All that "buzzing"



the thermo-dynamic-scandal


Remove Duality and the T/S is gone!

Remover T/S and the Duality is gone!

Duality and T/S are then one and the same!

Remove any of the two and the Being is gone!

Tachy Yoga is based entirely upon this valid concept revealed to me in Samadhi!

The Infinite Rock (black hole) is absorbing everything in IT! The Golden Dust (wormhole) is throwing everything out of IT! What is in between is matching the puzzle which defines the man, the monkey, the  sun and everything else we know -- dualistic clusters of A/R playing the dualistic game of living densities in different T/S velocities. Only what stays beyond the living show stays always the same!

Any detachment from Chit (Cosmic Memory Bank) be-comes an attachment to a sequential cluster of T/S living. This is an axiomatic truth priory revealed! We have all heard about the genetic code as a matched puzzle which defines a certain entity having a particular senso-mind (being/selfing) status. We know by now also that changing this self is the permanent job of T/S, and as such, defines life.



That is why we can consider Life as a continuous rearrangement of selves in a T/S frame which always escapes the Present, working in Past/Future (P/F) only. Anything in the living can be anything else by just a slight change here and there. Accordingly, any self can be rearranged to be any self else! The old Seers knew all this very well! The biogenetics today are very proud to mingle with this at physical level. They start cloning everything life can offer, mostly by guessing than by knowing indeed. In the old times this was a very well known art -- the art of mutating life at will. But science treats all those old pictorials as myths, just to play smarter than those wise old timers.

Yoga has a very different approach on Life. For Yoga Life is a creative vibration (prana) of gunas, which is individualized in each self, defining it as such: a man, a monkey, a sun, etc. -- living densities to be. The last and over all "buzz" of the entire creation is "OM", and is paramount. That is why Yoga sees life everywhere as a cosmic vibration in mutual interchange -- a Living Organism. For Yoga all life is then a vibrating movement in perfect harmony with ITSelf.

Science splits life in organic and inorganic worlds, the later having no "rights" to life, being just an annex of the former -- in spite of being present in-organic, as the word itself reveals. But even science admits the "thermo-dynamic-scandal", the "buzz" present throughout the entire living. It is up to you then to join a view or another according with your own talent to be. But please, don't stay in between if you want to accomplish something with your actual life!





What I can tell from my life experience and through my own Tachy Yoga practice is that the only escape from the eternal cosmic chain of A/R and T/S is through Yoga. This should be obvious to you by now from the prior chapters. Nothing and nobody can stop the "buzz" but Yoga.........through CVN! And as I said before, the escape has to be transcendental (a rapt), something that can be never explained in words or by any other means. Yoga's Samadhi is the only way because is giving you the possibility of knowing-becoming -- which science can't deliver -- which has the power of revealing the beyond! 



Did you ever wonder how can a real yogi stay for hours, even days, in a static position (asana) like a statue? Do you think that poor guy is a "sissy"?

Did you wonder what he is discovering there? If you do, Samadhi is what he is in! He is beyond human living!

Did you wonder why some prominent figures of social life are joining Yoga's team and start meditating?

Did you wonder why Einstein turned mystic in the end?

Did you wonder where all mankind's crucial discoveries are coming from?

Do you think all these people are "sissy" too?

Those questions are for you to answer accordingly!


In order to go beyond the A/R "buzz" you must first recognize them, accept them as such, and understand their play and their "enchantment trick". You do this by using Yoga's method of inquiry. You start witnessing your everyday actions until you discover why are you doing this or that, and what is pushing you in one direction or another. This gives you the knowing indeed!

Little by little you realize how life works by what you be-come. But in order to do this you have to be alert at all time, and this is not so easy when you are part of the action. That is why you must sit down and meditate upon your actions once in a while. You will see how clear the image becomes when you look at life this way. The action is gone, you are sitting in a stable position (asana), and you start analyzing the living from a perspective of an impartial witness. IT is a wonderful task, and a blissful one too!  

You will slowly understand why the escape has to be a rapt (transcendental), and why this is considered as death from the layman point of view, and as death of death from Yoga's. Slowly the fear disappear and the confidence grows exponentially, giving you the View of you new! IT will be more on this in the chapter called "PATH".

Whatever guru is telling you about any other easier way to escape duality (A/R) is either showing off or is trying to make money out of your ignorance. You must work very hard to escape your dualistic desires (A/R), because you have worked so hard and for so long to keep them there. That is why the help should be accordingly great and transcendental. No man or yogi can work by himself on this. It just appears to be that way, but the help is there in abundance from beyond, believe me!

The A/R connection is very strong at certain living levels, and rather weak at some other levels. Some bonds inside our body for instance are so strong that unbinding them will make you die. But the desire of having a bike, a car, etc., won't make you die if not satisfied. Any accomplished Attraction (A) is felt as an expansive T/S  movement, having always a twin Repulsion (R) behind (you enjoy an accomplished desire only if you can keep at bay all that is against it and repulsive to it). The dualistic game of desire at work!

Don't you get fooled by a temporary pleasure of senses then, like ecstasy or such, because IT will enslave you by the desire of having it again and again. That is why Yoga is teaching you to look at A/R as a chain, each link leading to another, and another, and another. Those links (vasanas) multiply with a tachyionic speed, becoming slowly seeded in you and very hard to remove. Be aware of this when you make your next wish!


To escape or to get bonded to A/R is a matter of personal approach. We trade them both usually for some other ones during our life and beyond. Their total disappearance is possible only by learning Yoga's detachment practice. The total enslavery to them becomes possible by using the attachment practices our society is offering us everyday all the way to our grave.

Man's heart is the screening gate through which our A/R are formed, matching a certain T/S living scenario. Unless you expand this lower manas (senses) into the blissful Union of the Cosmic Memory and stop all their movement in the end through ChittaVrittiNirodhah, you cannot escape them for something better. All our A/R and the T/S idea are illusory stunts of Cybela Maya, binding us to Lila (the game of life) for an eternity. The bond will stay as a karmic destiny going in dualistic living loops forever. That's what an eternity is for, to bring us back in the desirous realm of duality in eternal cycles of T/S (Aeons/Yugas)!

The "buzzing" sound of T/S living and dying stops only when the Infinite Silence of IT instates. Try to imagine a cosmic stumbling causing an infinite inertia of All that IT is. The infinite compressed "dog pile" would be just like a W/Hole -- the Wholesome Plenitude of the Singularity! If you decide to wait that long, just wait! Some few -- knowing of T/S as nonexistent -- try to transcend duality through the means of Yoga practice!






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