Kundalini Shakti's Chakras



When Einstein postulated the T/S is "curving" our lives and the entire universe we are in, he has just discovered what the Egyptian Tradition knew as Isis, what Yoga knew as Kundalini or Shakti, and what the Old Western Tradition knew as Cybela Maya. Nowadays scientists are noticing the same thing when they look down to Earth from space, when they look through the microscope or through the telescope: everything is turning (spiraling, swirling, vortexing), from the universal bubble we are in, to any T/S living there is – outward of us, as well as inward! The Source of the Vortex is unknown, IT can’t be stopped, therefore we are trapped in this living vortex for an eternity! The old Seers depicted this as a snake devouring itself.



This Source can't be grasped, and the different names we gave to IT are just empty symbols of a reality which permeates everything as an interstitial substratum and spins the life around as bubbles of T/S. This swirling movement creates "tension" due to a continuous change of polarity between its dualistic poles: Being-NotBeing. This Duality is the very core of Kundalini Shakti, having as result the eternal living process. Science call this dualistic spin the "thermo-dynamic scandal" (which is the same thing) -- the Battery of all existence!

Kundalini is then Life, and as such is a tensional process produced by the back and forth flow of Bliss from IT and back to IT (expansion and contraction), which makes the living process to be felt as a cosmic breathing, a pulsation. This pulsatory vortex is present at all levels of existence, from a solid and cold rock, to man, a sun, a galaxy, etc. Nobody can stop this process unless reunites the two opposites through Yoga/Union practice. This is in fact the last goal of any real yogi and of any esoteric school follower: stopping the dualistic life process by reuniting all dualities back to their Source! A TYogi has to know how to get discharged in Axis Mundi (Susumna)!


The scientists made a law out of this unsolved dilemma called the Uncertainty Law, which says that the T/S cannot be perceived but as separate. In short, when you grasp the Time you miss the Space, and when you grasp the Space you miss the Time. You cannot grasp them together! Yoga, as you will see, has a very different approach, with no dilemma in IT! Kundalini is then an active and detached illusory manifestation which has to be sustained in order to operate as such. She is not "Self Efficient", just a mirroring copy of the "Self-Efficient IT" (the "Straight” Master of the “curved” Kundalini!). This is the Primordial Tension, the One between the Relative Detachment and the Absolute, Undetached IT -- the only possible condition of BEING! Life cannot be without IT! This is the most hidden secret of all, guarded by Bliss and known by nobody: how the Infinite turned eternally finite?..............the Union Split!

Her oneness with IT is still untouched, but in order for Her (Bliss) to pour out She has to detach from IT, bringing droplets of happiness in the living process. She is spreading and recollecting the Bliss, coiling and uncoiling accordantly. As T/S action She enjoys the quantic Bliss, and as reunited in ITSelf, She enjoys the W/Hole Bliss. She disseminates the bliss  "virus" in all living, giving to all living the real meaning of IT:  Sharing Happiness!

Be-coming, Flowing, and Witnessing the living are all having Her as their Cosmic Mother! Kundalini, Shakti, Cybela Maya, Holly Ghost, Mother Celeste, and Mother Nature, are all names of Her. Bringing happiness to all men, ecstasy to gods, and serenity to god, She is the Mother of them all, having only IT as Her Master. That is why IT is said that IT can't be any Creation and any Life without happiness. And because happiness is nothing else but a traveling Bliss through Abyss, let's be all happy until the Total Bliss reinstates in all beings as Her again. 


When She detaches from IT She be-comes the action of T/S, which is the life process as we all know and the ones we don't know yet. All living starts this way, and so is the adventure. When you live She lives, and when you die She dies. But all living and all dying are just short changes of T/S not a total annihilation of the living action. You better believe this or you will be stuck in the idea that your actual living on Earth is the only one you have, and this is a scary thought indeed!

You better realize this very important living issue and don't think, like many gurus do, that Kundalini is static (asleep), and Shakti is dynamic (active), that one is beyond the other, that one is death, and the other is life. IT is just one Her, but because of Her "tricky" T/S activity, what in certain T/S bubble seems to be living, IT may look like is missing the living in the other.

Tachy Yoga comes to tell you not to be afraid or get tricked by death because dying is nothing else but a renewed living in disguise by the canny trick of T/S velocity. Changing is then the main action of Kundalini Shakti, and the main trick of Her to stay alive (active). Kundalini cannot be but active, and neither can anything else in the T/S living! This is Tachy Yoga’s core concept about what Life is: " in the Being universe dying is forbidden! ".


