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RRAutoLib.CTC Namespace

This namespace contains classes for CTC (Centralized Traffic Control). The consumers of this framework are user interfaces.

The central class of this namespace is CtcService.
Public classAccessoriesList
A list of Accessory objects.
Public classAccessory
An accessory object to be controled.
Public classBlock
A set of Track objects treated as one unit.
Public classBlocksList
A list of Block objects.
Public classButton
An switchboard button.
Public classButtonsList
A list of Button objects.
Public classCtcIsStartedException
Exception thrown when execution is forbidden while the CtcService is started.
Public classCtcIsStoppedException
Exception thrown when execution is forbidden while the CtcService is stopped.
Public classCtcObjectBase
Abstract base class for CTC and switchboard objects.
Public classCtcObjectListBaseT
Abstract base class for lists of CTC and switchboard objects.
Public classCtcService
The main class for providing CTC (Centralized Traffic Control) services.
Public classEngine
A DCC locomotive to be controled.
Public classEnginesList
A list of Engine objects.
Public classEventScript
A script that can be triggered by one or more events.
Public classEventScriptEvent
Public classEventScriptEventsList
Public classEventScriptsList
A list of EventScript objects.
Public classGlobalScript
A script containing shared classes, methods, and variable declarations.
Public classGlobalScriptsList
A list of GlobalScript objects.
Public classLabel
An switchboard text label.
Public classLabelsList
A list of Label objects.
Public classOnCtcThreadException
Exception thrown when execution is forbidden on the CtcService's thread.
Public classPkStatesList
Provides means for a CTC object to have packet sending states.
Public classPkStatesListState
Provides the configuration of a single state.
Public classRoute
A set of Track objects with a particular turnout state configuration.
Public classRouteRouteElement
A switchboard track object with a configured turnout state.
Public classRouteRouteElementList
Public classRoutesList
A list of Route objects.
Public classSensor
A sensor or input object.
Public classSensorsList
A list of Sensor objects.
Public classSequence
A series of Loconet packets that can be played back onto the network.
Public classSequenceSeqItem
A sequence item which represents a packet to be played (sent to the Locoent network) at a given time.
Public classSequencesList
A list of Sequence objects.
Public classSignal
A switchboard signal object.
Public classSignalsList
A list of Signal objects.
Public classStepScript
A script that can be started, stopped and resumed from defined step points.
Public classStepScriptsList
A list of StepScript objects.
Public classTrack
A switchboard track object.
Public classTracksList
A list of Track objects.
Public structureLocation
The grid location of a switchboard object.
Public interfaceICtcObjectBase
Interface implemented by classes derived from CtcObjectBase that have a global unique identifier.
Public interfaceICtcObjectListBase
Generic interface for lists of CTC objects.
Public interfaceILocation
Interface implemented by classes derived from CtcObjectBase that have a switchboard location.
Public interfaceIPkStates
Interface implemented by classes derived from CtcObjectBase that have packet sending states.
Public interfaceIScript
Interface implemented by classes derived from CtcObjectBase that have editable script.
Public interfaceISwBrdOperable
Interface implemented by classes derived from CtcObjectBase that can be operated from the switchboard.
Public interfaceITopLayer
Interface implemented by classes derived from CtcObjectBase that float obove the tracks.
Public enumerationAlignment
Object alignment as it relates to its parent.
Public enumerationButtonButtonBehavior
Operation button behavior.
Public enumerationButtonButtonLook
Switchboard button look.
Public enumerationCtcServiceMessageCat
The category of a CTC message event.
Public enumerationEngineBindSlotResult
Results returned by the BindSlotResponse event after calling BindSlot(Boolean).
Public enumerationEngineUnbindSlotResult
Results returned by the UnbindSlotResponse event after calling UnbindSlot(Boolean).
Public enumerationPkStatesListStateDisposition
Enumerates the disposition options of a state.
Public enumerationRouteRouteState
Public enumerationSensorDeviceType
The device type generating the sensor event packets.
Public enumerationSensorObservePacketType
The Loconet packet type to observe for sensor events.
Public enumerationSequenceSeqStatus
Public enumerationSerializationContent
Layout content type being saved and/or loaded.
Public enumerationSignalSignalAspect
Enumerates the available signal aspects.
Public enumerationSignalSignalConfig
Enumerates the available signal aspect configurations.
Public enumerationTrackTrackState
Enumerates the available track states.
Public enumerationTrackTrackType
Enumerates the available track types.