By Trinogen



 A Tachy Yoga Terrestrial Stress Relief book





Regardless how many………

The ONE prevails!










Your heart lives in High Heavens!

But you must live IT to believe IT!




Do you know you can live in Heavens when still alive in the body encasement of man? I am not talking taking drugs here, that’s living in a Zombie world. I am talking here about living your everyday life in Heavens – every moment of it – as all real yogis live. And is not even difficult as you may think, you have to just know your self a little better, that’s all. And knowing you is possible only by trusting you -- trusting your pure heart!


You don’t even need to practice Yoga, to do breathing exercises, or to meditate. What you need to do is to change the View.........of you. You are new every second of your life, but you are not aware of this, thinking of getting old instead. All you need to do is to reverse all this faulty vision and live your life naturally, letting the living flow to unfold from within and outside in. Do you know what that means? You will after you read what is inserted here and try to live your everyday life in a heartfelt manner as the entire universe does.


You need to put your heart in IT because that’s what all life and all existence really is: a heartfelt passion to be! Without this passion the living is dead, and so will you. Many people live their life in this redundant manner, killing themselves slowly without even realizing it. You must get out of this deadly trance and become a new you. You can do IT, have no doubt, because many men before you did IT, and any man can do what other men already did!


So take that trust in you seriously, put some passion and faith in your everyday living actions, and you will be forever new, unborn, and unbecoming………as the entire universe really is. You don’t need to be handsome, rich, or someone famous to accomplish this, just being yourself will do fine. And please understand, this is not metaphoric talk or poetry, this actually happens. IT did happen to me, and many, many others. IT will happen to you as well, be very sure about IT, because we are all of the same kind – mankind.


Knowing your self is all IT takes!




What Life is



Taking the trip of knowing you is not possible unless you know first what Life really is. From schools and other social institutions you separate life in many kinds, types, species, etc., etc., all giving you a separatist vision upon it. You start believing then in organic and inorganic, in beings and phenomena, etc., scattering the living in many avenues just for the sake of knowing. But this is not knowing at all, because it breaks the Union of Life in many separatist views, placing man above everything else and spreading the belief in good and evil. When this happens you start knowing of your self and only, disregarding any other living and start destroying all living around for your selfish wellbeing. This is not how Life works, and you must get out from this religio-scientific trance and live your life accordingly!

 Life is a communion (a common Union) of entities for the purpose of joy and happiness of each. Life is then everywhere you look – above, bellow, inside, outside, and beyond – therefore every tiny part of Life is entitled to enjoy Life, not just man. From this perspective the way man understands the living today is totally wrong. Life is centered indeed in each one of us and each other entities not like us, but that doesn’t mean that center has the right to destroy all around for his own benefit. That center called Ego-Self is very important indeed – as we will farther see – but He has to remember ITSelf as One in Everyone. This is the Real Union man has to discover in order to accomplish real happiness. 

When this Union is discovered you will really understand the meaningless of labeling and of any language in general – all based on a separatist view upon Life and all living. All the misery we have in the world today is based on this separatist view. This view has to change with the view upon Life as an endless Union of entities harmoniously sharing a common goal and destiny, which is infinite happiness (Bliss, Ecstasy). The Being Universe is a Living Organism indeed (as it shows in its very name)! Please take this as such because is totally true, and you can prove it to your self when your view upon Life changes accordingly. For this view to be present you must first to get rid of your prior view (belief), the one looking at Life in a separatist manner. I give bellow the new view of you new: 

  • Life is everywhere as One for each and everyone. Don’t you make labels!

  • Man is mankind, and mankind has two parents: Earth as Mother, and Sun as Father.

  • The so called phenomena are living entities, don’t you treat them as lifeless events.

  • Everything in the living is intelligent, having a consciousness of its own.

  • Don’t you make a Center out of your own self, make rather that Center universally spread as IT really is.


Allow me to explain this new view in a more comprehensive manner.

The entire universe is a Living Organism having a Majestic Intelligence. We have our own from this one and only. Don’t you label the universe then as “matter” or “phenomenon”, because this is just an empty label making you smart and the universe dummy. How can you accept such a silly view? Aren’t you ashamed of doing this? Change the view, for your own good!


Mankind is one, in spite of individually many of the same kind. Our parents of origin are the Earth and the Sun, and so is everybody’s living on this planet. Any tribal man knows this, but we label them as savages, treating them as dummy children. Well, they might be children alright, but they have the advantage of not going to school to be brain-hacked of thinking our planet is just a rock holding us up, and the sun just a huge atomic bomb. Man is a creature made out of dirt and other elements present on Mother Earths belly. But science is saying we are outsourced here from other places, the same way we outsource our jobs to India, China and other countries. It is amazing to see how science is changing its views from one time to another, playing silly all along.

The Sun is our father indeed, enlightening us out of darkness and giving us the living energy without which nothing can be called alive on Earth. I don’t even bother to substantiate this truth here because is too obvious. But sure, that doesn’t mean you have to start bowing in front of the sun and call him god, because you already do this by not being able to look at the sun. Do you see what I mean? When a living entity is above another is always obvious, there is no need for such thing to be explained. Only a weak one needs to explain himself. Just look at all those talkative politicians, clericals, and many other silly blabbers. If you are not able to understand this you will never ever make your self happy, thinking either that you are made by a god (as all religions are spreading around), or out of a dummy matter (as all sciences are saying) -- which are both actually the same. Get out of this religio-scientific trance!

Man is then a combination of a solar (energetic) body and an inert/dense body, both giving him a dualistic living. The sexual act needed to come into the living is irrelevant, the human parents being just the vehicles through which our real parents accomplish their goal. When we die those two bodies separate, going back to their rightful parents. If you know how to take advantage of this opportunity as all real yogis do you have a chance to get free from sensorial trap of man and live in better realms of being. Not knowing of this man thinks he is dead, missing this wonderful opportunity. I am not allowed to reveal more on this, but please be can get free of man's suit and its associated misery!


When an earthquake, a tornado, a hurricane, etc. strikes you are afraid, trying to save your life. But then they go away, and you forget all this for a while. Then they strike again, and so on. By just looking at this you start thinking at them as evil events, separating them from the life at large -- even a scientist is unconsciously doing this, in spite of knowing they are still part of life. Then you label them as evil phenomena – a bad and lifeless process. It never occurs to you those “evil phenomena” can actually be living entities teaching man a living lesson. They are all coming from Mother Earth, to go back to the same Mother of ours. Did anyone ask our Mother why is She doing this? I am sure he will get an answer!


Intelligence is an attribute of man and man only! Everything else in the living is dummy compare with us. This is man’s belief today! Wow! What a big EGO we have indeed to believe in such an untrue reality. Our Mother Earth is building us from top to toe, our Father Sun is giving us and to everything else the living light, and they are both dummy compare with us. How can man have such a dummy attitude? Hey man, aren’t you ashamed to think this way? Apparently the scientists aren’t, pushing us all into extinction.

The truth is that everything in the universe is intelligent, otherwise the universe will fall apart in an instant. Our cells are intelligent, a microbe is intelligent, a grain of sand is intelligent (giving us the computers today), a rock is intelligent…………everything. You better believe it! The universe can’t function without this intelligence present everywhere you look. If one single particle of dust would lack intelligence, the entire universe will then lack intelligence.


Everything has a center……..everything. That’s the mystery of all living. Man has IT in his pure heart (Hridaya), and so is everything else. That’s how the universe avoids falling apart. This Center is actually the source of all Life we know and of the ones we don’t know yet. If wouldn’t be for this One and only Center the universe couldn’t be ever assessed as…………Being. But don’t you ever think of this because that's beyond thinking………..that’s living by heart.

I will try next to show you how to live by heart!




Living by Heart



Having the new view upon Life well established, let’s see what you can do with IT. It is a practice in the world that everyone is the best at - that’s the living practice. And this is the practice that will change when the view of you new is in place. Let’s take a circadian span and spread it in living events of you new.  

You wake up in the morning ready to drive your kids to school, to go to work, etc. Did you ever think of giving a glorious hello deep from your heart to the light coming from our father sun inside your house and all around when you just got out of the bed and start doing your everyday living routine? If you didn’t, just start doing IT! Start by saying hello to our real father Sun. Cloudy or not, raining or not, stormy or not, just do IT! Just say: “Hello Father Sun, happy to see you again!” You don’t need to say it out loud, just as an inside talk from your heart toward the sun. This is not a prayer, I remind you, just a heartfelt greeting to our real father! And your heart means IT!


Try then to find the Center, that witness in you making you……….you. When you find that Center, try to keep it totally impartial – as IT really is – without seeing any good or evil around. Allow me to clear the waters here a little. Everyone has his own goods and evils, everyone. Let’s say you have a meeting at work and you must be there on time, but your wife forgot to put the garbage out, to make the sandwiches for kids, and now you must do all this. And the evil will pop out: "she forgot again for god sake, and I am in the hurry. Why can’t she just remember for once”?  

But she forgot because she was in the hurry as well, trying to be at work in time to catch up with her work. You obviously don’t know this, until later in the evening when she will be home after taking the kids from your mom and tell you how sorry she was to forget. Then you will feel ashamed of having that evil inner-talk. Sure all this is just a harmless and silent talk in your mind, but the evil is there playing its game. Get rid of this game! 

When you finally get to work you find out the meeting was postponed, and the sun outside is smiling at you as a real father does, knowing his little trick making that meeting postponed is making his son happy again. Things like these are happening everyday, only if we just remember our real parents and give them the honor they deserve. Life is a beautiful flow of beings and happenings if you just turn your view new! Please do believe this!

Then at night, don’t you reprimand your wife for what she did, give her a hug instead and send your thanks to the Mother Earth to have such a wonderful companion. As a good Mother the Earth will farther protect you from having bad dreams that night. That’s living by heart, living in Union with your real parents and the universe at large! Try to maintain IT in your heart!


At work the good and evil is present as well, giving you the friends and foes making their living there. Take Joe for instance, that nasty guy coming at you and saying “late again Johnny, lucky you the meeting was postponed!” You are about to answer back in the same nasty manner, when all of a sudden you just remember that Universal Center, and you can see Joe as he really is, a loner, one who didn’t have a single happy moment in his life. And you will ask Joe “what is bothering your Joe, really, tell me, I might be able to help you!” This will take Joe by surprise, getting him out of his nasty habit, because you have just discovered his secret. When you will meet him next time invite him to have a coke with you, and he will align his Heart Center with yours, turning nice this time. All this is possible by just a simple alignment of hearts with that One and only Center. By finding that common Center you and Joe will become one!


Finding this common Center is of crucial importance for anyone in the living, giving you the trust in yourself and all others. Knowing of IT is giving you the view of you new. When you have IT life starts to be filled with happy events for you, as IT really is from the perspective of that Center. Then you won’t believe in getting old, in suffering, or dying, knowing that Center is present everywhere as a new you, forever young and unbecoming. You will know then that being a man is just a transient state of that Center, a state among many endless others. Knowing of this is giving you so much trust in that Center that your life as man will turn into a continuous flow of blissful events.


Getting out of work you remember needing a hair cut and you enter a hair dresser shop near by. Another opportunity to get blissful is present there as well if you know how to discover that Center again. You sit there looking at you in the mirror and at that hair dresser working on top of your head, and all of a sudden you are totally space out, finding the Center. You see you and the one working on your hair in the mirror, but you are not there……….your are everywhere. You look at those two bodies, at the entire shop, and you blissfully expand in a place where only the Bliss can be. You are aware of everything, you even talk, but the real you becomes that Omni-present Center knowing of everything as One.

Did that ever happen to you when sitting in that chair looking in the hair dresser’s mirror? If not, IT will, if you just "let IT be'' of That Center! This is happening because of a double action going on. One is you looking in a mirror, which is actually you witnessing yourself the same way the Center does; and the work the hair dresser is doing on top of your head is the other. That place on top of your head is a special place, one you enter your body at birth, and the same one you leave your body when the time to exit the physical body comes. The combination of these two factors are producing that blissful effect – if you know how to let go of your small center and find that wonderful Center. Try IT next time you enter a hair dresser shop, you won’t be disappointed.


Then, in your way home, just when you get out of the hair dressing shop, you see someone laying down on the ground. It looks he is having a seizure. Don’t you just disregard this and walk away, thinking how tired you are. He is there for you to try the kindness of your heart. Help him as you would help you own father, letting your heart expand at it. That’s how that Center will align ITs infinite Heart with yours, giving you a Centered and blissful life ahead. And do all this without fuss or asking for rewards, just as a call of the heart, as the Center does, being evenly there for everyone without prejudice or self-infatuation.


You finally get home to enjoy your family and get some deserved rest. You don’t say a word about the garbage and the sandwiches, you just hug everyone and get in your favorite chair ready to hear what the BS box (that’s the TV set) says. There another opportunity is present waiting for you to be in Union again with that Center. Here is a double action as well. The BS box is actually a mirror with some moving reflections on it, and you look into that mirror from the perspective of another mirror. Everything in life is a play of mirrors, remember that! 

This is a double mirroring as well, and if you are aware of this, you can turn blissful in a short instance. Did you ever wonder why people fall in sleep in the front of a TV set? That’s why, because of this double mirroring effect. But falling in sleep in front of the BS box is one thing, and falling in Bliss in front of it is another. Both are restful for you, but the second is way better because is keeping you blissfully aware, or as of the other is turning you into a sleeping lully.


Allow me to tell you how you can do this in a blissful manner.

First and foremost you should never let the brain interfere in this (by trying to understand what the images there are talking about). Disregard all that blab of mouth and consider all those reflections on that mirror (TV screen) as a flowing movement, the same way the clouds in the sky are. Try rather to find that Center always aware of you and everything else as well.  

When you find IT, try to keep the good and evil as far from you as you can. In short, try to be brainless! But this kind of trying is very tricky because is actually not a trying at all but rather a “let IT be” of that Center and only. You just let go of you (of your selfish ego) and everything else concerning you. When you accomplish this something amazing is happening: you know everything about you and all around you the same way the Universal Center does. 

You know what the BS box blabs about, what your wife and your kids are saying to you, that the dog is barking………..everything, but the old you as you knew is out of the picture. You actually see yourself talking and acting from the perspective of that One and only Center. That’s you new! If you can keep this new view with you, you will be permanently new, and still the same you. This is you flowing with the living as IT deploys in front of you. You are aware of this flow and one with by heart and only! 

People will start to notice you as new, telling you: "you are different”, and you are indeed. Then you may want to tell others how to become new themselves, and they will. You will start with your family first, to spread the word about you new to many others. Then you and all these people will have your hearts aligned with the same Universal Center, knowing how the universe works indeed. Some will resist the change, trying to stay apart from all others and think of themselves as “specials”. Leave them alone if they so desire! 