She reveals to us by Her insidious action of T/S, being the visible Mother detached from IT as a T/S living/blissful movement. You, me, the sun…...the entire Universe, we are all Her(s). She is in fact the ultimate Mother of all beings living in T/S because She is the T/S, and so is the living. All the worlds are Hers and She is in them all! The contact with Her is eternal, in spite of the T/S trick of separation. She lives Eternally up to the point of Mahapralaya when She reunites with IT and the Total Silence instates. Going in retreat, She turns into a seed...........to return again as a new eternity to be (an aeon)!

She never sleeps, having the bliss as Her status condition. When a Guru tells you about Her sleeping all coiled up in a snake shape in  Muladhara, be aware of such a nonsense. He is trying to validate his own drug induced experience as a matter of fact. You can't see Her but as you and what you see, but She can take any form She pleases in order to let you know about Her. From Her sprang all the wonder-worlds different yogis are describing as have been through in Samadhi. They are all different, and IT will stay that way to prove the splendor of Life. Don't get then trapped in one or another description of the worlds beyond, because yours will be always different. IT cannot be two identical beings and two identical scenarios in the world of Kundalini! This is an Axiomatic Truth!

She can be light or darkness at will. All the angels and all devils are popping up to life from Her. She can be the heavens or the hells, bliss or sorrow, beautiful or ugly upon Her wish. IT takes some practice to really understand this, but to be convinced just look around you: do you see all this around you in the living? Oh, YES! IT must be true then because all living is Her and Hers! That is why you should never play with Her or with your chakras unless you have pure intentions (deeds), pure feelings, and pure thoughts. Being in a killer as well as in a victim, in all dualities of the living process, She reacts suddenly, and makes you turn dead blue in a nick of time. So please don't play around with Tantric Yoga or such. You will be very sorry you did!



Cybela Maya


The danger will be as great as your mistakes are, but until you Be-come a Buddha, your living will be subdue by suffering and sorrow due to your ignorance, please understand this! Nobody can play tricks on Her because She knows you well, in and out. When She gets excited all the crazy things in the world can happen. Known also as the Holly Ghost, She is known as being very unstable, due to Her dualistic status. Everything good or bad can happen when you miss around with Her. She can turn the world upside down according with the karmic seed She is focusing upon. Don't ever black magic Her because you will black magic yourself!

Nobody can predict Her because everything is under Her spell by the limited quantic T/S living is in. In short, only She knows everything, everything else knows just little portions of IT. Nobody can transcend into IT but through Her by a Total Surrender to Her. This is easy to understand why: She is everything, and everything IT is has to surrender by Her doorstep. Do you see IT? She is the last cleansing station before IT! Your Being (T/S living) has to stay with Her in order for you to transcend Her!


What Tachy-Yoga has discovered is this:

~  Everything IT is comes from Her and nobody else, therefore you should never be afraid of Her, knowing that what you seed in Her is what you get back from Her. In short, you bring all the good or bad in your life according with what your deeds, feelings, and thoughts are.

~  Blaming then others for your living condition is a cosmic disharmony, as you realize from the above paragraph.

~  Whoever is impure should make himself pure before trying to improve his living and play with Kundalini's Power stored in his chakras. Patanjali's preliminary practices (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Etc.) are the best "cleaning stations" for the one who dares. See them on Chapter "PATH".

~  You, me, the gods, and the God himself, we are all from Her, and Hers. Nothing can Be without Her except IT, which duals Her from beyond as an Unknown Sustainer of Her. 

Whatever you are, do, feel, and think, is from Her, and comes back to Her, therefore what you seed in Her is what you reap from Her. The swirling pool of the aeonic heartfelt impressions (vasanas) you cultivate in Her is responsible for your living status called man (human being). If you would have had the seed of a Sun instead, you would have been a Sun. In order to become pure you have to suppress all your vasanas (aeonic seeds) by the means of Yoga practice. When the Total purity is accomplished -- in the last stage of Samadhi -- the moment of Liberation (Kaivalya, Satori, Moksha, etc.) comes like a strike of lightening.

Changing a living shape with another is not the end of the T/S living and of suffering which comes with being alive, because the infinite compression will be always there ready to mix with the golden expansion in endless pieces of T/S living. The speed of the spark would be different according with the T/S bubble you are in -- living in more or less expanded being scenarios -- but the misery of duality will be always present. To escape Her desirous calls is not that easy!

