Samkhya's Tattwas

(The eternal principles of Nature)

Avyakta (unmanifest)

1st - Purusha (Conscious Subject)

2d - Prakriti (Non-conscious Object)

Vyakta (manifest)

3d - Buddhi (Mahat / Pure Intellect)

Intellectual Creation

4th - Ahamkara (Ego-Self / "I"ness)

(The source of all other subsequent tattwas)






Rajas aspect of Ahamkara

(the Desire to be)


Sattwa aspect of Ahamkara (5th tattwa - Manas or the Mind)  (purity/truth/reality/ goodness/substantial) Tamas aspect of Ahamkara

(darkness/inertia/immobility/ ignorance)
















Subtle Matter







Bhutas/Gross Elements,
Visible tattwas








According with Samkhya the Ahamkara tattwa (Ego-Self) has three aspects:


  ~ The Rajas aspect of Ahamkara tattwa is the fundamental principle from which the other two (Sattwa and Tamas) arise. Those 3 qualities are called  Gunas! Rajas (the Desire to be) is obviously considered the "engine of life" by Samkhya, the same way all other Spiritual Traditions do.  But from this good start, the theory of tattwas becomes very human-centric, proving its obvious human limitations.


  ~ From the Sattva aspect comes the 5th tattwa (Manas/Mind), with its faculty of thinking, reasoning, and memory. Our feelings are included here as well! Manas is actually considered by Samkhya the lower mind, the mind of the senses leading to instincts and A/R in the Heart. Together with the Ahamkara (Self) and the Buddhi (Intellect), Manas becomes the Antakarana (the "inner organ" or the Consciousness). From the Sattwic aspect of Ahamkara arise also the ten Indriyas ("powers" or "abilities"):


    - five of which are the sense-powers or buddindriyas (seeing, hearing, touching, etc), and

    - five are the action-powers or karmendriyas (speaking, grasping, walking, etc). 


  ~ From the Tamas aspect (called bhutadi or "origin of the elements"), arise the five elements of subtle matter (Tanmatras) -- which are producing also the five elements of gross matter (Mahabhutas -- the "gross elements" or visible tattwas).


My Note: Those are the 25 tattwas, the eternal principles of Nature all creation is made of according with Samkhya concept, having Avyakta (TY's IT) beyond, the S/O separation (Purusha and Prakriti) as "ingredients", and the Buddhi (Intelligence) as the "know how"! This old concept was slightly embellished later on by some new terms, but the essence remains the same. The vision inserted here sees all life as a mindscape, obviously, which stays at the base of all Yogas.

It shows that all existence/being is a heartfelt mindscape at all ITs levels, and is not a man oriented event by any means! As a mindscaping process (a dream), Life deployments have no limits, going beyond human nature! Being/Life is a sentient organism in all ITs aspects -- from a rock, to a man, and infinitely here-everywhere. Man is obviously not in the center of the dualistic universe of Being!


The Unmanifest (Attributeless) or Manifest (Attributive) aspect of Being (Life) are just in the eye of beholder according with the sensorial box is encased into, not a matter of fact! What man can't see and be aware of in his own habitat becomes Attributeless for him, in spite of being actually present as an alien living habitat to man. This doesn’t mean is no living there, just that we don't have the proper skills to access realities outside our sensoriality (our "senso-mind"). Life refinements are Infinite, coming out and getting back in Infinite...........with no end or beginning in sight! As a play of Bliss and Abyss, Life is just a display of endless densities moving in various T/S velocities -- all mindful in nature! This Mind is Attributeless indeed, that's why IT looks like Darkness to us. But today the scientists have just discovered this Darkness has actually All that IT is in IT. This All Pervading Darkness is actually nothing else but the ignorance of the one uttering IT!


Buddha, Patanjali, and Padma Sambhava after them, did understand all this very well, seeing our entrapment in density and suffering! Nowadays Yoga lost the touch, falling under the religious trance and seeing man and his limited universe as the apogee of all there is. Science has plenty of hints today to show our universe and all living inside it is of a very poor design. TY is trying to make a Real Union between Yoga and Science. Only such Union can save us from extinction!


I give bellow the right interpretation of how the Tattwas must be envisioned by those free of obscuration.