The Center will never align with anyone without his own self acceptance. Any resistance to IT will separate from IT. Even for the ones having their hearts aligned, the Center will be present only for as long as this alignment is in place. Any brain interference will break the Union (alignment), giving you "reasons" to believe in the good and evil and covering your heart with brainy impurities. Only a pure heart -- a heart free of sensorial calls (A/R) and brain impurities (memory) -- can be centered. The brain is a real screwer, scattering the Union in many dualistic/mindful S/O (Subject/Object) based attributes! There is no possible reconciliation between a pure heart and the brain. When one sets in, the other goes away! It is a reason behind this, as we will see farther on!




Living by brain



To live by brain is to live for physical survival and nothing else. The brain doesn’t have any other skill except this. And the brain is doing this by using his storage capacity. He stores all your life events in a random manner, retrieving the necessary data when a need arises -- the same way the Internet search software does. Due to this quantitative skill the brain is making you fearful, just to preserve you in T/S. But preserving a being in T/S is not living, it is just a prolonged misery. Remember this! If man would live by brain only he will be long dead by now! But man is smarter than that, knowing only his heart can make him happy. That’s why the wise ones live always by heart, never by brain. Living by brain is actually a dead living because is too much into preserving something which is by its very nature in flux, in transient motion. Try to be aware of this! 

Just look at those rich people having billions and living in luxury. Their happy living moments can be probably counted on the fingers of one hand. They can’t afford to go by heart because they choose to preserve themselves in extreme – by pretending, cheating and stealing most of the time – otherwise they wouldn’t have those huge amounts of money. Nobody going by heart can do this, that’s why all real artists are usually poor, and when they get rich their art becomes lifeless……….and so is their heart. How can you even suggest to such people the Earth is their Mother and the Sun is their Father, when their heart is sold to the cold reasoning of the brain? They always think of themselves as a breed apart, separating from all others as different and “special” and calling our real parents "phenomena". But they are not special at all, just their brain thinks they are, because they still eat, shit, and die like everybody else. I don't see anything special about this!


When you discover That Majestic Center you realize the heart is actually your real mind, not the brain. The brain will try to resist this, giving you “reasons” to believe otherwise. This is happening because the brain is meant to protect and preserve your transient body and its private (separatist) living. The brain has no idea of any other living beside this. The heart is totally different, knowing of the permanent flow of living and of that Center going along with this flow. Due to his precarious condition the brain is always scared, thinking always precociously about any living action. The heart is passionate about the living, giving you always the wings to accomplish the impossible. The heart is able to make miracles; the brain is just able to think small. The heart makes you one with the entire universe; the brain is making you say: “gosh, how small I am!” That’s how relativity was discovered as a product of a scared brain.  

We go so much with the brain today because we are scared to live and to die as well. We start then seeing the tandem of good and evil as the only solution to survive, making a pitifully small center out of ourselves – an ego-center – and start killing each other and all around for a bigger piece of dirt and bits of body comfort. Then we start separate from one another and from our Mother Earth and our Father Sun as well. Due to this approach we start making huge mistakes, polluting and destroying all around. Going by brain man is definitely going for self-destruction, have no doubt about it! 

But in order to believe this you have to………..believe, which is always coming from the heart, never from the brain. Most people believe a decision taken by brain is always better because is analyzing the odds, therefore has a better chance to be a good decision. Do you see the loop here? The brain is always going with the good and evil. A pure heart never does that, going with the Union instead. When you feel the Union you perform neither good, nor evil, just perfectly harmonized living actions. This is possible because such actions are done in total harmony with the Universe at large, having the view of that Center. The brain is never able to do this, scattering the Union in small and transient ego-centers!

Try to assimilate this new view and let your pure heart speak!


Allow me to clear up farther the issue of the difference between those two kinds of living perspectives: the brain and the heart perspective!


     Living by brain is of recent times as a result of the faulty vision all religions and all sciences have about the living. Sure, all religions will deny this – saying they are living by heart – but their assertion is not sustained by facts, just by pretend. Those two decadent human institutions are living by brain through their vision of separation – good and evil – missing the forest for the trees. The first uses man's brain to make a god out of man's body (in man's image), the other uses the same brain to make a god out of man's senses (called matter). 

When you place man in the center of the universe – like all religions and all sciences do – you automatically subscribe to the good and evil vision, separating man from everything else and spreading disharmony all around. That’s how we ended up in the mess we are today. We kill animals, forests, we kill each other, we pollute, we disrupt the balance inside Mother Nature’s Sanctuary by moving rivers and mountains from their place, etc., to end up soon wiping us out from the living all together. This has happened many times before, we just forgot about it in our hard work to start from scratch as primitives again! We will all soon discover this in an astonishing manner! 

Today we try to fix this disharmony by trying to reunite everything back in. But we use the same faulty vision in doing this, relying on the same dummy brain to perform it. We see the elephants going extinct and we inseminate them artificially – without even bother to consider their dignity in doing this – until they multiply in excess to eat all the forests around. Then we start killing them again to save the forests. We make dams and other gigantic constructions without being able to assess the tremendous impact they will have on the life around, on our planet as a whole, and on ourselves. We do all those dummy actions because the brain is not able to have the overall perspective of the Union, going always with the vision of preserving at small scale. This will never do!

The brain can never do better!


Even if we use computers today, trying to “patch” the union, the models we make are still brain based, therefore invalid at larger scale. Our brain will be never, ever able to accomplish the Union, because is meant to dismantle the Union. Man has to realize the fact that the only way to live in Union is through his heart. Only living by heart can save man and mankind, nothing else can! And for this to happen man has to purify his heart by remembering his childhood! Only children know of high heavens, as all Seers knew!  

That’s why so many people are taking drugs today, trying to forget about the cold and dummy brain and remember again how living by heart is. They destroy their gross-food-body in the process, but they don’t care, unconsciously knowing this body and his preserving master (the brain) are transient living events not worth to live by. Some of those turned yogis later, as many of the american psychiatrists using psychedelic drugs did. Those drugs just open their heart to the truth of High Heavens and the Union present there, helping them also to get rid of addiction by using Yoga meditation instead. And the same thing is happening with some artists, the movie stars, and many others. They just want to live by heart again, and seeing the social life can’t help them with this, they go for drugs instead. A little Yoga meditation will help them way better with this, but then their life will change, turning them into yogis. What the drugs do is simple: they make the brain extinct, the same thing Yoga practice does!


     In the High Heavens man was living by heart only, without knowing of the good and evil, there man was just willing and his will truly became in fruition. The being living there was in perfect harmony with his habitat, giving him a continuous wellbeing without suffering and dying. But then that being turned curious, to end up on the planet we live today. Those High Heavens really exists, have no doubt about it, but only our pure heart has access there, traveling without an itinerary or a destination. The religious freaks and all low end scientists made a childish fairytale out of this, making us all to believe the brain is a far better choice than the heart. That’s how the vast majority of men lost the belief in their hearts! 

The heart is always perfect in all its doings, because a pure heart is always in Union with All that IT is. That’s equivalent with taking an action and foreseeing all possible reactions. In order to do this you must to be One with everyone, to be One-Many. On Earth this is not possible, only by living back in High Heavens man can accomplish this. But then you can’t be a man………just one mankind. And as it looks today, man cannot assimilate such a vision, being doomed to degenerate farther.  

Just look at our youngsters and see our future! Nothing but cold brain based actions: cell phones to separate us even farther, showbiz and canny politics all around, druglords, warlords, clerical-lords, internet to spread lies and misfit, idols to make you believe in make believes, fabricated news and living events, reverse psychology, etc. Looking into al this is not hard to predict man has no future, losing his heart for a cold brain in exchange. All the ones living in High Heavens resemble very little of man, and their number here is slim! To be among those few is close to impossible! Most men today are meant to transcend into the phony heavens and to return soon in the hell of man again for worse!




The hard part



 The difficult part to live by heart is due to man’s old habits and routines, all built by our brain in direct relationship with the deceiving sensorial package we have. We are from too long into the habit of not speaking our hearts, dissimulating our feelings in heavy layers of lies and pretend. That’s how the brain works in order to preserve your ego-centered body. Doing this from so long we forgot the “language” of our heart. We just need to remember! 

  To remember the “language” of the heart is easy, trying to use it in everyday living is the hard part because the brain doesn’t like “your attitude”. This heart spoken language makes you tell the truth at all times, and that always hurts. In doing this you may lose your job, you may be at odds with the normal behavior, you may act strange in general. Most people go with habits and routines in a survivalist manner, the heart goes with the new and ever flowing. That’s because the heart is from High Heavens, the brain is from the terrestrial hell of man. The conflict is obvious! 

  But the heart is always wise enough to let you go in small steps in order to avoid human conflicts and hardship. The brain is never wise, taking always the body preserving approach of a coward and not seeing the forest from the trees. If all people in the world today will listen to the  brain only we wouldn’t have any civilization today, and mankind as we know would have been extinct by now. That’s because excessive preservation kills the flow of the future. But we are still around, thanks to all those good hearts still present among men. Those pure hearts have to get together and reunite as One! 

  To have the assurance the heart is way better than the brain indeed you start first with some small experiments, as the ones priory inserted in the book. Then you will start having experiments on your own, getting better at it with every passing day. But you must always remember: living by heart is not about experiments, so the main thing here is to keep that Center staying with you for as long as you can, because that Center knows how to harmonize your living in direct relationship with the universe at large. And that Center resides in your real heart – Hridaya!

Holding on that Center is the key of success!


  Hridaya (the real heart) lives always in Heavens, but here, on this remote planet, this magnificent heart is encased in heavy layers of obscuration inside the dense being called man. When this happens, the real heart becomes……….a heart beat (an oscillation), which is an impure heart full of desires (A/R). In Heavens the Heart (Will) and the Witness (Self) are one. There the Self wills and the will becomes. Here, on Earth, such a thing is not possible, that’s why is called a miracle. All just because of the canny trick of the T/S (time/space) deep seeded in our genome. 

  The separation between the heart and the self at terrestrial living level gives to man a hard living, one in which his dense food-body-machine has to perform daily chores in order to survive. Even if we have improved this a little today, we still have to work pretty hard to survive and to squeeze that drop of happiness in order to stay alive – all this on the expense of all other beings around and of our Mother Earth as well. Happiness depends always on desires, and those depend at their turn on external objects in order to be fulfilled and felt as happiness. In heavens Bliss is the very state of being, therefore omnipresent. In real heavens you don’t need happiness because all desires are replaced with Bliss. Any terrestrial desire is then just a longing of your real heart for its lost heavens. You better believe this, otherwise your heaven will be bleak!


  I will like to pin-point here also the faulty concept spread among us that the women are "right brainers" (the sensitive type going by heart), and the men are "left brainers" (the insensitive type going by reasoning). This totally faulty concept has started from the old and distorted biblical story about Adam and Eve, which considers Adam as the biblical man, and Eve as the biblical woman. The truth is, the Adamic Element is the universe of man, having nothing to do with gender, and Eve is man's sentient will, not a woman. Our universe is an intelligent creature, and so are both genders of man. So the above concept is just a dummy religious dogma having no truth in it except for those making a good living out of it (the religious freaks). The prove of this is very visible today, when most women prove to be way better in using their brain in taking ice cold decisions, and many men are soft and flaky. The "womanization" of social life today has a meaning way beyond man's comprehension! It is telling to man he is about to go down in oblivious, into that Yoni everything retreats into! This is the reason behind going in retreat with my Tachy Yoga! 

  The main conflict in man's life is then between his heart and his brain, not between the two sides of brain, and this is valid for both genders of man. The brain is meant to preserve in excess, going always with the good and evil and concentrating on our small and transient ego-center, whereas the heart is open in all directions as an evantail. Due to this obvious conflict, you must find a middle way able to accommodate both parties and let your heart have the perspective of that Universal Center. That Universal Center knows of this conflict, reconciling it into a blissful state of you new. 


  It is hard for me to explain this because the words are not made for IT, just your own experience can really help you here. As I said, try to induce that state of serenity preceding the discovery of that Center. Try to cultivate that “let IT be” attitude and get rid of that brainy good and evil attitude. Make the brain and his selfish memory your low end priority, giving to your heart the chance to expand. In very short time you will realize the fact your heart is actually the one deciding upon your living, not your brain. Then, little by little, the brain will take a back sit, falling in disgrace. 

  And don’t you believe for a moment you will turn into a dummy doing this, in the contrary, the brain is the one making you a dummy by not knowing who you really are at the core. The heart knows of this, turning you wise, one who knows indeed not in need. You will shortly see the difference between these two kinds of knowing, and you will never want to come back to the old you again. Your life will improve also, validating what I am saying here. 

  When well established, living by heart will become natural, and you will really know people by heart. Nobody will lie in front of you because they will be “nakedly exposed” in front of your open heart. But they won’t be afraid of you either, knowing your heart meant no harm. You will turn also into an eye opener, one who knows the living by heart. Such a one is cured of fear and the misery of living in duality!


  Allow me to give you an example in this regard!

Let’s say you are ready for a job interview. You are prepared for it by reading all kind of “professional” advice from various media sources. But did you ever consider if all those so called “profs” are giving you a good advice? And why should you use someone else’s advice in the first place and not trust your heart instead? If you look into all job interview advises of those “profs” you see a total upside down version of what you should do, because they all consider the one interviewing you as some kind of god, treating you like a humiliated nobody in a desperate need of that job. That’s because all those advices are based on brain and fear!

You should never go with this humiliating vision!


  Why don’t you go by heart instead, knowing by doing this you can never go wrong? The heart is telling you first that you should trust yourself all the way, without allowing any fearful emotions to interfere. Next the heart is telling you to be honest and to look for honesty from the other side of the bench. You do this by looking in the eyes of the interviewer all the time and see how much honesty is present there. If the one standing in front of you avoids looking you in the eyes, you know he is lying to you. And your heart knows very well also you should never lie either, because this will turn in the end against you. In short, you align your heart with that of the one facing you. 

  With this kind of heartfelt vision you can then answer any question by just listening to your heart. You will tell from the start to the one interviewing you that you like him and his open attitude – if that’s the case. If this is not the case, then you ask him what he has to hide from you. Be straight like an arrow from the very start, otherwise you will get a “dishonest” job, be very sure about this! You better not have a job than having a job which turns you into a coward and kills you slowly. Many people have such jobs, losing all the trust in themselves!  

  Be very sure, you will meet an honest interviewer down the road, one who is opening his heart to you and offers you an honest job to match your professional skills. Then you will be happy, the company you work for will be happy, and your life will be bright. And you will probably hear from papers later on about that dishonest company filing for bankruptcy. Then you will really trust your heart to the end. That’s what the heart can do to the one living by heart!


  As you can see, the hard part in living by heart is in direct relationship with the amount of Trust and Belief you put into it – both coming actually from inside your heart as a passion to do it. But all that passion must have as its final goal the discovery of that Center, otherwise it may turn into an endless turmoil. The passion of the heart is good only when accumulates for a noble purpose, to dissipate after and turn into Bliss – the natural state of that Universal Center.  