Unfortunately, some yogis turn themselves gurus and stop short of Liberation by indulging themselves in karmic actions of Yoga business. Living a comfortable life inside expensive private ashrams (retreats, clubs, etc.), they take Yoga in the deceiving land of religion and dogmatic teachings, call themselves gods names and start selling “Yoga Dogma” for money to everyone they can. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing immoral to make money, but don't call this Yoga because is not. Taking Yoga into the land of money, business and such is not Yoga/Union anymore, turning into a corpse of dogmas, nonsense mantras, and breathing exercises. Please remember: Yoga has never been a religious business, being naturally free for everyone!



The Scientists are calling our living status condition the carbonic cycle, a living pool which goes around the atom of carbon. They also suspect the existence of other living pools like the one spinning around the atom of silicon, sulfur, etc. -- all popping up from the same Eternal energetic pool/vortex of Kundalini. But science looks at Her in a heartless manner, that's why we are harvesting today so many anomalies from Her. By calling Her living displays monster storm, monster rain, monster hurricane, etc, etc., is building a monster out of Her. And that's exactly what we get from Her. Man has to change his heartless attitude toward Her in order to survive!

IT is obvious the center of all vortexes as a sustaining core of them all! Our Solar System, our Planet, ourselves, a virus, etc., all have the same living center as a source of their living vortex. And so has the entire Universe! This center will remain forever unknown and beyond any living! The eternal living vortex around this center is Kundalini, and all the sequential ones are Her chakras -- myriad of living pools expanding and contracting according with their own being status. Nothing can BE without this swirling vortex going in circles of T/S...........which Life is actually all about!

~  Being a physical form is one kind of vortex.

~  Being a flowing form (a feeling) is another vortex.

~  Being a Dualistic T/S living knowingly acting upon all Existence from an overall perspective, is Kundalini.

~  Sustaining this illusory mindful play from a beyond center is no more, just IT...........the Attributeless!


The Cosmic Compassion is the only status enabling you to get out from Kundalini's dualistic T/S process, from living. IT is the only "trick" working on Her because the Bliss She remembers makes Her melt into IT and to "forget you" as part of Her. You must like Her first very much in order for Her to say Yes! to your passing beyond. And in order to like Her you have to Love everything unconditionally because everything is Hers – good, evil, and in between -- including you! As you can see, is not easy! Only the Bodhisattva of Compassion can do IT, nobody else can! This is an Axiomatic Truth!

As a W/Hole she remains Unknown and One with IT. As She breaks apart in pieces -- becoming you, me and everything else -- She detaches from IT and Lives dualistically as T/S. Dynamically She is everything as a Life "output" on the eternal cosmic screen! Potentially She resorbs into  IT, "inputting" back Her living process to IT! Traveling from the Golden Dust to the Infinite Rock of Totally compressed Darkness, from Bliss to Abyss, She has all the living patterns in between as endless algorithms of living. She is not a real "substance (Sat), which has to remain with IT, but She surely has "free access" to IT.


The "dangerous" and "tricky" aspect of Her is directly linked to the purity of the practitioner, as I said. You better be aware of this and purify yourself  through the means of the tapas. On the other hand, you should never throw "margaritas ante porcos". The Light never mixes with Darkness but slowly, in small drops of colorful life. That’s why you should never be afraid of death (of dying) because IT is still you living after. It will be a new kind of T/S living -- which is indeed "incompatible" with what you have considered till then as "privately yours" -- but the new you will live again according with your karmic seeds (vasanas). Please do believe this! IT is no other way to be-come new unless you leave behind the old you. As I said before: a living bubble has to die for other living bubble to come to life! You have to withdraw one for the other to come in fruition. This is the game of being and not being, of living and dying: one completes the other!

If you believe -- and you surely do -- that every second thousands of your body cells die to be replaced with some other thousands of new ones, and that this hidden process is taking place on the Cosmic scale also, why should you be scared of dying? Why IT is so hard for man to believe the living process is stretching beyond the deceiving limits of his human senses? Don't you believe that some other better senses will be there in the T/S living to reveal some other living wonders? Don't you believe that some other body will be in T/S again to enjoy the living? Do you believe Kundalini dies that easy, that the living pool will dry on you at death? Don't you believe the lifetronic energy can't die? Science is telling us the same thing today when saying the first energetic impulse is to last forever.

