Is Life a private matter ?



In a universe based on duality Privacy is an anomaly !

Why? Because Life's rule is very simple: "you must mingle!"

Life is an eternal lucrative process of boxes inside boxes in which each box has to play its part for the whole process to stay afloat (this comes from a Daka). No living entity can be an island then, as we already know. So when a yogi separates from all others by going in seclusion he doesn't separate from life but rather from manhood in order to get into a better livelihood. He does this because he knows the only way to stay happy in life is to mingle, and in order to stay free in such mingling process you must travel without an itinerary or a destination across all living. And he knows also this is possible only by being one with all others, going from a box of being to another and another until you reach the Union with All that IT is! Staying motionless in the Center is the Final achievement! The thing is, this Center is Wholesomely here-everywhere-at once as the Monadic Eye of All that IT is, therefore can't be..........and that's ITs treachery!



The picture above is giving you the general idea of Life as a process of boxes inside boxes, where privacy cannot thrive. And please envision this as just a "slice" of the real picture, which is infinite in nature. The middle green circumscribed box is ours, and all others are intermingling with us at a closer or farther range. Sure all those "boxes" are actually living limitations for the beings dwelling there to stay alive. Like man for instance is meant to stay alive only in his own in and out habitat (box). We've managed to extend this habitat a little today -- giving us some comfort -- but not by much.

To think of privacy inside a process is a total non-sense because of the interconnectivity and the openness present there -- the same way our social life should be. We will see at our level of living this truth coming into the open more and more. There is no way to avoid the openness of living because that's what the living really is. And if some of us think they are not responsible of what is going on in the world today -- like most of us do --  they are just cheating themselves. The Internet is here to show us how we can turn into one mankind again, but some very few have turned the Internet into a media weapon to brain-hack the many for their own greedy benefit. What a shame! The time will come when all these corrupted few will be nakedly exposed and removed. This is an Axiomatic Truth!


Children are never focusing on themselves, living always in the instance -- which spontaneously comes and goes as a process of being. A normal child always identifies himself with the instant action present in his mind, the S/O separation concept being totally unknown to him. A child lives through all others! The joy of playing is all that counts for a child. That is why -- if left naturally to develop -- a child is always happy, sharing everything and having no need for privacy. A child lives a very open Life! Just try to remember your childhood! The stress and  misery comes in child's life only when his parents and the adult society start educating him, teaching him how to behave (survive) in society through Subject/Object (S/O) separation. That's how the Union splits in the selfish many! I call such living, "selfishism"!

The genius or madness of Jean-Jacques Rousseau did very well realize this, finding also the best solution for the above alienation: "let the child be educated by Mother Nature and never constrain him in any way". His "Emil" idea is not new, but did not have the chance to grow and get older yet even today. The rules, the laws, the habits, the routines, the dogmatic teachings, the standards, the social ranks, the cheating, etc., etc., are all coercive weapons the social life is using to go against Mother Nature. This is how we forget more and more we are all Her children, among many others.

As adults we turn ourselves up side down, forgetting the childhood status we are having as children of Mother Nature. No wonder all Great Ones reminded us the necessity of being pure when trying to approach the beyond reality. Yes! the real heavens belong to child like souls, and whoever thinks at this as a childish statement is not prepare to sublimate his being into higher realms of living. The way men live today is definitely killing our future!

To be civilized means nothing else but forgetting your childhood status and replacing it with an individual one alien to everything else and all others, including Mother Nature. From here are taking roots all terrible concepts about the control over Mother Nature, over others, about destiny, karma, entropic life, etc., as well as all the teachings and methods showing us how we can get around the above "misery" and "sorrow" and regain the "lost condition of bliss", like Yoga does.

The truth is, the "lost condition" can be regained if we just remember. IT has never been lost, just forgotten, and this is what TYoga is for: to help us remember! When you remember you regain instantly the old condition of Bliss, like a child! But some of us are too proud to do this, they like to be in pain and misery, fighting others and Mother Nature as well. Just look around and tell me if I am wrong! That's why regaining the old condition of bliss has to be a rapt, what the Zen disciples call Satori, or how TY puts IT: "identifying with beyond as IT is........blissfully everything!"  


As we previously saw, everybody has his own reality as a private chosen cluster of desires picked from the eternal pool of Cosmic Memory (Chit). The more they have been repeated in T/S, the more they become our private living body attached to our Self/Ego. This is why we always call the physical body as being "my body", the body of "I" the witness. Though the physical body changes over the years, we still call it "my body", because we intuitively know that the "I" never changes, never dies, staying always motionlessly the same.

In spite of a witnessing Self who remains the same under any living circumstances, all living beings are privately developing according with their own living patterns of being dualistically formed as a cosmic cluster of A/R, as we have already seen. Why this happen and due to which circumstances nobody knows unless the Eye of Wisdom opens to tell the overall story of T/S living from the beyond perspective of IT. The privacy of each living soul is a mystery to be solved by the soul himself and nobody else. Whoever lives in T/S is not able to tell the truth about anybody and anything else but himself, and even this in a very relative manner! This is why TY keeps reminding you to be yourself under any living circumstances!


Keeping the privacy of your life is the first choice you have when playing the adventurous game of living. To keep your living game veiled in mystery you may want to be that way -- though the society has a tendency lately not to let you have this privacy anymore.

Invoking help from beyond, or Evoking your P/F to reveal all living scenarios of yourself (your previous and future lives), are the other two choices you have in order to escape from privacy and get back in Union.

Invoking means to pray to something from a higher realm (living box) to come to your level and help you out. You deal here with gods and such, and the prayer is the tool of this method. The only thing is for you to be able to handle the help -- which most of us are not!

Evoking means practicing Yoga and going yourself through Samadhi into the higher realms. For this you have this book and your pure heart to rely on! Invoking and Evoking are both actually of the same kind in the end, asking for a sympathetic view at both ends! Please realize this! There is no real beyond help without a breathe-in action from both sides: one side breathes in your heartfelt prayer, and the other breathes in the help coming from beyond!

Whoever wants then to stay private in the living will stay the same in dying (which is still living as we have seen), until he/she will understand the real game of living. Sharing identities will be the next generation of the actual private generation of mankind. What is considered now as the very condition of a "good living" (privacy), it will be a real obstacle for the new generation to come. We see the changes already with the Internet revolution, and we will see a lot more to come by the will of Mr. Destiny to be...........New. And as a TYogi knows: "any New is from a déjà  vu!" Our universe has been already Aeon (Eternity) ago!

Our children will be able to see all those changes with their own eyes in a not too faraway future. IT will be a private surrender still, and the decision will be taken only by a very subtle and complete understanding of the living process. Nobody will interfere with the taken decision because IT will be a universal one -- a collective decision through the overall body of mankind and the society at large.

IT wants IT that way!





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