  Your heart knows very well of this – when is pure – but if the brain interferes, then the heart becomes impure, using its passion for ignoble actions. That explains how some people are using their charisma to their own advantage, manipulating people anyway they want -- the movie actors and all politicians being among those. That happens when a passionate heart listens to the brain. Some are going so far with this they turn fanatics. Don’t you ever do this, IT will turn against you with vengeance!


  I can’t conclude this part without giving you the right approach regarding the good and evil. This is the play of Duality, of Bliss and Abyss – of light and darkness at our living level. Without this subtle play the life we know won’t be possible. But why is man turning this necessary cosmic dual action into a play of good and evil? Because of religio-scientific propaganda making man oscillate between two places to be! 

  How this happened cannot be told. I personally don’t believe any of the stories related to this. I have my own, but IT won’t be exposed here. One thing is for sure: man wasn’t meant to be what he is now, he was meant to be a being of High Heavens playing there with Bliss and Abyss at will – the same way all gods are. And he was never created by any god either, being there from an eternity!  

  As I said, everything goes by expansion, as boxes inside boxes. At his terrestrial level man is meant to expand by the means of a dense food-body and desirous heart. This living is a very precarious and low level living. The beings of High Heavens are meant to expand by the means of Bliss. That’s a more expanded living! Man can expand back in High Heavens, but only if his heart turns pure by letting go of the food-body-shell! All existence is just a game of intermingling densities in various T/S velocities! That’s all I can say! 

  So the main thing to consider when you decide to live by heart is to never let your brain interfere, because if you do, you will start to oscillate between your heart and your brain, and that’s deadly! Not deadly as you will die tomorrow, but deadly for your living soul, for that Center in you. When this happens you won’t be able to find that Center anymore, living in a fearful manner from inside your small ego-center. The brain will then take all your living decisions, and your heart will go along with it in a lifeless manner. You will turn then into a fearful and lifeless coward! This is what is happening with mankind today, when the vast majority of people have no idea how much damage they inflict to one another, to themselves, and our habitat by their unwise doings.  

 To avoid this to happen you need a practice which is beyond the living, a practice that you perform every instance as man without realizing it: the practice of Self-witnessing! How to make your self aware of this amazing practice is what I expose next!







To explain Self-witnessing is not easy because we all do this when alive and, if you believe me, we continue of doing it even after we die……….forever. Saying “Self-witnessing” sounds like an oxymoron because a self is a witness, therefore witnessing, but in this case – man’s case – it makes sense because you witness the human self indeed – your ego-self – from a perspective beyond this limited ego-self. In short, you become one with the perspective of that One and only Center!


We all have a witness inside us, a self which is assessing all our living actions and gives us the belief we are men. This self (witness) is man oriented and man only. A bird, a fish, a tree, the father Sun and mother Earth, all the way to our universe, have their own self, witnessing in a different manner than us. So in spite of the fact the Sun is our Father, he is looking upon us in a very different way we look upon him. But all this is due to our forgetfulness, because if we change our perspective we will be able to see the Sun (our real father) in a very different way. Everything in life is then a matter of witnessing perspectives based on sensoriality, man himself being a sensorial apparatus having a private entity (ego-self) assessing his senso-game. Please try to memorize this! 

So when you start the practice of Self-witnessing that’s exactly what you do: start witnessing your manly ego-self from a beyond perspective knowing of it. Please try to concentrate on this because is not that easy to comprehend. We are all witnessing, therefore we all have a self, a human ego-self. Everyone living on this planet is using his own private self which gives him the chance to say “I am!”………and farther on. This is everybody’s limited human self! We usually associate this manlike self with the brain, thinking of it as a brain product. Now………that’s the self you start to witness...........with your heart!


This brainy ego-self can’t be witnessed by itself, you must go beyond it in order to be able to witness it. That beyond witness able to have such a Majestic Perspective is the Center of All that IT is, and dwells in the heart. And as you will notice farther in your practice, this Center is totally motionless, the same way a mirror is. This is the mirror the entire universe reflects into! 

This Center is not mine, yours, or anybody’s in particular; this Center is Omnipresent, without being anything in particular. This Center is therefore Universal! You can call IT “god” if you want, but this is just a human label without any value whatsoever because.........IT is always you and you only. This is the real you, not the man you are seeing in the mirror every morning. From this unique perspective all life is just One in everyone. That’s the perspective the You New has! 

From such perspective you can be everything you want to be………by sympathy. Because the sympathy for the moment is to be a man, you are one. If you wish to be something else, you will. But you can never not Be, unless the Center ITSelf is crashed by the Infinite Rock..........the Being Dismantler. This is something even the mahayogis (high end yogis) are scared of because you lose your "I-ness" for good. But if you surrender to IT, you go in retreat, turning into a Singularity!


Human witnessing (Selfing) comes to man from four major directions:


·       from the multitude inside of you (making you One),

·       from the multitude outside of you (the many),

·       from the database stored in the brain as memory,  and

·       from the memory bank of the universe at large (Universal Memory).


The multitude present inside you is an intelligent composite of skin, bones, muscles, vessels, blood, cells, DNAs, etc., all making you what you are – a man. This multitude makes you sensitive, giving to your self a human body to take care of. On daily basis you witness this multitude seldomly – mostly when you are hungry, thirsty, in pain, sick, in danger, etc. Otherwise you don’t give too much thought to it, unconsciously knowing it knows very well how to take care of itself by pushing you to act when a need arises. This inner-multitude goes by a bio-script, giving you chores to be accordingly.

The multitude present outside of you is the one you must align your heart with in order to have a harmonious living and well be. This multitude is intelligent as well, and the name we give to it is Mother Nature. So please, don’t you ever treat anything outside of you as lacking intelligence, using labels like “phenomena” and such because science says so, this will be very detrimental for your heart! Everything inside the being universe is alive and intelligent...........everything! 

From these two multitudes a database is formed in your brain as what is usually called memory. And because all those imprints are privately yours, they are also called self-consciousness. The heart is the one who puts all those there as heartfelt impressions of the flow of living – with the help of all other hearts disbursed inside us and we call senses (skandhas). What the brain does is just sorting those imprints in a good and evil manner, to send them back to your impure heart at times as good or bad feelings – making your heart to oscillate between the two and take a life decision or another. That’s how man has become an oscillator! 


The Universal Memory is the Heart of the Universe, having all possible imprints of you and everything else in IT -- the same way the US government has in its supercomputers knowing everything about you and all others. Here the imprints of the dead and alive are one, therefore all your living history is there: your past, and your future as well. Nobody can escape from being engraved in this Cosmic Memory, nobody. This is the Book of Being, the Script of Being -- Yoga's AC -- proving the déjà vu of our universe!

I say the Book of Being and not the Book of Life because being is just one kind of life among many. Life can be displayed in infinite ways, the being just in one and only: Selfing! That’s why the Being is predestined to be……….known. The future of being is already there, just waiting to be discovered. And the same applies to the past, which is still there in the clouds of the Universal Memory. The Past Life therapy is based on this esoteric truth – the same way the Future Life therapy can give to man the vision of his future. Nothing is new in the being universe, just a déjà vu! In short, the Being has been declared (the language can't help here) ahead of T/S.

Whatever you pick as your living to be is then already there as a predestined sensorial play. Sure, there are choices for you to pick from -- just enough of them to make you believe you are free -- but in fact is just a sensorial tunnel meant to keep you hostage in the suit of man. Those choices are based on action (as living) and reaction (as be-coming), giving you multiple choices via your destiny. Only by combining those two into one and only Center can turn your life into a continuous flowing event of you new – and that’s what this small book is all about! Try to remember this!


Allow me to expose farther the Cause-Effect relationship as it truly deploys in the being. Low end Yoga and all religions have some major loopholes in this regard. Science is getting better at it lately when saying all Being (All that IT is) comes from the Void. The man, a fly, the Earth, the Sun, the Universe, etc., are all effects of an unknown and Attributeless Cause. Any of these effects can see only other effects coming their way through their senses, but never the Cause beyond them all. The entire existence is nothing else but illusory living effects coming out as a mindful dream from a totally unknown Cause (which TY calls "IT", the Center). This Cause is Infinite, staying forever unknown as an Interstice of Being. Any label attached to this Cause (even the “Cause” label) is futile! 

As a being effect himself man is not able to see anything else but other entities (objects) as being effects outside or inside of him. But man and many other beings outside of man can use different other effects (objects) – from outside and inside them – to rearrange them and become something else. This is what gives the faulty belief into an outside cause producing a new effect – making man think of him as a cause creating new effects. That’s how the belief in all living as being a continuous changing process came about and what science is studying.  

But all this is just an illusion because there is no real Cause there, just an effect affecting other effects (objects) to change and look different, that’s all. The real Cause is not acting that way! The Real Cause stays always beyond, effecting the all Being out of………NOTHING! That’s why the Real Cause remains always unknown! This Cause is beyond any expressed effect! The Sun, the Earth, the man, the Universe itself, are all expressed effects of this One and only Cause.  This Cause is beyond every possible Being and being events as an Interstice of them all. The Self ITSelf is just an effect of this Beyond Cause! Science is about to admit this today, seeing the Primordial Energy as one and only, without any possibility to be ever changed, diminished, or exhausted! 

When a Mahayogi makes a real miracle – which is always making something out of nothing – he aligns with that beyond Center (Cause), allowing IT to substantiate as an effect. It appears the miraculous effect comes from him, but the truth is: IT comes through him! There is no effect in the being not coming from that One and only Center/Cause, because the Being has to come (be-come), having no self-sustaining power. Just saying this I start crying: IT is so beautiful IT can’t be even expressed…………that’s why IT needs to express ITSelf………effecting a being, a reflection. But that reflection needs to be immersed into ITs Potential power in order to be! This is the Power “sewing” All Being and making us all to come in fruition!


I believe is time now to reveal the difference between knowing (being, witnessing) and be-coming (living, existence).  


Knowing, even knowing by heart, is a witnessing event of one aware of many. Knowing is then always an inside out event, something coming from inside of you. In short, we are able to know only through our sensors, which are inside of us. Human knowing is then of human kind and only – what our senses are able to perceive as living -- what TY calls "man's tunnel". What we know is then humanly tinted. That’s why what we know applies to us and us only! Science knows of this today when saying our senses are deceiving knowing devices – giving us the knowing in need (what we need to know in order to survive) and nothing else!


Be-coming is totally different, being an outside in event. In short, something has to come to us (as well as in all other beings) in order for us (and everything else) to be (alive that is). That’s what be-coming really is! Please try to get the drift here because otherwise you won’t be able to grasp what I’ll say next.


Life is then a double event going from inside out and outside in. The inside out part is the witness, and the outside in part………..well, here is tricky because here you have to envision something which the esoteric tradition calls Spirit – the Real Cause of All that IT is. The Spirit is not a witness, but IT comes to our witnessing attention by what it be-comes of us -- our Destiny. We are growing from a baby to an adult, later to an old man, we are dying, we are living again………and so is everything else, from a tree to the universe ITSelf. Yoga makes a god out of this called Shiva. Science is getting better at it, calling it Entropy (“going toward the Center” in greek). But those are just labels and nothing else!

You shouldn’t go by any of these two labels because they are both faulty visions of the weak, seeing a Destroyer present inside the living. You have to go with the Spirit because……….that’s the Spirit, I am what I am! This expression is unbelievable strong, giving you the wings to go beyond the living. But that’s not you new anymore………that’s so old only Mahapralaya (the Big Resorption) knows IT. Having this perspective turns you Omnipotent! 

This is a perspective only Mahayogis have and is called Ecstasy (Samadhi)! Such a Majestic perspective can be accomplished in one and only way: CVN the inside out for the outside in to deploy and transform the within! In short, “Let IT be!” or the Surrender.  When you see a yogi staying motionless in his posture (asana), this is what he accomplishes, the let IT be or Surrender! He silences all his inside out movements (his senso-mind), letting the outside in – the only Power IT is – to become one with him. He then becomes One and the same with All that IT is! Having IT is living IT! 

When this happens, the yogi staying there becomes a “statue”, and the Being starts pouring in as a flow of blissful events impossible to be described in words or any other human means. That’s "the Cave of Demons”, the beautiful display Samadhi brings in – turning the one having it into a new being. That’s why a real yogi is always silent, and a phony one is always a talkative blubber. Only the silent one knows indeed, being in no need to explain his new and blissful state.  Many will come to entice him with terrestrial temptations, asking him to perform miracles and such in exchange for human rewards. A real yogi always resists such temptations!


It is hard to get the drift here, so let’s see why the witness is always New, and the Spirit is always Old and unbecoming. The witness is always a reflection in the mirror of the Spirit. As such he is always on the move, looking at new living events coming from inside out and outside in.  He is not actually moving, but is tricked into believing he is by the continuous sensorial flow he is witnessing from both directions. The Spirit knows the trick, because it's His trick of unfolding the Being from within and outside in. The within unfolds according with the sensorial "package" present in each entity pertaining to the being universe, and the outside in is a witness encased inside the universe to assess it. The inside out events are produced by our sensorial play – giving us a destination (a destiny); the outside in events come to us as a living (karmic) script to go by – giving us a living itinerary. This tricky play of Bliss and Abyss is present all across the Being universe, which is actually a hoax………an illusory heartfelt event!

This universe doesn’t actually exist!


The New is always a flow (of Many), the Old is always motionlessly One. That’s the One-Many. Being in motion you constantly renew from within……….witnessing the outside in; motionlessly you let the inside out to be-come……….you new! Those are the two states of the universe man lives in: the state of Being, and the state of Be-coming! The Spirit has them both as One, staying in the middle of Bliss and Abyss. That’s the Spiritual point where the two sides of Being reconcile - THE ORIGIN! Self-witnessing dissolves in the end in this Spiritual Center! This Center motionlessly and infinitely abides!




The One-Many



The One-Many comes from the Spirit, from that motionless point abiding between Bliss and Abyss. It is not light, and it is not darkness either, staying in between both and inspiring them to go harmoniously together as a living. From outside it looks like a Void, where the being is “unexpressed”, just potentially there. But when it moves in one direction or another – toward Bliss or toward Abyss – IT can give the impression of being either light or darkness.  That’s why some envision the Spirit as Light, and some others as Darkness – but mostly as both. This explains man's belief in either good or evil according with the side his heart leans onto. Being aware of its unstable temper some call IT, the Holly Ghost, the one the jews are so afraid of that they never pronounce it in their rituals. That’s how scared man is of Duality. But it shouldn’t be that way for the one with pure heart! 