This deadly fear and total lack of adventure is going to bring you again and again as man, until one day you will regain your bravery and make the jump into another better living pattern -- acquiring a new senso-mind to be. But the fear comes also from Her as a tremendous sorrow She has for all Creation (which is Her after all) when Mahapralaya (the Big Resorption) put an end to Her illusory show of living shadows. From Her dislike we all inherit our dislike for our own resorption, our individual death. She surely doesn't like to die, and neither do we! A TYogi knows better, living all his human desires behind!

Nobody should wonder then why the Esoteric Traditions all around the world depicted Her as a snake. Her insidious T/S motion surely deserve the name "coiled". Einstein just discovered Her as the "curvature" of T/S and the theory of relativity, but he did not realize that the T/S, the Mass, the Light, and Her are in fact One. When you will be far enough in your transcendental trip and you will realize how life works, you will be wisely separating the higher from the lower until everything levels out blissfully as the same -- the only way to transcend duality and turn into a Singularity, into IT! 





Since the wheel was invented, millennia ago, the life on Earth started to spin faster, and man's life has changed tremendously, for better or for worse, depending on the perspective you look upon. We have be-come civilized by the spinning wheel of Cybela Maya, which broke apart in myriad of small wheels of Hers called chakras. Wheels of the Big Wheel, the chakras are concentrated centers (vortexes) of Being-T/S-Energy-Life as illusory manifestations of Her. They are not self-efficient, of course, but permanently sustained as She is.


Chakras are tensional crossing points where the energy flows in and out in a dualistic manner. The tensional status of Kundalini is inherit into the chakras, making the living possible. Without this tension the living process won't be distinctive from IT. And the tension, as you know, creates pulsation, which is to be found everywhere inside the living process. This subtle play of Expansion-Contraction -- the Great Breath -- is the Life we all know and live. The scientific vision about how the Universe came to "Life" is trying to imitate the above old discovered truth in a "physical manner"  just recently.

Focusing the energy on a certain sequence of symbols is giving birth to a certain living, a certain T/S bubble as a pool/vortex of chakras detached from Hers and relatively efficient for a while. Each of these chakras has ITs own energy cluster of Attraction/Repulsions (A/R). Joining together, the chakras organize in more compressed and more rigid living structures, which are losing accordingly their "freedom" and their T/S velocity. Man and his habitat are such rigid structures.

Organizing in even more complex structures (clusters) of T/S -- far out and far in -- the process of Life grows exponentially to be-come Universes. Myriad of micro and Macro universes (Lokas&Talas) spread endlessly around as products of Kundalini. Unfocusing from a certain living pattern is resorbing the chakras back into Her in the same way She gets back into IT. Focusing and unfocusing on some living patterns is Kundalini's Game, a wonderful illusion of boxes inside boxes and the only Being there is -- a play of various densities of different T/S velocities!

Those “living blueprints" of Hers are called vasanas (seeds), and to get rid of yours is not an easy task. This is where Yoga comes to the rescue as an old jewel of mankind to tell the truth about how She works and how you can go around Her in your quest for Total Freedom. This book has the advantage of sublimating all Esoteric Traditions (including Yoga) into a Monadic One.


Talking about man's chakras I would say that three of them are receivers, one is a screening gate through which the living exchanges takes place, and the next three are mostly givers. They are all our "seven churches" in this life and of the ones to come. From them the "nadis" spread life all around like a tree is spreading his branches toward the sun. Those are our two trinities -- the lower and upper trinity -- having the heart in the middle to reconcile their living differences!

All chakras are “sucking” life from the "Axis Mundi" or Susumna, the straight and direct line connection of all chakras and the permanent contact of Kundalini with IT. Through this tunnel of light our soul departs when we are dying, and through this same gate also the life to be-come gets back in fruition. Susumna is then the recollected Kundalini ready to make the jump back into IT when Mahapralaya kicks in -- the same way you get back to Her when you die. So when you die She dies a little, but when She dies everything dies. The same gate at two different Cosmic scales!

Those chakras (knots) are mixtures of light and darkness felt as vibratory T/S frequencies. They are all reversible! Kundalini travels through them all, creating harmonic pools (clusters) of energy and making the living as we know possible. The overall pool of energy is Her "Show", and it was called by the greeks Cosmos -- an illusory embellishment swirling lives around and around for eternities! This process is a "chain reaction" of living events triggered by Kundalini's desirous will. From Her Great Bliss we have our droplets of quantic happiness, and from Her Sorrow we have also our daily sad moments, all as a desirous play of A/R. All dualities are coming in the world from Her, because She is the "engine" staying behind them all!

