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RRAutoLib.Scripting Namespace

This namespace provides services for verifying, compiling, and binding user scipts for operation. It also contains helper methods specifically tailored to be used within the scripting context.
Public classCompilerService
Provides user script compilation support.
Public classCompilerServiceScriptError
Represents a script compilation error.
Public classScriptEventArgs
Data exchange class passed to script event handlers.
Public classScriptEventBinder
This class provides script binding services between railroad object events and delegate handlers.
Public classScripting
Provides helper methods for scripting.
Public classScriptingEventsList
Collection initializer used to encapsulate a list of scripting events.
Public classScriptingVariableBag
Provides a key indexed variable bag.
Public interfaceISupportsScriptEvents
Interface implemented by objects that support bindable scripting events.