 The truth is that sitting there in the middle the Spirit “inspires” the Bliss and Abyss to start their oscillatory motion, spinning the life as we know and many others we don’t. This is the real entity creating the duality of good and evil in the being universe. But without this it would be no being, just heavens everywhere. We, as men, definitely made a mistake, falling in the dense realm of duality and eternal suffering. Knowing of all this makes you wish to go back where you really belong..........the high heavens. This is not a fairytale, this is a living fact, as the priests of the pyramids knew, making themselves new!


From Spirit’s perspective there is no such thing as good and evil, just One-Many, a play of beings and happenings. But down here, at terrestrial level, the One-Many becomes one and many, and this is totally different because each one has to survive on the expense of many due to his bodymass. This living is then a very bad proposition, because is based on sacrifice, suffering, and dying. But when you upgrade this kind of living to the living in heavens, everything changes due to the perspective change.

In heavens you don’t have a bodymass, therefore you are free of the misery of a transient density oscillating between the good and evil in order to survive. Here the Bliss and Abyss blend in a diaphanous manner, without a need of a dark firmament with small specs of light in it. That’s why in high heavens the light and you are one, without a need of a sun to light you up! Here you are the Enlightener, enlightening the Abyss with your state of Bliss! This is something not even Yoga seems to understand when talking of enlightenment. We are all enlightened by just being, but none of us is an enlightener!  

  The Egyptian priests of the pyramids are the only ones knowing of this. What those special people knew is the difference between being One-Many and one and many. This difference is of Cosmic Proportions, and never known or taught by any religion. This is a secret only you can discover when you align your heart with That Center!   

  The road to this discovery starts from what you are (one), continues with what we all are (mankind, many), to go farther into the very depths of the being universe. Being one with all mankind is the first discovery of One-Many – the discovery of our common soul (the Adamic Element). Starting from there you go farther and farther all the way to that Holly Spirit residing in the Void, to discover there that Majestic Center staying in the middle of all that multitude as a play of Bliss and Abyss. Those are the Real Heavens, not human, just divine! From here you can asses all the Being, all living, giving your blessing to all others dwelling there……….to receive back the infinitely fold blessings of all others. That’s Bliss and Abyss in One Kiss! You will finally find there the freedom you are looking for from an eternity!


  It is not the place here to talk about what the Egyptians priests knew. What I will talk here is about how to become One-Many, how to turn one with all mankind, with the Adamic Element (the Soul of man). It is not hard, but we made it really hard by our own oscillation between the good and evil. What you have to do is to have you new by getting rid of oscillation. I already gave you some examples in this regard, but with some more hints the picture will clear up even better. First and foremost you must get rid of any religious view, because any religious view – no exception here – is based on good and evil. The only “religious” view you keep in mind is that you are mankind and all other kinds coming with it. Without this view present you are a religious freak, going with the silly mantra “my god is better than yours”, and those are incurable.


  Let’s say you had a “bad day”, one of those days when everything goes wrong: the job, the kids, the dog, the car……… of those days. Now, by just looking with your heart at such a day you will notice right away that………you are still alive, you will be better tomorrow, the sky is still above, the father sun is still shining, and the mankind and the universe are still in one piece, therefore forces beyond you are holding everything together harmoniously. Why don’t you align your self then with those harmonious forces and go along with the living as you should? 

  By a change of perspective you can actually readjust your day and turn it around. What if you didn’t get that salary raise; if the kids didn’t get that “B” average; if the dog is driving you nuts with his barking; if the car got scratched in the parking lot, etc.. It is any of those stopping the Earth turning, making the sun dark or the stars to fall on you? No, none of these will happen, therefore get your grip and get back your smile. And if you still can’t get your grip, go in your room, sit down, and meditate about it until you get it. And when you get it, make a vow never to have a good or bad day in your life………just happy days ahead! 

  And always remember that it is nobody there able to help you to stay new but you. If you are looking for someone else to help you with this you must be really dummy, because nobody can be in your shoes except you. That doesn’t mean you don’t need all others to help you change the faulty view, because you really do, but they can help you only if your heart wants to, changing your view by sympathy. So this help has to be channeled from inside of you, from your heart seeing the Union of all mankind, all other kinds, and the universe at large. Let your heart be open to this Majestic Truth! 

  This is actually what all real yogis do, having the view of such a Union present at all times. They go naked, they have nothing, they help everyone……….and they are still the happiest people on Earth. How do you think they can accomplish this? By being always in Union with  All that IT is. You must learn from those yogis and do the same. Sure, you don’t go naked and beg for food – you may go in jail for doing this here – but at list you can have the view of such Union present in your heart as much as possible. This view will do miracles in you!


  Learning how to be in Union is hard in the beginning, particularly in those modern countries where the sense of property is so widely spread. Here you have to separate from all others in order to have your “private space”. In order to be in Union this “private space” has to vanish, to be replaced by a way wider space, the one holding the universe together. The universe doesn’t care about “mine” and “your”, money, grades, etc., just being blissful is all it counts. You have to do the same: happiness first and everything else will come next. And usually it does come! 

  Many people don’t realize this, thinking that working hard to make money is what they need to be happy. This will never do! Happiness is what brings everything else, not the other way around. You must be happy first with what you are in order for everything else to come in place. When someone is happy everything else comes in place with ease. Just be happy and you will have a good job, a good salary, good and behaved kids……….even a good dog. Didn’t you notice all this already? Just look around and you will see it!  

  So you are always one, but so wonderfully many by what you are made of and part of. When you reunite the you-one with all many you have all kind of many as one. That’s the principle at the base of heavens – the land of One-Many – and if you practice this Union when alive here on Earth, you have the assurance you will get in the high heavens and last there. All others will just get there for a short moment, to get back here soon after due to their “dusty view”. Happiness in extreme (Bliss) is what the real heavens are all about, and is based on the purity of the heart. One who doesn’t know how to be happy under any circumstances can’t dwell in heavens – he has to return! That’s why only smiling children are allowed in High Heavens!




The Good and Evil



The good and evil is in the mind of beholder as a mindful fear to stay on premises of sin! This "SIN" is that Primordial Curiosity (Desire) clustering in T/S as the Universe of Being a universe of boxes inside boxes. In this universe everything is displayed in a clustering manner, from a man, all the way to a tree, a bird, the sky, the sun, a galaxy, and the universe ITSelf. As a Living Organism, the Being universe is full of beings in a S/O (Subject/Object) relationship. The good and evil sprang from this precarious relationship asking of a constant t/g (taken/given) action. The good and evil is then a vital necessity in this universe as  a built in code for survival! Blaming the good and evil in the being universe – for any possible reason is then a total non-sense! Without the good and evil the being universe nullifies. To well be in such universe any being has to realize that any good has an evil, and any evil has a good in it! Only this way you can make a harmony out of this sinful dichotomy!

  As you can see, living by the good and evil is not typical to man only, any being entity going by it in order to survive. But man is the only being talking about it beside living it. By doing this man actually reinforces the good and evil in extreme -- through the means of religio-scientific propaganda -- living in one extreme or another instead of balancing them both in a happy living. All other beings are way clever than us, balancing the two in a harmonious manner. They know better than man how to do this, being in continuous contact with Mother Nature at their level of being/living. I've seen all this in the woods where I was living for several years. Man doesn't know how to do this anymore, going with his own agenda of living on expense of everything else inside Mother Nature's sanctuary. Man definitely doesn't know how to live, nor does he how to die, proving his total ignorance about what life is all about! This is due to man's religio-scientific trance!


  The being universe is a gross/dense universe, where the living struggles to survive. Nobody and nothing can change this! But when the gross food-body-man dismantles – we call this dying – the Seer inside you is free at last, and if you know how to take advantage of this, as all real yogis do, you can de-light-fully go beyond this precarious universe to rejoin the Majestic Flow of the Union beyond it. Not having a bodymass, this new heavenly entity is just a spiritual light, looking for other lights to rejoin the Union. This Spiritual Light is not the same with the light we know from our terrestrial adventure as men – that coming from our father sun. This entity is a free Spirit, a Conscious Seer without a privately defined self traveling through Abyss and enlightening the life patterns present there from within. The very result of this is an endless flow of expansive nature coming out from Abyss – the real Substance of Life! Here you are One with everyone!  

  So for the one who knows how to “navigate” in High Heavens the good and evil sublimates in an endless Spiritual traveling having the forever expansive Bliss as His companion – displayed in a form of a continuous show of lights going for Union. The old Seers knew this as a matter of fact, so there is no reason for you not to! But such a living cannot be explained, and all mankind’s great ones kept silent about this. They had to! Only the ones talking about them made a masquerade out of their visions called religion just to make themselves special in front of all others.  All the religious visions about heavens present in the world today are faulty, giving to man no other chance but to return as man again and suffer again. Those are not the Real Heavens! 

  But why is this happening, why is man incapable to free himself from the wrong concept of good and evil? Because the terrestrial living is based on good and evil! Without the good and evil present the food-body-man can’t be, period! This is the "SIN" of being -- man in our case -- a bio-coded living of puppets. Being such a puppet, man has a preset living itinerary and destination, translated into transience, dependency, suffering, and dying. You can’t imagine how much compassion the great ones had for man when they’ve discovered this amazing truth. But on the other hand, they knew man has a strong chance to live free in heavens again. There is no other better and free living for man except the one in High Heavens. He has just to remember how to play with Bliss and Abyss, replacing the old concept of good and evil all together! But for this to happen the food-body-man has to die............forever! The sinful senso-memory of man leading to AC has to go!


  In order to realize the bio-coded nature of the good and evil just make an experiment on your own. Take a day of your life and analyze the good and evil present there. But please be very attentive in doing this! You will discover how the good and evil (duality) “function” inside and outside of you right away. When you wake up in the morning, try to pay attention of the good and evil present there right from the start: half of you says stay in the bed, the other half says you must go to work; half of you says eat, the other not much, you are too fat; etc, etc. Then, on your way to work, try to count how many times you have the good and evil thoughts there. There are so numerous you can’t even count them. At work you have plenty of those as well. And then, on the street, in your way to lunch, you have plenty of those also. Beside all this there are the inside calls: a bad pain in your shoulder, all kind of sensations coming out from having a bad cold, etc, etc. There is not one single instance of your terrestrial life not to have those two present in your living! This is happening because of the dense (gross) body man has, which is so hard to be kept in balance! Living at terrestrial level is a burden, period – rich and poor alike! We are living in the universe of "shit happens" indeed!

  If you turn a yogi you will see way better the real play of good and evil displayed in your living and in that of others as well. Through Yoga practice you can see the deceiving game of good and evil nakedly exposed, improving yourself this way. That's why a real yogi doesn't play the game of good and evil, he just stays in the middle playing with both. But you can’t do much for other people because most people don’t like to tell them the truth, telling you: "don't tell me what to do!". I’ve tried many times to tell people the truth, but they all, without exception, got offended, closing their heart to IT. Then I’ve realized: people like their misery, making a private matter out of it! So from then on I’ve stopped throwing “margaritas ante porcos”, going by Buddha’s code of silence.


   Is the good and evil a fact of life?

  To answer this question we need to look at good and evil in the face, TY style. As TY has discovered, what we regularly call good can very often turn into evil and vice versa, all depending on beholder's view in an instance or another. Let's say you are very hungry, and you satisfy your hunger by eating plenty of food. The food is good for you for that short instance in your life. But then, because you ate way too much, you start feeling sick, throwing up all the food you've just ingested. For this new short instance the food is evil for you. And of course this is always true for you and you only.........the beholder. Mingling with others has plenty of good and evil as well, as you very much know. For one instance a relationship is good, and in a short while after the same relationship can turn evil. And I can give you endless examples on both fronts (inner and outer). So the good and evil is indeed in the eye of beholder, but nevertheless present at our gross/dense level of living!

  In the end the good and evil is present in man’s life as a condition for survival, and if you realize this, you will realize also the puppet game man and everything else is playing all along. When this happens you turn into a compassionate one, one who knows what the good and evil really is: a sin, a survival of the fittest. Starting from that point you have a chance to live in Union, turning a Yogi (one who lives in Union). And this Union is nothing else but the Union of the good and evil – harmonizing all dualities into a common Center beyond being and happening. This Union resides beyond the Being universe! 

  When you find that One and only Center, no good or evil will bother you anymore, and for the first time ever you will be able to see the Majestic play of Bliss and Abyss from a beyond non-participative perspective. Then you will realize the good and evil is just a wrong view upon this Majestic Play, which actually flows in all directions as a river. Sublimating the good and evil more and more you will turn into a Mirror of Compassion, healing all others from their obscuration in a silent and unknown manner…......from the Center!




The play of Bliss and Abyss




  It was a genderless Dakini giving me the deep core understanding of this, and I was blissfully glad when she did. I can’t explain how she did it to me, but the Dakini was looking as a woman at first, to turn into a beautiful genderless person from up close having one single beautiful eye in the middle instead of two as we have. We are conversing, and from the common feelings we’ve had I came up with what is written here. But please always remember: the words are not good enough to explain the esoteric beyond. 

  You take a seed, put it in the ground, and you have a tree later out of it. This is an outside in expanding as an inside out. We all know this as a matter of fact. The universe of Being is made the same way, by the double play of Bliss and Abyss. Any being has then the Bliss and Abyss as a seed to be and become. That’s why the Being has always to become, in other words to be sustained. And what sustains the Being is an Omnipresent Interstice! 

  So when you put a seed in the ground, that seed has the two elements of Being – Bliss and Abyss – present in it. But in the same time the interstice of dirt has to be present there as well. This interstice is like a battery, and is always included. It is inside the seed, as well as outside of it. One works from inside out, the other from outside in! Try to remember this!


  The Dakini and I were trying to become one in order to have a common heartfelt perspective from which we can look at the play of Bliss and Abyss. When this common higher perspective was accomplished (it wasn’t easy), the I-Dakini started to unravel the truth as IT is – an inside out feeling coming from outside in continuously. The Vessel of Bliss and Abyss was formed!   

  Man is such a vessel, but only if he discovers IT! Until then he thinks of him as a terrestrial being living on a remote planet inside a solar system of a flat galaxy – having a sun above as his father, and the earth as his mother. And for many even this is not something to believe in, thinking of their parents as being humans! Man has to remember!  What man has to remember is the seed of Bliss and Abyss present in him – his True Nature. He has plenty of proves for this, but he doesn’t pay attention to them, going with the faulty religio-scientific vision instead. He sees himself breathing, having a beating heart inside, being awake and dreaming, being sad and happy, etc. And the universe at large has IT as well! The esoteric tradition calls this the Great Breath – the equivalent of the play of Bliss and Abyss present in man and all around him.


  The vessel of Bliss and Abyss present at man’s level is then an inside out and outside in play forming man in what he is. As such, man is a flow, a continuously flowing process developing as he goes along with his living itinerary. But most men don’t believe this, thinking of themselves as dense entities made out of solid matter. Science is the one teaching this to man. The religion did the same before that, giving to man the view of a god molding man out of his substance of life. As you can see, the two visions are very similar. Man is under the trance of these two faulty visions! Until you get out of this trance you will stay in the game of good and evil! 

