Samadhi Whispers



The Final Theory


Faith gives you a destiny to be!


Faith is your Final Theory to be, your GI (God Issued) code of being!
The power of the Faith has been seen in numerous occasions, when people turned fanatic as a result of it. Just look at those terrorists blowing themselves up because of their deep rooted faith in their religious vision. When you have faith you can't see anything else except the vision of that faith. And in all those having such fanatic faith, a vision of something better waiting for them ahead is always present. If wouldn't have been for such vision of some better living waiting for them ahead the faith would be sterile, therefore inactive. So faith is something to sacrifice your life for in order to reach something presumably better than your actual life. Today, unfortunately, drugs are used to turn people fanatic and do abominable things for the ones in power of mankind!

Faith is something bigger than Life, going far beyond human behavior. Saying that Faith is divine is not an exaggeration then, unless is instilled to you via brain-hacking means (as it happens today). A Faith is giving you the power to sacrifice your own life for a better envisioned other. You don't do this because you are curious, desperate or ill, you are doing this without even knowing exactly why. IT is something above your normal reasoning. Faith is an overcharged belief which somehow uplifts your human status. You don't know exactly how came to you, but you know without a doubt it is right for you. 


The Faith has then a great amount of trust attached to IT. This kind of trust is always coming from the heart, never from the brain. This is your Final Theory upon living coming to you as a pinpointed attraction of the heart! This is what differentiates a Faith from a belief or a desire. A desire can come and go easily, a belief can be changed or modified in time, but Faith remains as such for a very long period of time. People die usually with the Faith they have nourished all their life, seeding their farther life(ves) to come with it.

The Final Theory in physics has something similar in this respect, trying to explain with one single stroke all the physics applied to the universe -- in the same manner the man is trying to explain in one single stroke the meaning and understanding of all his life(ves). All human beings have their own Final Theory when they exit the living, without exception. They've worked on IT all their life(ves) without even knowing IT. The power of Faith doesn't come from this life only then, it was accumulated throughout a long string of previous lives, each of whom was adding a small droplet into the whole bucket. There is no man without having his own Final Theory when he departs! This is an Axiomatic Truth!

Finding your own Final Theory is then the way you fulfill your life. In the old times most of the monastery people and monks stated their "Credo", in which they described their Faith. IT was a short explanation of their Faith. IT is an important statement because you die with IT. IT stays with you in living and dying as well! You always remember IT because is the synthesis of all your lives. I have my own at the end of TY book, and any real yogi has a similar final faith (vow) engraved deep in his mind. On paper or in your mind, your Faith is always there waiting to be fulfilled. When this Final Faith is fulfilled, you are ready to withdraw from T/S living and its realm of shit happens! 


The reason why a Faith is so powerful is the mind setup. Deep inside your mind a pinpointed will is inspiring you to do what you do. You don't know exactly why, but you know for sure it is for your own good. And as TY knows, this resides in the heart not in the brain as we were told in schools and society at large. There is no will not coming from the heart, the brain just storing them as they come along for farther use and abuse! The heart is indeed our true will and mind! This is an Axiomatic Truth!

High developed beings, called Avatars (the immortals), do know, having all their actions synchronized with the Cosmic Will. They come in the living and go back beyond the living in accord with this Will. Their Faith is the same with the Cosmic Faith. This is a divine Faith, has no limits, and moves around as a Living Will. Known in mankind's history as the Sons of God, they travel in T/S living at will, being the best helpers the mankind can have. But who are they for real? Nobody else than you and me in a higher state of mind. So you better have Faith in them because their Faith is universal. A Faith is then something that upgrades in T/S up to the point when be-comes a universal and well established state of mind engraved in your heart as your bio-script. At this final level the Faith turns into a Universal Will with no limits of T/S. The transient living is gone, the duality vanishes, only the Will remains. Nothing else can be said about IT! The more you talk about IT, the less you achieve IT! 

To have Faith is then the very condition of being, of any being in existence, because IT is engraved there. Every cell, every particle in your body has IT, as well as any particle in the universe. This is what keeps the life going, avoiding its dissolution. And this is also what makes a Tachy Yogi stick with his practice. This Faith comes from the same, therefore has to be the same for everyone. And IT is! But the T/S scrambles IT in endless many just to play different. With this kind of Life understanding you must love even your worse enemy, even death. You do this not because IT is imposed upon you or because of a drug given to you, but finally comprehend IT. But until this understanding comes along, you start continuously upgrading your own Faith. 


God did have Faith in man in the beginning, the religious dogma says, letting man play in his backyard with the Substance of Life. But after the "sin" He removed it from his sight, just as a precaution. Was this mistrust or fear? I believe it was both because the mistrust comes out of fear. But do you really believe in this story? I don't! I don’t even believe man is made in God's image either! No one in his mind can believe this, and all religious dogmas are in fact silly fabrications of some few to lead mankind by the nose and stay in power!

What I am trying to make out of this example is the fact that a Faith, regardless of the outcome of any living action, should never be always upgraded, never downgraded! A mistake is just a minor inconvenience for the T/S living, Mother Nature makes plenty and the world keeps on ticking still! So why should God punish man for trying to be like Him? But IT was in the beginning, when God did not actually make the world yet, just the blue print. So the mistake was actually God's then, and we are grounded for an Eternity paying with our transient and miserable life for one silly mistake. What kind of Faith in his own creation is this anyway? Not a very strong one I am afraid! God was a sinful oscillator then, changing his mind the same way man does. How can anyone believe in such silly story is beyond my imagination, particularly today when we have valid proves all religions are silly fabrications of the crooked ones in power of mankind!


Using scary god stories like the one above to brain-hack people's mind, all religions are in fact crimes against humanity. From generations our thinking is wrongly oriented toward mistrust and fear. What kind of Faith in you and others can you have with such a gloomy mind setup? And there are hundreds of dogmatic traditions of this kind, all using brain-hacking means to overpower the weak by making him believe into a fabricated past that never actually existed. Christianity is a good example in this regard, spreading the fabricated story of Jesus, a fake story of a fictitious jew character who never actually existed. The jews did all this in order to make the Roman Empire thrive. Moses' story is of the same fictitious type, having the same dirty purpose in mind. The real god of the jews is Money, and they've managed to make this god universally spread all across mankind! When you start with TY you must let go of all those pitiful visions. You have to start as a new, like a new born baby building his own heaven to be! 


Please take a pen and a piece of paper and write down your Final Faith as of right now! Try then to upgrade your Faith everyday according with what you have read so far by paying a keen attention how this will change your life in a way or another and visualize this as the best thing you can do with your life for the time being. This will turn you new with each passing day!

Memorize the fact that any Faith begins with the trust in yourself!

When the trust in yourself is complete, you be-come trustful.

Realizing this, your trust extends to All that IT is.

Reaching that point your Faith be-comes Universally Known, and the Will of Your Mind becomes one with the Cosmic Will! When your Will comes out, IT creates Life! Don't cling on this, just go farther and turn IT!

As for me, I am with you in everything you do.............doing the same!





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