F limitation and start witnessing the Present. This is what Yoga is teaching us through Samyama -- Concentration, Meditation, and Samadhi -- a Trinity able to reveal the beyond! When even this Trinity is transcended, you turn Singular........That One in everything and everyone!

Through our focusing power we can see all the worlds in an instant, like God does! But for this to happen you need first to realize what you really are. Not now, not in P/F, but for an eternity! The largest extent of focusing is The Supreme Witness (ITSelf) -- the Great Reflection of IT blissfully watching over the entire existence (all living show). ITSelf doesn't participate in the living game, having a multitude of "seeded selves" to get into the living action on their own accord. This is what Yoga calls the Alaya/Eternal Consciousness. We are part of this mindful multitude, and as such, in permanent contact with IT. Man has the power to mutate at will. Please do believe this!


Before I end this chapter I would like to give you the order in which the lifetronic energy flows out from the body at death, separating the upper trinity of man from his lower trinity. All yogis have this experience as Turiya (corpus mortis) state prior of entering Samadhi! In Samadhi you are man free! 

~  the movement is first (the body feels like nailed down/stoned);

~  the speech is second (you cannot open your mouth to talk);

~  the thought (the thinking stops, being replaced by beautiful scintillations);

~  the breathing (after the last expelling "poah" the breathing stops, giving you a feeling of blissful expansion);

~  the heart (the heart beat stops);

~  the astral body lifts up through fontanel (no weight at all, just a blissful awareness knowing of no man, manhood or any other livelihood). The perspective of this new awareness has nothing to do with human race and the universe man lives in (no trees, planets, stars, etc), unless you are hooked to your desirous memories. Holding on your past human memories will make you descend in terrestrial living and reincarnate again. Try to memorize this!

This is the sequence, and each stage has its own length for everybody in existence. At birth the order is in reverse! You will be surprised to know that the Self is always you! The way you live your life makes a lot of difference in how you experience the dying event. Some struggle, some die in agony, some die in family, and just very few die in ecstasy. The ecstasy is present only in those who were able to discover the Union of All that IT is during their living span. All real yogis die in Ecstasy (Samadhi), because this is what they've worshiped all their life -- the Union!





















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