The chakras are energetic centers through which She can exercise Her power toward our body and our entire existence, and as such have a great concentration of power in themselves. That is why I don't recommend to anybody to fool around with the chakras unless he/she knows what is doing. And in general nobody is expert in such practice due to the fact, already mentioned, that each and everyone of us is unique, having their personal experiences attuned to their own living being status. There is no guru anywhere to say with certainty what was happened to him it will happen also to you. Please be aware of this! Even a simple breathing exercise can have a major effect on some chakras if you don't know how to harmonize the prana flowing through your body. Remember also that Kundalini never sleeps -- in spite of some gurus’ sayings -- looping around in circles of T/S..........as living. She is active at all times and in total control of all living -- dead and alive!

Please take a look at the drawing bellow and realize that the Hippocratic caduceus is nothing else but Kundalini's chakras at work as the medicine of life. Anahata chakra is the narrow gate through which the Sadhaka (Practitioner) is making the escape from the "fallen", condensed living, to the "elevated", expanded living. This is a truth of axiomatic value and explains why the heart has an important role in all Esoteric Traditions, including Yoga. Through this Gate you absorb your lower chakras into the upper/divine ones and start your quest to Freedom. You toss your instincts for a divine living! 



The play is not so easy to comprehend because of “the catch of transcendentality”, which makes the taken/given exchange to intermingle and to change places at times. The illustration bellow is showing how higher chakras can become lower chakras for the transcendental points of a different T/S living velocity and vice versa. For a higher being the receiving chakras become giving chakras for a being of a lower living status -- the living game of boxes inside boxes. A god among many is giving to man all the help man can handle, but himself can get help from his God in his own quest for Freedom. This is showing to man how beautiful Life is indeed when the mutual sharing is in place among different hierarchic levels of being!

As you can see, different chakras are changing their energetic status according with the T/S living you are in. The higher becomes lower and the lower becomes higher accordingly. Transcending the three upper chakras is giving you a new status of being other than man, but don't be so sure that She will let you go from Being that easy. They will be more likely be-come the new lower chakras for the new and elevated being status your are in, making the "new being you" to "livingly dance" again. All the gods and Gods Himself have to dance in the Eternal Game of Living! This is what the  drawing bellow is trying to express in an imperfect (human) manner.



The tremendous existent material on chakras relieves me of getting into details with them, and the only thing I would like to add is the way TY is looking at them, which is quite different from most of Tantric Yoga way of teaching. The Warning is the same: don't fool around with chakras and Kundalini unless you purge your heart of sensorial impurities. IT can kill you!

The First difference is the fact that the above mentioned screening gate called Anahata chakra is of a major importance due to ITs special role in exchanging energy with others. As we all know, "Love" has the power of moving mountains........but so is the "Hate". In fact Hate is still Love, love for yourself against everybody else. When you turn away from loving around and start loving inward only, you start actually sorting things in good and evil (for you) and to hate around accordingly. A real yogi has to reunite the A/R present in his heart and share his heart with all others. Remember then when start making wars of sects, cults, religions and such that Hate is another kind of Love, a Love which fell from Heavens and broke ITs wings in the way down. It is the dangerous Love for yourself and your selfish desires against everybody else's. That is why Anahata is always shown as Solomon's star: one triangle pointed up, and the other pointed down – the two choices of all living! Anahata stays in the middle of man's two trinities!

Second is the fact that Muladhara, Swadishtana, and Manipura chakras are of a receiving kind, and as such, they should be treated as receiving stations of the signals coming from the 3 upper chakras. Left by themselves and without a proper guidance they can become harmful to yourself and to all others. You have to either invoke the upper chakras to come and help, or raise them to reunite with the upper chakras. You should never expect the lower three chakras to give you anything else but a better signal from the upper realms. They are shaping your being still, but under the harmonizing directions of the upper ones. All the deformities of the human body, all the sickness and misery are coming into the living because of the distortions in these chakras due to the lack of guidance from the upper chakras. When they go on their own, terrible things are happening in the body. Please try to understand the real danger here! Those 3 chakras are our lower trinity, the one giving us density, the ones we leave behind when we die!

To have a personal "feeling" about these three chakras try to visualize Earth, Water, and Fire as part of your living body. Extend then all these to the entire physical world and identify with them all in Samadhi. You will realize then that what is considered by many as "physical" is quite a bit "meta". IT would be more on this in other chapters.