  Yoga can’t help man to escape these two faulty visions either because nowadays yoga is just a business, as all religions and sciences are. But sure, you can believe whatever you want in this regards and go with one vision or another as you wish. I am speaking here only to the ones who have escaped from the religio-scientific trance, making themselves new. 

  The play of Bliss and Abyss can deploy in two ways:


·       the way of oscillation – based on desirous heart going with good and evil – which is common in man, and

·       the way of Susumna – were  the oscillation (desire) is recollected in a middle line.


Through oscillation man lives in suffering and frustration, whereas through Susumna man sets himself free, losing his density and rejoining the flow.  Allow me to give you the vision of this by a small drawing of mine. Please try to envision the drawing as a sphere of infinite Clepsydras!



  This is the famous Swastika – unwisely used by the Nazis as a symbol of destruction. They knew very well about the Entropy. What they didn’t know is about its contra balance – the Negentropy. As you can see, the middle point turns universes in an oscillatory manner – symbolized in the drawing by the ellipsoidal movement. But if you manage to stay in the middle straight line, which is actually an “unexpressed” point (the Susumna or Axis Mundi), you are oscillation free, staying just in the middle of Bliss and Abyss and playing with both – as the Real Spirit consciously does. That straight line is man’s Real Savior...........when turns into a Center! Each living entity and everything is living has this Center as his real heart (Hridaya)! 

  Here – in the middle – the play of Bliss and Abyss is impartial, not knowing of the good and evil. And so should you be! You don’t play the game of the compassionate one, and you don’t play the game of the cruel one either. You just go with the flow of Bliss and Abyss as IT flows from inside out and outside in! That’s of major importance because only this way you can escape from “sensorial trap” which holds you hostage in what you are – a mold of being (a sensorial package called man). Until you do, you "play in the living" the circumscribed script of man, instead of "playing with the living" at will using your own script to (of sensorial clustering)! The difference between these two ways of living is Abysmal! But only few real yogis are aware of this! 

  By using this pinpointed vision of the seed of Bliss and Abyss you start traveling the living without an itinerary or a destination, expanding your living perspective in an infinite manner. You do this by using your heartfelt imagination (your real living seed) to envision new inside out and outside in living perspectives. This seed resides in your heart! You must expand your small living perspective going around the circle of family, friends, and few others nearby encounters, to that of one with all mankind at large. You are all mankind, and all mankind is you! That's the first new perspective of Self-Witnessing practice TY recommends.  

  By the same token you look deep inside you and turn that multitude of organs, tissues, cells, etc. into a monolithic vision of one with the other (mankind). This is the second new perspective of Self-Witnessing practice TY recommends. When those two perspectives are attained you start living in mankind Union! Then you will expand this Union into a larger Union, expanding IT evenly in both directions from inside out and outside in. That’s the second Union – the Union of mankind and all other kinds. After this you extend this Union toward all known universe, attaining the Cosmic Union!


Those are the 3 Fabulous Views leading to expansive Unions of hearts!


  It is of major importance to accomplish all these Unions without any interference of the brain because the brain is by its very nature an oscillator, going always by the good and evil in order to preserve your food-body-man in extreme on expense of all others. This will scatter the Union in many small ego-centric unions of good and evil accordingly – all desire driven! 

  You do all this by practicing the Self-witnessing during all your living actions – even where you are sleeping. You sleep, you eat, drink, you talk, work, you have sex, you run, die, etc………..Self-witnessing your real living seed as doing all this through the man present there. In short, you dedicate your manlike life to the seed existing in you, all around you, and even beyond. This is living the impartial play of Bliss and Abyss from the perspective of that One and only Center.  

  The very result of all this practice is a permanent state of wellbeing, because that’s what Being really is in truth – a blissful flow – from the perspective of that One and only Center! Then you may meet the Void, waiting there for the Infinite Rock to kiss  the play of Bliss and Abyss goodbye and be no more! You will be then…………here-everywhere aware at once……..without being! That’s something worth to die for, knowing as a fact that you actually don't! But for now I can’t tell………until the proper I-Dakini tells me more!  




Life Perspectives



  It was a movie called “the Da Vinci code”, where a smart fellow in the very beginning was talking about the different perspectives people have about symbols and meanings. This is a totally true fact, and is related to the way mankind was separating itself in many national, religious, scientific, social, and otherwise groups. This was happening when mankind turned brainy and our planet scattered us all over the place by braking apart in what we call continents. From then on our language got mixed up in many..........and so was our mind. This is not a fairytale, a myth, or a metaphor, this actually happened. We treat many things from the past as myths and metaphors without considering the fact people of those times didn’t even know what a metaphor is. People of old times didn’t make up things like we do today, they were all spoken the events as they were. Sure some facts could have been distorted by numerous translations and such, but the oral truth still remains for generations to remember. 

  So the perspective upon life we have today differs, that’s why we have all the mess we live in. The religio-scientific propaganda put us in this mess, scattering the one and only truth in numerous avenues. But the universe is just one, the mankind is one, and so is the truth holding us and the universe together. This one and only Truth can be found only when you discover the Union and no other way. And the Union can be discovered only by being one with all mankind and with the universe at large. If you don’t realize this you are lost in gulag and dogma!


  The general social life perspectives – guided by religio-scientific propaganda -- are based on the concept of survival of the fittest, giving you incentives to be different and special. This is very convenient for some few in power because is spreading the belief of challenge inside mankind as a condition for farther progress – building up the precarious civilization we are so proud of today. Extending farther this view in Mother Nature’s Kingdom, man started to challenge this kingdom as well, giving to us all the polluted mess we all live in today. If this continues man will turn pretty soon extinct! 

  Then there are social life perspectives of the distorted past, which are all of religio-scientific nature. They are all based on the concept of “my god is better than yours” (which translates in the end in "I am better than you are"), and all the wars in the world today are the very result of those faulty perspectives of this phony past. Those perspectives are far worse than any others because they are all based on a fabricated past which actually never was, and such past has no future. All those faulty perspectives of the past must vanish for man to have a future! This won't be easy, but it will come! 

  The only valid perspective able to save mankind today and release man from his paranoiac behavior is that of the Union -- the Union of all of us with all around us and the universe at large. This perspective has to be guided by the heart present in all of us and the entire universe. And I am afraid such a majestic perspective is out of reach for man because of his “chronic eclipse of heart”. But for some few is still possible to get out of obscuration! Those will be saved!

And the only possible way for man to achieve this is not to be one!


   But what can you be then if not a man?

Well, here the perspectives are almost infinite! Just look what we have here on this planet! You can be any of those entities we have here, from a blade of grass, to a tree, a monkey, all the way to the Mother Earth herself. But sure all those will be a step back on evolutionary ladder – as science will say. And then you can be in Heavens, where the being possibilities are way beyond those existing on Earth! That’s why the heavens are many – the same way the planets are many – only way more and better many. If you are a yogi, you will end up in those heavens. And if you are a tachy-yogi, you can be no more, getting out of the being show all together! 

  Do you realize what I say here? The perspectives of being are infinite, the same way your imagination is. But you must get your imagination out of the trance of being an ego-self, a private living mold/box called man. This can be achieved by exiting man's senso-script (genome). Only this way you can transcend manhood and turn new. The Union of One-Many is not that of mankind only, but way beyond that. That’s because Being is not a man oriented event! Being is just witnessing, and witnessing can have endless witnessing beings and happenings. It just happens for us to witness through the eyes and other sensors of a being called man, but that doesn’t mean it has to be forever that way, just for the time being. The witness in you has to turn new!


  Couple of examples will help here. Every living day is giving to man myriad of living perspectives. Starting from the first and very narrow perspective you have from your bed when you wake up, you change living perspectives accordingly as you go along with your daily living. On the road to work you have a broader perspective; at work you get back to a narrow perspective; eating out at lunch the perspective gets broader again.............and so on. Going in vacation you may have the perspective of a bird, when you sit on the top of that high mountain yelling your lungs out to the sky, or when you sky-gliding, skydiving, etc.

  Then you probably fly back home, having a new perspective when you look through your small window from 30K feet above the Earth. And just some very lucky few millionaires have the latest possible living perspective of man by going into that junky space station and look at that vast stretch of water with some dry land coming out from it. I don't mention here the perspective of those landing on the moon because I really don't believe that ever happened, being just a staged showbiz. And sure they are the indirect perspectives by the means of manmade tools like the telescope and the microscope, giving us the so called macro and micro universes -- which are most of the time just indirectly envisioned and having the flavor of the observer. Those are about all living perspectives man can have at his limited living level as far as seeing. And sure there are perspectives related to other many sensorials we have -- not to mention the ones the yogis have that go beyond man's scope! 


  All those living perspectives differ by their focusing capacity, and for man the focusing capacity is very limited. Man's eyes have a certain resolution, just good enough to keep him alive and well at his natural living range. And the same stays for all other sensorials man has. An eagle, for example, has a resolution far greater than man, good enough also for him to stay alive and prosper.  So the living perspectives on this planet are strictly related to the conservation of the species, period. Getting into living perspectives out of human range make you lose the focusing power of yours senses and your mind as well, therefore is not recommended, being a living anomaly.

  But the man of late likes very much to live an abnormal life............out of boringness. In doing this he loses his natural integrity due to his diminished focusing capacity alienating his own living. Man is doing this intuitively knowing he won't be man forever, being able to envision living perspectives outside man's "living tunnel"! Man is due indeed for getting a new senso-script and turn into something better beyond man!   

  When man has a NDE, is in Turiya state, or experience death, he becomes a new, an entity with no bodymass. In this new "alienated state" the living perspective is totally different, asking for a new focusing power and new skills to be deployed. The best candidates capable to handle such new living perspectives are the real yogis, with the high end scientists trailing them from behind. All others are just too much into the "human tunnel" – but even those have the chance to see the light at the end of that tunnel..........occasionally.


  Discovering new living perspectives is then the main duty of man, and the way of doing this is by traveling the Being from inside out and outside in until a free and bodiless witnessing presence instates! When this happens, the traveling becomes of all others, for the total enjoyment of One!


  As terrestrial being man uses his imagination for this, trying to discover new living perspectives beyond the old manlike shapes and living events. He knows they are all already there, hidden in dense layers of human obscuration. Using his imagination as a tool, man starts slowly to discover new living perspectives, building his own heavens accordingly. You have to build your heavens here as man in order to be able to dwell there as you new, otherwise you will come back as man again, not knowing of any other living perspective beside that of man. And if this is the case, you have no place in heavens (in new living perspectives), turning back to your former Mother Earth and live as man again............eternally.  

  Man has to understand very well the game of being and witnessing. The witness is always free to be………anything he wants to be. But the being has to cluster in something in order to allow this witness to enjoy its illusory show. This is the encasement of the witness. If you manage not to encase the witness (the real you) in any cluster of being, then you are free to roam in any heaven at will without being anything in particular, just knowing of beings and happenings without any participation in the “action” of being. In order to believe this just look at your dreams and all the actions you experience there without having any bodymass. The heavens are of the same kind, except that they are of a better design, allowing you to roam free without an itinerary or a destination in a bodiless manner!

  Man's dreams are really helping man to have a hint about the living in heavens. The only thing is to make this witness of yours remember his freedom and avoid being clustered into a mold (encasement). If you are able to do this, then you are just a Pure Energy forever free. Even science knows of this: the one and only energy is meant to be undiminishingly free!  

  Some few already have accomplished this, watching us from beyond and helping us to be like them. The help is plenty, only if you want it indeed..........from the depths of your heart. It won’t be easy for the ones hooked to the perspectives the religio-scientific propaganda is feeding them from so long. But for the ones curtailing those ties the road ahead is smoother, and so is the help. Man definitely has this choice, the only thing is for him to open his heart to IT! Man has to get out of the sensorial trap holding him hostage in the "man-tunnel"!


  Let’s talk a little about the dreaming perspective and see what we can learn from it. If you study your dreams the way I do, the first thing you will notice is the presence of a "witnessing center", an "I", an invisible eye (assumed as belonging to you) from where you observe all your dreaming actions. It is this witnessing Seer that gives you the belief those dreams are yours and nobody else's. It is like in that computer game called "Doom", where you assume the one behind the gun in the mid and lower part of the screen is you in spite of the fact just his action is there not you per se (you just assume you are).

  The same thing is actually happening when you are awake, but here is hard for you to believe this because of your encasement having eyes to see a gross body. The fact is, even here, the same unknown Seer assumed also as being you is actually looking at the "living scenery" through your eyes. This witness is indeed your true nature (the real you), not the gross body you look in the mirror everyday and you call man. This is the Real Center from which the Being is assessed as what we call "living".

  This Seer is not "reading your living script" through your eyes only, but through all other sensorials as well (smell, hearing, etc.). Without this permanently present Witnessing Center it will be no living, no being. The only possible way to express this Immortal Center is: "I am!" And indeed, what are you really except for this unknown Seer present in all your sensoriality and All that IT is?


  Dreaming is then of a witness free of body encasement, therefore of heavens. That's why dreaming suppose to be always blissful. But the heaven of man is……….of man, therefore tinted with visions of humanoid living – the phony heaven, the one lingering in the upper or lower atmosphere of Earth (the light or dark cones of our planet). This explains why man’s dreams are most of the time loaded with distorted manlike events in strange displayed shapes, feelings, actions, etc. The perspective present in those dreams is not much different from the one the witness has when awake and encased in that gross food-body-machine called man, except for the partial freedom he has here. In dreams the witness (self) is “naked”, just an “I” presence, or as of in your dense, awake living, the witness is dressed in a food-body-man (physical body). When you actually see your physical body in your dreams is usually a sign you will die soon, because that's what dying actually is: a change in perspective of the "I-witness" when he separates from his encasement in the gross food-body-man and sees it as an inert corpse laying down bellow!

  In your dreams the witness-you can transmute from one body to another with ease, changing his perspective frequently from the old you knew to many of you new. Here the witness separates in many of you, all, without exceptions, coming out from nowhere actually, but giving you the impression as coming from inside of you. Sure due to the illusion of T/S this is done sequentially – one you at the time/space (T/S) – but the speed of this transmutation is amazingly high, barely noticed. You can be here the old you, an adversary of this old you, a friend, many other people laying around, etc. In short, you can be here an army of people and habitats…..…alternatively.


  This is very similar with the life in heavens, except for the humanoid look, which is totally absent in the real heavens! In the Real Heavens the human race is unknown, just the human soul is! No twinkling firmament there either, just a sensorial play coming from within and outside in!