The Wholesome Union

The House of Purushas

(The Unknown, Undefined and Omnipotential Plenitude)


1st - The Purusha of Being

The 7th element

(ITSelf / an Eternity / an Emanation / an  Aeon)


2d - Alaya Consciousness

The 6th Element

(The Mindful Script of Being / Being's Database)


Mindful Creations


3d - The Void of Whole Multitude

(The Sensorial play of Bliss and Abyss)


Individual Destinies


4th - Seeded Selves

(Senso-minds / Darklites)


Man's STrinity to be

(The Scattered Trinity of Mind-Energy-Density)


Desirous / Procreative Movement

(Duality / The Great Breath / The Living Energy)


Man's Living Physicality

(man's desirous living oscillation)

man's inner-multitude

living actions

man's outer-multitude

t/s velocities

















The 5 Elements








Life Densities








In the beginning IT was (the Singularity), not the beginning! Then the Being has suddenly come in fruition from this Potential Interstice filled to the rim with all the necessary ingredients for Being to be. But the Being is just a "Universion" of living - a Purusha - one based on witnessing. That's why the Emanation coming out from ITs Potential Interstice for Being to be was ITSelf (a Reflection of IT). This reflection last for an Eternity (Aeon) as the Purusha of Being! But there are many other Purushas inside ITs Potential Interstice, that's why TY calls ITs Interstice the House of Purushas.


The Purusha of Being came out from inside ITs Interstice with an Eternal Blue Print called Alaya Consciousness. This Consciousness is Procreative, that's why Yoga calls it Creative Consciousness (CC). From ITs perspective the CC looks like an Empty Void (a Dream), but from outside of IT looks like a Multitude. That's why Buddha has defined this CC as Voidness/Sunyata. Even science knows of this Voidness as the furnace of the Being universe. But as TYoga found out, the Void is just a Portal and not the Final Freedom a real yogi should look for!


The Living Multitude is of sensorial nature as heartfelt vibrations (feelings). For all those endless in number Sensorial Attributes to get noticed, a seeded Assessor (Mirroring Self) and a Procreative (Desirous) Impulse is present in each -- the STrinity of Mind-Soul-Body creating the illusion of S/O and T/S. This Procreative Movement is accomplished by the dualistic play of Bliss and Abyss, giving to the entire Being the Great Breath. Nothing can BE without this Pranic Breath blowing! At man's level this Great Breath is called oscillation, and is always between the good and evil -- due to man's faulty belief in S/O separation and T/S. That's why man suffers so much, dies, and suffer again as a new............eternally so!


Due to this faulty belief in S/O separation and T/S -- inspired by all religions (yoga included) and science -- man is not able to see the Union of All that IT is, separating himself from everything else as a subject and treating everything else in the living as objects. Because of this grievous mistake he starts then fighting with anything that is not convenient for him. That's how man has managed to separate from Being and create a Cosmos, a small embellished parcel he thinks of as his universe. In doing this man made in fact a god-center out of himself, going against the Being universe as a whole. And as of late, even this god has split in numerous many, bringing a bloody religious mess in our social life and in Mother Nature's Sanctuary.


Man is a terrible sin, because he downgrades the Majestic Union of Being to just few silly senso-attributes pertaining to his transient food based body (AnnaMayaKosha). In doing this he is not able to see farther than his own nose, living in his precarious man tunnel and suffering plenty. In spite of all this, he thinks of him as the apogee of all creation, looking for some other beings like him in the universe at large. But the Universe of Being is not a man oriented universe, and today man is about to wake up to this old truth and realize his pitiful status of a puppet.


Living in a universe with five distinctive densities -- light, air, fire, water and dryness -- man has them all well represented inside him as what he is and all around him. But there are way more densities inside man, all around him, and in the universe man lives in -- as TY has discovered -- densities way beyond that of light and that of dirt (the two extreme densities at man's level of living).


As far as the Time and Space, they are both states of mind, without intrinsic reality, therefore inexistent for TY. In the end the entire Being universe is an illusion, a dream of the Purusha dreaming of it. And even this Purusha is just a "uni-version" of what stays forever sealed in the House of Purushas (the Mighty Origin). The very duty of a Tachy Yogi is to exit his human cocoon and get back into this undetached Origin without ever detaching from IT except as a Purusha uttering his own uni-version to retreat right after back in IT! A TYogi knows: the Real Union is Infinite, having no split in IT! Splitting from IT you turn into an illusory finITe............but you are still inside IT! Nothing can escape from IT!

Only man's heart can help him to get back in The Real Union!


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