Third is the fact that the Visudha, Ajna and Sahasrara (our higher trinity) are the upper three chakras for our human being condition and are not the last on the hierarchic scale of being. The stars in the sky are all there to witness the light ahead of our be-coming. They are all telling us that we are not man forever, that there are other more expanded beings out there.

The three yogis illustration above is trying to explain this tachyionic concept. Be-coming lighter and lighter you expand accordingly in T/S up to the transcendental point of no return and no duality, where previous or farther Being is no more. 



Axis Mundi / Cosmic Vortex


AxisMundi (Susumna) is the only gate able to transcend you beyond the T/S living, but only if Kundalini allows you to. Otherwise you will get stuck in living for an eternity. Imagine the Axis Mundi like an Infinite Bridge over the changing ocean of eternity. The Bridge is open in all directions, but you cannot realize IT. When you will..........you will IT!

From my own experience I can tell you also that any chakra you "open" (in order to get to a higher one) makes your body feel like dead from that point down. When you reach the final exit you are totally dead. The Turiya (Corpus Mortis) state instates and the body is like a corpse. Susumna can be also compared with a nuclear accelerator which is releasing energetic particles from the circulatory movement of chakras and put them into a new path of existence. The sudden release must be a rapt because of a sudden change of movement from circular to straight. The acceleration is Infinite and the Being vanishes in IT!

Einstein tells us that nothing is moving in the world but in circles. Yoga goes beyond this statement, proving the possibility of a straight movement beyond T/S -- similar to the one of the stone released suddenly from a sling. The centrifugal and centripetal forces do not apply to this movement due to ITs transcendental status. No living form can stand the final straight line movement toward IT, the speed being infinite in all directions and the mass zero. What remains is just..........a Singular Point in Infinite (IT)!

The drawing above (Cosmic Vortex) is explaining the above phenomenon in a very limited manner. The "Cosmic Swastika" is Kundalini's circular movement, and the point in the middle is the point of no return (IT). When the spin stops, Kundalini resorbs in Susumna, piercing all chakras and reuniting back into IT. This is happening in Mahapralaya……...the Big Resorption!

Forth is the fact that chakra vortexes are nothing else but the same old Being-T/S-Living-Energy which spreads out in all directions as living. The sleeping or awaking state of Kundalini and Her chakras is just a figure of speech not a reality. When as a yogi you "open" a chakra you feel like something moves, but this doesn't mean anything, and doesn't mean in anyway that chakra center was sleeping prior to this. You have a feeling and that is all! Kundalini never sleeps, and neither Her chakras -- that's why we are not dead when we are in deep sleep. It is man's ignorance which obscures Her doings inside him up to that point! When the ignorance goes away, so is the obscuration! She is aware of all existence at all times!

Fifth is the fact that four of the chakras: Muladhara (coccyss chakra), Anahata (heart chakra), Ajna (Eyes chakra), and Sahasrara (crown chakra) are called "Crossover Chakras", because they crossover in a plexus. That means here we cross over our energy with others, in our world and in others. Those are the most sensitive chakras, and the most dangerous in the same time! In those chakras the duality is more pregnant, more powerful. 


~  Muladhara has the lifetronic wave/particle duality;

~  Anahata has the A/R (Desire) duality;

~  Ajna has the Light/Darkness (L/D) duality, and 

~  Sahasrara has the Being/NotBeing (B/NB) duality.


A T/Yogi has to remember: in the end they are all a play of Duality -- of Bliss and Abyss resisting each other as senso-densities in different T/S velocities (the life we know)! Those are very powerful living forces! Please be careful with those chakras and with any chakra in general! You can "awake" a lot of trouble for you and others! And still, only by reuniting the duality existent in the chakras you can reunite the Being Flow and regain the Union (Yoga) -- turning your self Free to be and not to be at will!

Six is the fact that describing those energetic vortexes (pools) called Chakras as lotuses, geometrical shapes, letters and such is just a metaphoric way of expressing something which cannot otherwise be expressed. Taking this old descriptions "ad literam" is ignorance, particularly when you don't even know the language, don't live in places with lotus flowers, and have a totally different culture. Please don't do the same childish mistake most people are making today following the rigid dogma of some self-declared gurus with their "non profitable" yoga dogma centers. This is not Real Yoga! IT will never BE!

Remember also, there are not two people having the same metaphysical experience, therefore yours, as well as mine, will be always different. Not only this, but even your own experiences won't be the same from one to another because of the bewitching effect of T/S. And this is the most wonderful thing of all: being different though staying the same! Amazing!!!



























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