  Please try to validate what I say here by observing your self dreaming. You will be amazed by what your self (witness) can do at night time. It is very important to do this because the life in heavens is of the same kind – very creative – and if you are able to master your dreams now, when still “encasely alive”, you will have the guarantee you will be able to master your creative power there after your terrestrial encasement is gone (when you "die").  If you are not able to master your dreams now, when still alive, your heavens will be “spooked” with terrestrial elements and you will have a hell instead. Any hell you have is like a nightmare in heavens. But because there is no wake up there, the hell will last considerably longer, and the real wake up will be back where you came from – the Earth – being reborn as man again just to escape from there out of fear.  This is the deceiving and illusory game of Maya!

  Dreaming is giving you the amazing opportunity of knowing how many perspectives the Seer present in you can have and how to navigate through them all. But if you are not able to navigate through all these perspectives in your actual terrestrial living, your dreams will possess you, turning your self into a slave. And the same thing will happen with your living in heavens after you die. You will have then just one perspective and only, which will feel like a dreaming nightmare, like hell! All this due to your ignorance in regards with what the life after death is all about and looking for a terrestrial, manlike living there!


  Concluding this chapter I will say that the living perspectives are infinite, having no end or beginning. The ones you pick are the ones you live, and all others are to be lived by others. You pick your living perspectives by the sympathy your self has in relationship with the sensorial attributes present there. Those senso-attributes are infinitely present everywhere as means of being, of felling alive. The ones you manage to cluster (by sympathy) are the ones molding your future becoming – in our case the becoming of man. You have to really understand: feeling alive can be accomplished in many ways! Feeling manly alive is one way among endless others. Don’t bond your self to be man forever boring! 

  Why do you think so many people all around the world are hooked on drugs today? They are all sick of their terrestrial living, and they all try to get out of their brainy living and get back into high heavens – intuitively knowing the heavens really exists and are way better. But because they are not trained yogis, they are doing this in a dummy way, returning very quick back in the hell of man. What a drug does to man is simple: is cutting off the ties of the body with the brain, letting the heart free of brain dependency. That's why the one on drugs doesn't care about anything. Free of his brainy self-preservation grip, he is finally free to just blissfully be.

  If the one on drugs will be conscious of all this, he will start practicing Yoga and turn a yogi. By practicing yoga meditation those heavens will be then with you most of the time during the terrestrial living and long after just by a simple change of your living perspective. This change in perspective is what makes you new!

Try to make you new! 




The illusion



Most esoteric teachings of man are saying life is an illusion, at all levels, the same way a dream is. To make such a statement is easy, to live by IT is amazingly hard. And it is hard for one single reason: it’s too obvious. In short, something is way too obvious there in order for you to believe is an illusion. When you see all those dense bodies, all those mountains, that huge body of water, etc., you say to your self: “no way all this to be an illusion, no way!” – like Neo was saying in "the Matrix" movie. It never occurs to you that all those “dense” and “obvious” things are there due to your senses – which are themselves illusory constructs tricking you to believe in those illusions.  

  But when you carefully look at that dry land, at all that vast body of water, all those humans, all those clouds, all those flowers, all that golden dust coming from the sun, what you see, hear, smell, etc. is nothing else actually but what you see, what you hear, what you smell, etc. In short, a human illusion of the senses and not a reality. A reality never changes the way all those change, therefore what you see, hear, etc., are just transient tricks at different densities to be, all coming to your attention as illusory movements of the senses. All very nice indeed, but so fake in the same time by their processing/transient nature! Please take a moment and try to realize the illusory status of you and all living!

  If you try to count how many of those "realities" are visible and how many are invisible, you will find the ratio is about even. A rock, the ocean, a trees, a breeze, a sound, are considered "visible" realities; but a thought, a feeling, an inner-talk, a dream, etc., are considered "invisible" realities. And if you put your heart into play, you will start to discover many other “densities” going way out of human scope. Science put all this in the same “sensorial basket” called matter, making this basket the center of the universe – without ever considering this could be wrong. And we all borrow this life perspective without ever questioning the veracity of it. We take all science’s follies for granted! Just lately some start to wonder about science’s doings! It was about time! 

  Not all of us share science’s perspective of life. Some do believe in other perspectives of life. And some among those believe life is indeed an illusion, all across the being universe. This later category has very little ties with the living on this planet, living outside the illusory frame of it. They are called yogis, and the real ones are few. They live as beggars and sakyamuni, roaming naked in some few secluded places still present on this planet. They are not terrestrials anymore, living in the beyond expansion of the high heavens! 

  What those few men have discovered is that all living is a sensorial play endless in nature stretching way beyond our five senses, and to discover new living perspectives is a matter of new sensorial skills. Having those skills they are able to live in High Heavens. Some very few among those knowing of those heavens have also discovered that all sensorials even the delightful ones displayed in High Heavens are of illusory nature, and the only entity not affected by any change and staying always the same is an Infinite Awareness present as a Center of them all. This Omnipresent Awareness was discovered by all those knowing of IT, and IT was called Lucid Clear Awareness (LCA) by Padma Sambhava. Motionlessly present, this Awareness is staying for an eternity as a Witnessing Eye of Being an Infinitely Spread Interstice knowing of All that IT is! High end science is very much aware of this as well today!


  The way you live your life depends then in the end on the life perspective you have, which is a living skill to be acquired. But at the base of any living being (which is a pack of sensorial receivers) is always an Immortal Witnessing Core (LCA). In man's case this impartial and blissful "Eye" is obscured by the means of two opposing views: that of the brain, and that of an impure heart. If you are born in India, you are poor, having no possessions other that your skinny body, it is easy to live by a living perspective of a yogi and let your heart speak. That’s why most of the real yogis are there (not as of today though). But if you are born in USA or Europe, you are very rich, having numerous possessions, it is hard to live by such a perspective, that’s why those people can never become real yogis and reach the Real Heavens – all living by brain and an impure heart spooked by money, sex, and rockn'roll.  

  The first category can easily see the sensorial illusion by using the motionless meditative practice. The other category sees only the separation of men in rich and poor -- playing god with the poor with their silly philanthropic doings. The ones in the first category are at home in both livings – terrestrial as well as heavenly living – seeing the Union of All that IT is and bringing the heavens on Earth by their infinite compassion. The others don’t have a real home, because they go against the universe and against all mankind as well. Those in the second category have no chance to live in Real Heavens, ending up in the phony heavens, the ones resembling very much the terrestrial living and preached by all religions today (more than 2000 of them as of 2005).


  Regardless of all this, the entire universe of being is an illusion, because being is witnessing, and witnessing is always a phony living, a living of a puppet. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize this valid truth, it is too obvious. As long as you witness something, you break the Union, therefore you separate from the real source of living, from that Singular Center. When you are in Union of One-Many you are for real; when separated from of IT you are just an illusory image/symbol, a copy of the real thing. Just look at the video recording devices today and you will have the understanding of all this. The scientists already envision this, in a wrong way of course, as science always does – missing the heart! 

  To be is then an illusion indeed, because involves a separated witnessing self among many separated others. But even so, the Union is always beyond sustaining this illusory separation. This vision is of Majestic Value for man, showing the illusory status of all living and the universe at large! But man wasn't able to grasp such a view..........even today! 

  Not even the heavens are for real then, but there the suffering is buffered by the missing of a gross food-body-man, being a far better place to live in. In the real heavens the expansion of the heart is divinely enlarged the same way the light is. Man’s main mistake is his love affair with the dense sensorial living he is in (terrestrial living), which makes him fearful of dying. If wouldn’t have been for this man will very easily understand his dense status of a puppet and get out of his illusory human cocoon. The religio-scientific propaganda is to be blamed for this. Man has to get out of the hypnotic trance of those two brain-hacking institutions that “spook” the heart!


The first step to take for getting out of this hypnotic trance is to let your heart speak. Just ask your heart: how can be so many gods when we have just one mankind? Why should I even consider having some other man like me teaching me about god when he is dying the same way I do? How can I even consider any religion when is telling me its god is better than the gods of all others? How many gods are out there beside the one of all mankind and the universe at large? Looking in your heart for an answer to all those questions is setting you free of any possible religious infestation, realizing their deceiving game based of money and submission.

  Then start asking your heart about the pros and cons all sciences brought in the world of man. Start with the vision of how far the science separate us in rich and poor, how much pollution and destruction was causing in Mother Nature’s kingdom – all this just for some few to stay in power on the expense of all others and Mother Nature’s as well. According with the answer you find in your heart related to these two decadent institutions of man you will know how much you are in love with the transient illusion of being (man that is). Then you will know how your heaven will be!


  The heavens are many indeed, but yours is just one. To find that heaven and live in it is of major importance because terrestrial living is a short event, whereas the living in heavens is of longer duration – if you know how to navigate in it and make it last. Being in love with one or another is your mission to be, Choose IT wisely! Don’t you be afraid of any, knowing of all as delightful illusions as well!


  Allow me now to inspire you in finding your own heaven to be.

First please let go of man. Try to just be……….and nothing else. You will discover then that Being in itself is just Bliss. Then you will realize that all the misery existing in your life is just a movement of your heart stirred by pitiful desires. I need this, or that……..I want this or that, is what brings the misery in man’s life, asking for an obstacle in front of his wellbeing. In the High Heavens you don’t need any of those, making them all turn into Bliss! To live in such high heavens man has to dismantle his human status using the help coming from there! Man's dreams are the ones making this possible! 

  As a good practice for you, try for one day at list to be free of all these and kick off the habit of “I need!” and “I want!” Try to be just a witness of all that it is around you. You already do this, but only when you go to see a movie. That’s actually the main reason why the movies are so successful today – making some few among us very rich. Man just likes to witness movement! It is actually the self in us who likes that very much. He gets in some kind of trance this way! Try to be aware of this trance and the way it tricks you! Because believe it or not, any life movement is nothing else but a sensorial trick! Even the high heavens are full of such tricks, but there the sensorials are of  far better quality! Please try to be aware of this! 

  Then, at night, just before Morpheus sings you a lullaby, try to be aware when the twist of mind occurs, and if you are………you will be able to “read the script” of all your dreams. From that point on you will be able to build your own heavens at will. You will also understand that you actually create all your living from bits coming from beyond through your sensorials. When you will be able to validate this truth, all the old visions inspired by religion and science will vanish without a trace. That’s what makes you new! From that point on you will be the master of your own destiny!


  That’s the advantage of knowing about “the power of being immersed into another power of being”, IT gives you the opportunity to play with both. I can’t tell you more here, but if you open your heart to IT, you will get IT. Just let your heart penetrate the truth! Your heart knows this very well!


  I can't conclude this chapter without giving you an example of how the illusion deploys in man! Let's take a very simple one, one that we perform any living day of our life eating and see the illusion of such a living event.

When men is eating a large number of sensorials are "shaking hands" into an illusory display hard to be aware of. The sensorials present in your hands and arms are giving you the illusion of touching, holding, and moving; the sensorials present at the mouth level is giving you a set of illusory movements, touches, etc., able to make you feel a tasteful illusion there; then, after swallowing, a long set of tubes, pipes, and other formations are giving you the illusion wonder what............making you to say in the end you are full; and deep inside you (at molecular and cellular level) another such formations are entertaining the same illusion, making you stay alive and well; all this ending in a final product which excretes itself out via rectum. Really gross!

  You will probably say this is disgusting, and you are right, man is a gross creature indeed! But all human actions are illusory and gross, we just need to pay more attention to them in order to realize this. The only entity embellishing the gross and make it survive is a witness lured by the play of desires (A/R) all based on our sensoriality. It is this witness (called ego-self at man's level) which is actually covering the grossly living of man into an illusory belief of pleasant nature by the means of a permanent sensorial oscillation. If you remove this illusory sensorial cover, what remains is a sobering truth: man's life is a gross and transient display of animalistic nature! But even as such, the purity of divinity is still present there as a diamond in the rough. You have to just discover IT!


  As long as something comes and goes (oscillates), it is an illusion, period! If you are not able to realize this you just embellish your illusory status as the greeks did long time ago introducing the concept of "Cosmos" which translates as "embellishment". That's how we've started to take the illusion as real, make man the center of the universe, inventing all kind of manmade and manlike gods and start worshiping the illusion of the good and evil, of A/R (Attractions/Repulsions, likes/dislikes).  

  Man performs such illusory living activities everyday, numerous times a day, without any other purpose except an encoded necessity to keep him alive and going in circles of T/S. That's what we actually call life. The Witness in us is totally obscured to all these tedious illusory actions by the trick of sensoriality, which makes him believe He is a man. The witness present in this gross-food-body-man has to get out by dismantling his gross encasement of man. Only then he can live in high heavens with a new set of high end sensorials at his disposal! This is the chance man has when he dies as a yogi!

  This Witness has to wake up then from this manlike trance and realize he is not a man at all, just lured into believing He is. We all know intuitively of this when using the truthful expression "this is my body". To be aware of all this illusion the Witness has to just let go of man and discover His Immortal status. This discovery is called by Yoga, Svarupa (the True Nature). Once discovered, the Witness present in man gets free of His illusory encasement (the human body), turning blissfully in what He really is: an Immortal One in everyone (One-Many). To discover this is to discover how free you can be in High Heavens!




Living in Heavens



As you realize by now, living in heavens is different from terrestrial living entirely -- in fact they are totally opposite. The first flows from outside in, the other from inside out. This is purposely so for the being to function as a dual action starting from the Center and getting back into IT (the Great Breath). The heavenly living is a shivering of souls by the flow of being coming in as diaphanous forms of lights, all trying to be in Union and become one living entity again. This is totally different from terrestrial living, which goes for separation and cruelty!

  The terrestrial living has to separate from the Union and reach for other living entities (objects) in order to exist, living for suffering as a result due to the body density and its entropic degradation in T/S. This living goes against the Union  due to separation, to return back in Union when the body dies. That’s why is impossible to describe one living from the perspective of the other! One goes for Union (fusion) and identification, the other for separation and explanation (reasoning). The only way to recognize their difference is to go into a living perspective beyond both, the one of that Center!


  The living perspective beyond both was telling me this to partially tell:


     in high heavens the living deploys in a flowing manner, where shivering feelings (hearts) are flooded with delightful lights going for the Union of hearts. When the Union is accomplished an expansion occurs, and the united hearts expand accordingly, to unite with others, and so on. In high heavens life is then an expansion of hearts, all having the same purpose: the Union! As you can see, here you don’t go out for externals in order to perform a living action or another, here the being flows in a continuous and majestic display of lights willing to be in Union with you. The vision of the Union all real yogis have comes from those high heavens through their Yoga (Union) practice. Short of this Union you are in the phony heavens, the ones lingering in the upper or lower atmosphere of Earth -- the light or dark cones of our planet -- all imitating the terrestrial living in a disincarnated manner!


     the terrestrial living doesn’t deploy in this manner, but we receive light signals from heavens everyday through our heart. Without this continuous flow in our heart the terrestrial life can’t function. At night we are prone to receive a better signal from there -- due to our partial detachment from the gross terrestrial living -- and our dreams are part of those signals. At terrestrial level though those signals are very weak, therefore hard to get noticed – due mostly to our lack of training. That’s why we cannot have the Union experience in our dreams. I’ve tried it, but it needs a tremendous effort and is never perfect! So to say you are in Real Union here at our terrestrial level is just a figure of speech – the real Union can be accomplished only in high heavens. The phony heavens (religious type) – the ones of those living by brain – are always scattered, the same way the terrestrial living is!  

