Monadic Harmony/Balance



The Earthly Energy is part of the Overall Cosmic Energy of Being, and so is our Lifetronic Energy. A balanced and healthy being has his energy harmoniously partitioned among his tissues, cells and molecules as lifetronic "prana". A disturbed balance is causing sickness and suffering among all the above, with a painful echo in the entire human body. The sickness is then an obstacle in the way of the cosmic flow, a barrier in front of the pranic flow of Bliss. Knowing this is making you responsible of all the misery and suffering you go through during your physical life and beyond. Man should never forget he is a multitude, not a singularity! Balancing his inner-multitude is man's duty for wellbeing!

In order to understand the very delicate mechanism of the living balance allow me to give  you couple of examples of how the above balance is harmonized at different T/S living levels:

~  for a Layman, who is working and living for money and all the physical comfort money bring in, the energetic flow is accomplished by a randomly spin of Destiny, where eye for eye is the main rule. Living blindly and dying blindly is the destiny of this large category!

~ for a Scientist, who pretends to know the "physics" of life very well, the energetic balance is accomplished by a long and very cumbersome chain of mindful connections, all compiled in formulas and physical laws of cause and effect, action-reaction, etc. Those laws and formulas are constantly changing, invalidating most of the time what was considered as a fact of life for a while.  Living by a split brain (rationally) and dying as such is the destiny of this category!

~  for a Saint, who "knows" that love is all IT counts, the story of the monk who asked God from the depth of his heart not to let the thief leave his hut empty handed when the later broke in is a good example. He was the poorest of them all, but God listen to his prayer and the thief left his hut with the only possession the monk had: an old blanket to cover him up in that cold night of winter. Writing now these lines I can't help not to cry at this gesture of Unconditional Love. All Sadhus do this, living totally naked and giving away their life for the real heavens. Living and dying lovingly is the destiny of a saint!

~  for Yogi, whose third eye opens and identifies with all life at all T/S levels, the bellow example is illustrative: a yogini decided to give herself up to be eaten by a family of tigers which were starved to death in Bengal jungle. She knew ahead of time what is going to happen, changing willingly by her action the living destiny of those tigers from beasts to future human beings. Living and dying at will is the way of immortals, which is sublime!  


From an immortal to a layman is a tremendous "Fall", and the only evolution of man is to climb back in T/S to his forgotten condition with the help of  RetroGenesis. You probably realize by now how many harmonic scales and how many different T/S scenarios life has. Can you really tell which is the best of them all? Sure you can! Yours is always the best, and everybody else's is a little less! Otherwise you won't be you anymore, you would be probably a tiger, a galaxy, a comet, or another human being. Do you realize IT? You are where your desire to be makes you belong! This is an Axiomatic Truth!

You are what you are by an act of Will/Focus which is defining you as such! Nobody was imposing you as you but you! The only thing is, you forgot about IT! If you are not pleased with your actual life is because you didn't know how to properly harmonize your lifetronic energy before coming into your actual life. Nobody is born to be a president, a movie star, or such, those are just silly social labels as social ranks. Nobody is born to be a criminal, a prostitute, or such either, those are social anathemas. Don't you ever go by social ranks or anathemas because only you can discover why you are what you are and give yourself a better Be-coming (Life) other than man all together. 


Balancing the Pranic Energy is one of Yoga's practices, and is called "Pranayama", the fourth limb of Patanjali's Yoga. Through Pranayama you are trying to master the flow of prana in your body and balance all your inner-multitude: organs, tissues, etc. The final goal of Pranayama, as you can easily see, is to keep you healthy, balanced, attuned to the Cosmic Energy. Yoga has then the most efficient medicine man can apply against sickness and misery. Beside the above mentioned Pranayama, Yoga has also means to make you balanced and well under any living circumstances like Mantras (Incantations), Mudras (Gestures), Mandalas (Mental Energetic Patterns), and finally, Samyama, the Trinity of Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditation), and Samadhi (Ecstasy).

But man has the tools of karma also as the dearest assets of senses, desires, thoughts, and deeds -- sequentially divided by the curse of T/S -- which scatters the internal flow of prana and turns our breathing restless. This is why you go to the doctor! Our social life -- with all  the sciences behind -- is responsible of man's scattering living full of misery, sickness, and frustration. Man’s pure heart is the only guide man has for an harmonious living, the one based on the omnipresent flow of Bliss. But when man starts to resist this free flow, he has just learned how to get sick and suffer.


To be a "tough" or a "weak" living being is not a harmonious living, both being out of balance. The middle way (Aureas Mediocritas) is the real balance of Being! "Buddha state" is the only perfect cosmic balance of ITSelf! This Harmony flows in all possible directions as Pure Light, evenly permeating the entire universe. When you approach a Buddha you automatically get balanced. This explains the mechanism behind "Buddha Power" and why by just living close to a Buddha you become one. The Buddha and the mad elephant is a perfect illustration of this (see the story in Appendix). According with your energetic status you are attuned to a certain reality (life), which is yours by choice, and exchanging lifetronic energy with others during your life span is your private reality attuned to your T/S energetic load.

When your energetic "frequency" is attuned with some of others you have parents, wife, children, friends, etc., and when they aren't, you have enemies, bad luck, etc. All of the above are just symbolic patterns of your living game and should be all regarded as such. Making a fuss out of a relationship or another is a living nonsense, translating into misery, sorrow, and sickness. This lifetronic energy, as I said, is part of a pool of Cosmic Energy, which has all possible patterns of your be-coming. You have to just know how to let the flow of living……...flow! This is TY's "let IT be" practice!

Everything that is possible for you to BE is in there, all your lifetronic patterns -- the old ones, as well as the new ones to come. This Cosmic pool is of Conscious kind, having all the seeds of Existence in IT, like a Memory Bank of nowadays computers. Yoga calls IT: Creative Consciousness (CC), and, as the name suggests, Creates, brings beings to life. Please try to be aware of this: for Yoga the entire Life Process is a Mindscape! 

You have to look at IT like an Infinite Ocean in which each wave is a being pattern, an entity of ITs own. The waves (vrittis) come and go, but the Mindful Ocean (vasanas) always remains! The living adventure is open in infinite directions, Life being a multidirectional process in continuous motion, not a solid action going in one single direction. That is why also you can turn your life around at any T/S. Don't limit yourself to just your existing life, try to penetrate your P/F and live in the continuous Now of Samadhi, where miracles are permitted and the suffering is unknown of. Please try to keep this in your mind in order to harmonize your T/S living for a better be-coming!

And if you need help with this, Tachy Yoga can help you indeed! You can go with any other means closer to your heart if you want, but in any case try remember to take all the T/S you need because you are eternal. And in doing this, don't you forget to live always, always by heart, not by brain! This is the vision upon life of a real Tachy Yogi!





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