  I can’t say more on this because I am not allowed to – IT can become suicidal if not purified of man – but it will come into your heart if you live by heart! Only a pure heart knows the “language” of the High Heavens! The living perspectives are infinite in number, and the ones you pick are the ones you live! If you go with the perspective of religious dogma for instance, then that will be your heaven: a manlike heaven filled to the rim with humans and human like events – not much different from the terrestrial living left behind. That's the phony heaven, the one all religions are blabbing about. And the same thing applies to all those going with the materialistic scientific dogma.  

  But if you have the vision that Life is not a man oriented event, you will be able to live in the high heavens indeed, without any manlike events. So only your own final living perspective – the one you die with (alaya memory) – will be the one to decide in which heaven you will dwell. If your perspective includes human elements – not knowing of any other display of living – then those elements will make your heaven look human. That will be also a transient heaven for you, the same way your life was on Earth. You will pretty soon come back on Earth from that heaven, reincarnating as man again and again..............eternally.


  As you can see, it is very important to leave your terrestrial living with a right perspective about heavens, because that perspective will decide upon your next sensorial package to be. If you exit your terrestrial life in love with being man, then that love will keep you in manhood. In this case, as I said, you will have one short lived transient heaven (the phony heaven of the disincarnated ones), after which you will return as a new born man on Earth. It is nothing wrong with this, just a repeat of being man again and suffer again! 

  But this is not what the real heavens are for. The real heavens are for the exclusive purpose of helping the numerous pure hearts present there to remember and fusion back into that One and only Center they all sprang from. In short, the Real Heavens are meant to reestablish the Union of All that IT is what Real Yoga, and TY in particular, is trying to accomplish.

  If you go in heavens to make your heart create things and happenings, then you are in the wrong place, and you must go back to the status of man and his habitat which is meant for such purpose. In real heavens life comes to you, on Earth you look for life outside of you, fighting for survival! Please try to understand this and be sure what you want to be! And remember, there is no sin involved here other than being manjust your own heartfelt capacity to be! If man is what you want to be, be man then again and again under the curse of T/S!


  Man knows intuitively of the High Heavens and the way life deploys there, that's why he likes so much to watch movies, TV shows, to search on Internet, or any living activity coming to his witnessing attention without any body participation in the action just sitting there motionless with his dense body and witness the show of being from afar! That's why also man doesn't like to work for a living, preferring rather to be a millionaire and travel without any worry of providing for his own living. All this is happening because man remembers how living in High Heavens really is: a blissful living without any tension, work, suffering, pain, and dying. Unfortunately, the terrestrial life can't accommodate such a living, except for some few, and even for those in a very limited manner. Only the High Heavens can accommodate such a blissful living. And, as I said, man intuitively knows of this truth, living his terrestrial life in frustration and despair as a result!

  All this is happening only because of a faulty vision going both ways around and around in karmic cycles: from heavens down to man, and from man up to heavens, again and again. From the perspective of high heavens your vision darkens by the curiosity of being man again; and from the perspective of man (carried by you when you die), you don't believe in any other perspective except that of man – due mostly to your lack of practicing the Union (Yoga). Then you are tricked by the phony lights of phony heavens to come down as man, reincarnating as man again by birth. And then, when you die again, you start thinking of heavens in manlike manner, living in the phony heavens as a result.........again. This is what Yoga calls Samsara, the endless karmic cycle of man. The vast majority of men go through these two kind of low end living again and again..............eternally! Some NDErs write even books about the phony heavens!


  A little advice may be of help here!


·       You should never look back at your body when you die; this will make you so in love with that body that you will want to come back in the human food-body-cocoon and suffer again.

·       You should never cry at the bed of the one dead, this will make him linger more on terrestrial plane and feel sad of departing. Throw a party instead and be happy for the dead, knowing he is in a far better world than the one he just left behind and you are still in. By doing this you really help the departed!

·       When free of terrestrial dense body as a dead, don’t use your new penetrating skill trying to get into that corpse in a desperate attempt to revive it. The dead food-body left behind is meant to be dead, but the real you is meant to be always alive. That's the right Spirit and the right attitude!


  In the end your heart is the one deciding what you will be, because only your heart knows what you want. The ones in love with the living of man have no chance to live in heaven long, they will return shortly as men again. Only the ones who really wish to withdraw from manhood will stay in heavens for good, and only if they have the right living perspective of heavens. In short, you must have some sympathetic view with the refined entities already there in order to last there. Or, if you are a real mahayogi, you can build your own heaven from scratch and live in it. Those mahayogis exists, have no doubt about it, but they are hidden in deep layers of bliss and abyss, therefore no one can access them except the ones they pick by sympathy. For all others they are abysmally hidden! 

  If your heart is open to any of these mahayogis – like Buddha, Patanjali, Padma Sambhava or any other – they will help you, but their help will be as “tall” as your heart is. In the end, as I said, it is your heart which is giving you a heaven or another according with the way you have it open to the One and only Truth. The heart knows of this Final Truth, but only if your terrestrial life was used for this purpose, living by heart! The brainy ones won’t last in heavens!


  To describe the living in High Heavens is not possible, but a drift of what is there can be helpful. Allow me to give you here some whispers of the living in Heavens:

·    A real living in Heavens has no human traces in it, therefore man and the language as you knew is not present there. The living in high heavens is a flow of blissful nature as a Continuous and Conscious Expansion (Ecstasy) in Union with ITSelf. No wonder man likes to take drugs!

·       The flow of heavens is of heartfelt nature as feelings. A heavenly feeling can be so compressed that may contain living events of an entire terrestrial live or even many such lives. This flow never stops -- having no itinerary or destination -- unless you fall in love with a sensorial mold. When this happens you are leaving the heavens.............falling into a destiny to be. Love (a product of an impure/desirous heart) has no place in the real heavens, here the Bliss prevails.

·       Due to the above nature of the flow, the T/S is not present here either, just the forever NOW!

·       All the old human senses are sublimated here as one, which is called Conscious Bliss.

·      Three new and amazing sensorials (as a Samyama) are present here: penetration, transmutation, and identification. The first is omni-sentient in essence, the second is transcendient, and the third is a fusion of hearts going for Union by sympathy. To figure the difference between a terrestrial expansion and a heavenly one just imagine the difference in power between a TNT and an atomic bomb. The second needs a bomb inside in order to go off. Or even better, imagine the difference between the celestial light and a black hole – the second engulfing the light inside it. That’s how powerful the fusion is! Now try to imagine all the heavens sublimating into a fusion of One Singularity. Nobody can imagine this, but deep in your heart you will know why everything has to return in the end into that One and only Center (Hridaya, the Tao). In spite of this, science knows partially of IT!

·       The most important thing in the High Heavens is to keep your LCA (Lucid Clear Awareness) continuously present in order to avoid molding into a being. No need to tell how hard it is to have such an Infinite Awareness! If you have it you stay, if you don’t you leave the premises. But if you practice this kind of awareness at terrestrial level as man, you will be better off there. I can tell you this from my own experience. The only thing you should go for in full spring is the identification – becoming one with another (fusioning). Why is this important? Because only this way any of the many other hearts coming your way can be nakedly exposed in front of your LCA! If you try to cloth your self here – like Adam and Eve did – you will fall back into the hell of man...........hiding your self in dense sensorial  layers (koshas) of obscuration. The only kosha present here is that of Bliss (AnandaMayaKosha) coming out from the spiritual heart as expansive feelings. What that means you must find out on your own!

·       Any man can live in heavens during his terrestrial life...........only if he knows how to transcend man. All you have to do is to practice your own dis-man-tlement by the wise practice of the tapas leading to surrender. Then you will keep on traveling without any preset itinerary or destination! Try to remember: the Real Heavens don't have a destiny (memory), not knowing of karma and T/S, therefore there is no  suffering and death there!


  The heavens are infinite in numbers, the only thing is to find one tailored for you or to build one for you! All those leaving the Earth with a religious perspective in their heart will find there the silly perspective of heaven inspired by the religious freaks. And because the religious perspectives are so many on Earth, those heavens will be different for each religious freak as well. Those are not the real heavens, being all tinted with terrestrial elements. Only reshuffling the Being from inside out and outside in makes you last in High Heavens! That's why in High Heavens traveling is a way of living! If you stop traveling – becoming curious – you fall in "sensorial trap", clustering into a mold of being something. And if that something happens to be a man -- as the only creature you remember -- then you will be man again.......picking up your old awareness to be (the AC) at the Event Horizon!


  Everything in heavens works by sympathy, the same way did on Earth. The only difference is the lack of a gross bodymass here, which is usually replaced by a body of pure energy dwelling in its own Luminosity. In heavens you will meet many such beautiful luminous entities, all ready to help you understand in their own capacity what they are and do. If you like them you fusion with them, becoming one with them all. Don’t you be afraid of any, they are all your dearest friends. Try rather to identify with them all in a Union of pure hearts. Then their blessing will get stronger and stronger, and your heart will expand in higher and higher heavens. That’s living in a continuous and blissful expansion of hearts! And your blissful heart has plenty of room to expand (travel) in the friendly Abyss. Don’t you ever try to separate them, in high heavens the Lingam and Yoni are one -- traveling through each other eternally as you new! This is an Arcane!


The only thing is to keep this blissful energy conscious as LCA in order not to fall into the sensorial luring trap of curiosity, which gives you a mold to be!


  And please, don't you ever look for a god or matter there – borrowing the brain-hacking religio-scientific view – because they will both come to you from your own imagination to turn you into a fearful worshiper. Try rather to find that free to be Center present there as well, the one you already know of from your wise terrestrial living. This Center will give you the most blissful living possible, one not attached to any dependencies and desires – a Serene Living! This is the heavenly living, a traveling of a blissful One in abysmally Many (the One-Many)! 

  Becoming more and more One with this Center you may want to come back as a Bodhisattva and help others to find this Center – if a spark of the past thinks of the future. It will be up to your heart to accept such a mission or to just stay there and enjoy the eternity passing by. Some choose to come back with a mission, as I said, some  choose to stay, some try to make new universes to be, and only very few choose not to be at all. In spite of all this, they are all in the same Union of ONE infinitely traveling as One-Many.

This Union is unbreakable!


  Living in heavens is then a Union of Hearts meant to be harmoniously balanced as one. Such a Union has still boundaries – like all universes have – but those boundaries are of heartfelt nature as communions of heartfelt feelings. A feeling can stretch way farther than even the light does, therefore a feeling can create light at will like the Spirit does. The Spirit is actually the fusion of all these feeling into a Union of One. The life in High Heavens is then a life of pure souls, all displayed in different light shades having nothing to do with man and his precarious habitat. Man has no place in the high heavens! 

  Don’t you expect then in the real heavens to have a firmament, a sun above, water and dry land bellow, air to breathe, skies, gardens, etc. All those are not present here! Here the Being is displayed in a very refined manner, having different ways of expressing the living way better than the dense living of man and his universe. Here everything flows, continuously changing from one instant to another. Not knowing of this you will be scared, trying to stop this flow into a cluster (a universe). When that happens your staying in heavens will be suddenly severed, and you will go back in the only familiar cluster you know...........that of man and his dense terrestrial habitat.  

  This explains how some people having a NDE are describing seeing all kind of man oriented events, relatives, and other terrestrial sceneries. Those are not the real heavens, just their own "heaven" brought there by their own terrestrial visions. You better understand this and don’t trust anyone coming back from the dead he saw the real heavens there. Those are all phony heavens, and yours will be always different. Only by practicing the living in high heavens when still alive as man you will be able to know what is there for sure and transcend there when your terrestrial living will end. All others will be lost in an unfamiliar place! 

  If you are aware of this when you are about to exit the terrestrial living you will be way better prepared to live in high heavens, and your staying there will be indefinitely extended. The real yogis are the best prepared for this, because their terrestrial life was just a practice of this heavenly living. The high end scientists and high end artists are next in line, and all others are more or less prepared according with the degree they understood to live their terrestrial life. All the ones living by heart will have a blissful heaven, because they were aware of the fact that "when the heaven smile at you is nothing you can do, except to smile too!" Those are the Real Heavens' dwellers..............people with pure hearts!


  You may have a tendency to believe living in Heavens is not in dependency of anything – like the terrestrial living here is. Well, this is not true because even here your living expands according with how open your heart is to all other souls present here. The more open you are, the farther your heart expansion will travel. So your heart is setting the boundaries here as well, giving you a degree of expansion or another. That’s why they are called Heavens, being infinite in number. It all depends of the way your soul envisions the Union, because the Union is what prevails in the end..............that One and only Center present here-everywhere at once!  

  The boundaries of those heavens are not like the ones present in our universe, being way easier to reach and to eventually transcend. Again, it all depends on your heart! The heart is the key to any expansion, regardless how out of reach that expansion seems to be. But only the one living by heart can understand this. In heavens you will understand the heart is part of that one and only Bliss traveling freely through Abyss. Don’t you let your Spirit lean toward Abyss by a childish curiosity to see how IT looks! When that happens you put an obstacle in front of Bliss, limiting your own expansion. But if this is what you want to be, do it, knowing you can expand back again with ease. Here everything goes! The only thing is to keep your heart pure by not seeing any good or evil coming your way, just Bliss al the way! 

  This is the major thing to remember in heavens: never to go against your heart! And this is something to be practiced when you are still here, on Earth, as man. The believe in you heart has to be unshaken, otherwise you will end up like all those clericals cheating themselves all their life to believe in something their heart never did agree upon. They set dogmatic limits going against the heart, to end up by breaking them all and become a public shame. That’s what is happening when living by brain masquerades as living by heart!  

  Going by brain and brain only, low end Science is doing this to man from long time now, making him believe in matter and only. That’s why science’s experiments are based on cloning and killing. Then is the religious influence, which pretends to go by heart, when in fact goes by brain as well – having money and money only as its final purpose. Going with those two you have no chance to live your life by heart, turning yourself into a puppet of “science says!” or “religious dogma says!” Only by getting out from these two dogmatic influences and start being yourself can help you live your life by heart...........among others like you already there.


  How can you actually start living in high heavens when still alive at terrestrial level? First and foremost you must let your heart expand to the majestic view of your real parents, the father Sun and the mother Earth. Your heart should be constantly open to your real parents every instance of your terrestrial live, sending them a loving message everyday. Don't you start or end your living activity without giving them both a majestic salute from the heart first! Remember that little practice I was suggesting farther back! This will help you have happy living events when alive, and a blissful death when your immortal witness separates. And please, do this from the depth of your heart!

  Then make a pledge with your self never to separate from being one with all mankind. This will make you one with everyone, helping you to discover the majestic union of the universe of man. After this try to envision the union present beyond that of mankind, the union of mankind and all other kinds. Try after that to envision all those unions into a Union of All that IT is as One. Those are the 3 Fabulous Views reunited in One -- giving you the view of the Union -- so much present in the High Heavens!

  Go then in the everyday living and apply all of the above. You start by collecting the “army”of pure hearts present here on Earth everyday. This is not the “army” of happy thoughts like in Peter Pan’s story. This is something staying beyond the happy thoughts. Allow me to explain! When you perform the terrestrial living as man you go in a park, in a store, in vacation, in a hospital, etc. In doing this you are always surrounded by people, animals, trees, birds, insects, etc. Did you ever try to look at all those on daily basis with an open heart?  

  In a shopping store, did you ever notice the pure heart present in that baby smiling at you from the shopping cart?  Did you notice the heartfelt smile on his mom’s face looking at him? Did you ever smile back to them? You should, because those are real pure hearts! Such pure hearts can never be faked, because that baby wasn’t tinted with any human faulty vision of good and evil, and that mother’s loving smile for her baby is truly from high heavens. Be very sure about this! This is your "valuable currency" in High Heavens! 

  And the same thing applies with a face of one in sufferance, with the face of an animal taking food from your hand, etc. All those faces are expressions of genuine hearts. Collecting those pure hearts when alive here, on the surface of our Mother Earth, is giving you the chance to live in high heavens during your terrestrial living, just by being aware of them. Collecting them more and more, your heart purifies by each passing day, getting you closer to the high heavens. This is happening because all those pure hearts are actually coming from high heavens – the same way yours does – and the real heavens are nothing else but a communion of pure and expansive hearts!


  And not only this! Did you ever see the dense hearts present in some, those having that ice cold grimace on their face instead of a smile? Sure you did! If you look with a keen eye at those people you will notice the pain present there. The pain of not having a job and money to survive, of being old, of an abused child, of not having someone close, etc. Did you ever have a compassionate feeling for those? You should, because such a feeling goes straight to high heavens, helping those people as a result. You don’t need to be involved, to be a philanthropist or such; a pure feeling from the heart will do just fine because………..the high heavens listen and take action! The real kindness comes always from High Heavens, not from man -- man being just a vehicle of it! Please do believe this, otherwise you will start playing god with the destitute -- as some few of us do today with their silly "philanthropic" actions! Only by having this heartfelt understanding you can become one with all mankind and all other kinds!  

  We are just too much into playing gods with each other – at deceiving advice of religion and of those oligarchs in power of mankind – thinking of improving the world this way. But the world is very well take care of, the only thing is to just listen to the calls of your pure heart. A simple compassionate feeling from the heart has more value than all the charity actions in the world today. Be very sure of this! By just doing this you actually expand your heart to high heavens, getting high marks there and getting closer to the pure hearts dwelling there. All this will then purify your heart farther, allowing you to live beside those hearts you feel sympathetic with! You then unify with them all, expanding accordingly in higher and higher heavens. The expansion of the hearts in High Heavens has no limit!  

  Having this “army” of pure hearts close to your own is helping you to be happy under any circumstances, avoiding the faulty vision of good and evil instilled to you by the religio-scientific propaganda. As you can see, the heavens have nothing to do with the good and evil, being just an expanded living and nothing else. The heaven and hell idea is what the religious dogma was spreading in the world of man to take advantage of the weak for its own benefit. That’s why all religions are so rich today and in very much conflict with each other, having all the same mantra: “my god is better than yours”, and in some fanatic cases “my way or the highway!” Don't you ever fall in this deceiving trap! 


  You have to really understand this factual aspect of living. Living is a game of boxes inside boxes, where each box has a living density (T/S velocity) of its own. Living in heavens is not an exception to this, all the hearts living there being “boxed” by their own expansive capacity. But the heavenly living is always better than the terrestrial living, the only thing is to make it last for you. That’s what all real yogis try to achieve: to make those heavens last for them now, when still terrestrially alive, and to continue there after without any chance to come back as man again knowing man is a low end being exposed to suffering and decay.  

You must cultivate this truth since you are still on terrestrial plane by opening your heart to all those there opening their hearts to you. All the others are to be left alone in their own heart expansion. You should never force your heart on someone else’s. This is detrimental for both parties! You go always by sympathy, but you never let any antipathy grow on you against someone not sharing his heart with yours. Any heart has to be free to expand at will, the only possible way to live in High Heavens! Nowadays man doesn't have such a vision, going with the selfish religio-scientific vision based on god and matter instead and spreading hatred all around!

  All the wars in the world today are based on this poor vision! If you bring this faulty vision with you when you die, you can say to heavens goodbye, going back to man’s hell – the hell of good and evil. Never carry with you the religio-scientific vision of the good and evil in heavens, just let your heart open to new living expansions! They will come perfectly fit for you and all other souls present there – none having a name or any other label! Never ever affix a label to your heart, and if someone asks you: who are you?.........just silently expand in higher heavens without uttering a sound! The High Heavens don't know of man.........just of pure hearts!

Then you will start to build your own Heavens!




Building your own Heavens



  Every human being has the capacity to build his own heavens, everyone. And all those heavens are definitely yours, but in no way new, except for you. As I said before, nothing in the Being universe is new, just a déjà vu. The view you have of heavens is new for you because it is specially tailored for you, but it comes to you from those already there and knowing of them. We are all in small sympathetic unions like boxes inside boxes, as you already know. For now we are boxed as men, all together boxed farther in mankind and the Adamic Element (our universe). But there are other boxes way beyond those -- be very sure about this! 

  The best way of building your own heavens is to dream in a conscious manner, which is not something man can easily do. That’s why I recommend a practice all scientists are unconsciously using, a practice from where all their discoveries actually come from. Try to bring all your imaginative views of heavens in your heart just before you fall in sleep. In short, try to imagine how you would like your heavens to be. Sitting there in your bed try to fall in sleep with this vision in your heart. Then, in the morning, try to remember all your dreams in minute details. After couple of days you will see that all your dreams are very nicely aligned with your own imaginative heavens. Short after that you will notice your daily imagination has improved and your nocturnal dreams are getting into the open more often as blissful conscious events. A dream has to be always blissful, remember this! If not, then you live your life based on the religio-scientific dogma of the good and evil! You should then get rid of such dogma right away and sever its grip on you! 

  This is how the high end scientists are coming up with their amazing discoveries: imagining them first, and bringing them into substantiation right after through the help they get during their nocturnal sleep. All this is possible through the help they get from the ones beyond by aligning their heart with them. If it wouldn’t be for this subtle relationship we would be still in the primitive era. A real high end scientist never thinks of good and evil, people afterwards are doing this for their own benefit. But the low end science -- the one sold to money and corruption -- is always based on good and evil, resembling very much the religious dogma, bringing destruction in Mother Nature's sanctuary and disseminating hatred among men! Such science is a crime against humanity!


  At terrestrial level everything goes by contrast: one likes hot, some other likes cold, etc. In short, the living perspectives at man’s level are always in dualistic conflict, fighting one another. That’s why as man you must be very careful and look for life perspectives similar with your own, making the ones having those perspectives friends of yours. Otherwise you will live a life of endless conflicts, seeing good and evil everywhere and fight with all sort of people going by the mantra of “my way or the highway!”. The mess we have in the word today is the very expression of this antagonism put in place by the religio-scientific conspiracy!  

  Your dreams will borrow then the same contradictions, giving you a heaven with a very terrestrial look, the phony heaven described by all religions, with human gods, judges, etc. The trick here is to become wise by knowing of all this and build your own heaven here, on Earth, based on the perspective you know already exists there in the real heavens. And you do this by starting to analyze all your dreams from that higher perspective existing there -- knowing you have the protective shield of those pure hearts already there

  Coming from a source having a far greater life perspective, to analyze your dreams is not an easy task. That’s why the only way to accomplish this is to get into that beyond perspective and be one with IT. By doing this you will have an experience of those heavens of your own, living in them at times. Then you will realize more and more the being you see in the mirror every day is not in fact you at all, the real you having nothing to do with man. For this to happen you must keep a permanent and keen awareness knowing of no sleep! 

  Sure you must first to believe in this, otherwise you borrow low end science’s view that your dreams come from the dark side of your mind. Why do you think the science is telling you this? Because it doesn’t have a damn clue where the dreams come from. But a real yogi knows the subtle aspect of dreams and where they come from, living their life accordingly.


  Allow me to give you an example of my own in this regards. I did have a dream recently about a child (as part of Septron, the Primordial seven) coming to me and tell me about a very complicated formula related to Earth relationship with other celestial bodies. He was just explaining the formula to me in a heartfelt manner, saying how easy was for him to come up with it. I just said to him: “OK, just make it work then!”, and he left with a wise smile on his face. 

  Now, I’ve never liked mathematics, and I don’t believe numbers and their relationship can accomplish anything. But the way that kid was explaining to me that beyond formula --  which by the way didn't have anything to do with numbers -- was very clear in my heart. There is no way this dream to come from a “drawer” of my brain, no way, but rather from a place way beyond my understanding. The interesting thing about all this is that everything was explained to me in a heartfelt manner so compressed, that now I have no clue how it was possible. All our dreams are like this: inner feelings so compressed that can actually cover the content of several book and even libraries. Did you notice this with yours? Pay more attention to your dreams and you will! 

  When you will start to be aware of your dreams you will be able to see things that you can never ever imagine before. When they come they fill your memory “drawers” with amazing knowledge, all coming from beyond. There is no way such knowledge to come from inside your brain unless someone beyond you put them there – in your heart first as compressed feelings, to go next to the brain for storage as decompressed images of multi-sensorial nature (thoughts, smells, touches, sensations, knowledge, etc.). I bet science knows of this already, but it can’t tell, for reasons of sanity (it's not too cheerful to discover man's puppet status).


  We all use language, therefore talk! And we do this in two ways: toward the outside (through our speech), and toward inside (through our thoughts). And sure there is also the writing, which is a combination of inside talk and sight. And we are so proud of this primitive way to communicate that we become a bunch of blabbers – outside of us, as well as inside of us. In dreams we use only the inside talk, but in a far better manner. That’s because of the place this inner talk comes from and the far better device we have to receive those signals – our Heart. Try to analyze your dreams and you will realize what I am talking about here! Our dreams are from beyond terrestrial living indeed, going straight to our heart...........for translation! 

  Sure, some dreams are more sophisticated than others, but they are all, without exception, coming into your heart from beyond, from living planes beyond the terrestrial living. You have the impression they all come from within – and they are – but only as an echo through. If you know how to take their message by heart, you will start building your own heavens, because they actually come from heavens. And according with how open your heart is in recognizing them, so will be your heavens. Short of this your heaven will by just a terrestrial repeat!


  I want to reveal here also something which may sounds very odd to many: our terrestrial life comes from beyond as well! Any thought, any living action, any word we speak, in short, all our everyday living events come to us as echoes from beyond. Terrestrial living is a living of a puppet! The human body is just an antenna, a receiver capable to get those beyond signals and translate them into a living. The Greek Mythology is full of such stories, where myriad of greek gods are intermingling with humans, giving them a destiny or another. If you look careful at their names you will see nothing else but virtues and vices there -- all inserted in the Moral Code present among us from immemorial times. All those gods were depicted in human shape just for the ignorant many to be able to comprehend the beyond in a human like manner. The fact is, those "gods" are not of human in nature, therefore bodiless, and we are all possessed by one or another at times according with our capacity to absorb divinity. Those entities are responsible for all our everyday living events. A real yogi has to know how to breathe them all in!

  When you will master your dreams you will be able to see more and more of all this and start to believe in what I am saying here. And the more you see it, the more you will believe that: what is happening at our dense plane of existence is there by the mighty action of something coming from beyond our dense terrestrial living. This discovery will be a revelation indeed, setting you free of terrestrial suffering and allowing you to live beyond in high heavens! 

  But for this to happen you must first to get out of the religious trance of good and evil, of heavens and hells. The heaven is just a subtle form of being, and is not in any way based on good and evil. Your heaven can be dark, shallow, colorful, or bright according with how pure your heart is. But that doesn’t mean the dark heaven is bad, the shallow one is better, and the other two are the best. This is just a pitiful man oriented perspective having no validation whatsoever, except for the ignorant one believing in such religious visions. Please, get out of religio-scientific trance!


  When you start building your own heavens you should try them all. From the very dark ones, all the way to the many blissful others. Only this way you will be sure you know indeed, not in need. And only this way you can be free to roam in any without prejudice and fear. Then you will see Life as a heavenly flow at all its levels, as it really is. Samsara (the gross) and Nirvana (the subtle) are actually one, as Padma Sambhava knew! Recognizing this truth, the only thing left to do is to become one with this flow..…….to identify with IT and flow with IT!  

  A little practice will help you to validate what I am saying above. Give your self 30 minutes in the morning for this practice right there in the bed after you wake up. Laying down in your bed with your eyes closed let the purity of high heavens descend in your heart by using the mantra “Let IT be of High Heavens”, synchronized with your inhale and your exhale. When you inhale just envision the purity of high heavens coming into your heart through the top of your head (fontanel); and when you expel envision your heart going to heavens to get purified. This will bring the High Heavens in your daily life. Try to forget yourself during all this practice, like you are not there. Very shortly even the mantra will disappear, just a suspended T/S as Now will remain. After this 30 minutes practice you just go with your daily living as it were and see what happens. The beauty of this is that the real practice starts after those 30 minutes, during your everyday/circadian living. Everyday after that short 30 minutes practice you will see your living improving into an astonishing manner. That doesn’t mean you will get a salary raise, win lottery or things like that. The perfection of High Heavens doesn’t have anything to do with the small angle perspective of our terrestrial living. The perfection knows what is best for you in relationship with all others like you and not like you..........with All that IT is!  

  Then at night, just before falling in sleep, close your eyes and perform the same short practice in bed. This time the mantra should be “Rising to High Heavens” and you try to envision your heart expanding into the land of purity. This will transport your heart in High Heavens during your sleep. Sure, at night you don’t care about the 30 minutes, you just use it until you fall in sleep. You will have the most expansive dreams ever after that! And all those dreams will give you a very pleasant living next day. And so is the wheel of your Destiny rolling as a pleasant living of you new.

  A thing to remember is the fact there is a difference in performing this practice in the morning compare with the way you do it at night. In the morning you envision the high heavens as dwelling in the light coming from our father Sun. And the father Sun is there in the open smiling at you. At night is a different story, and you should invoke the Sun to help you get through the phony heavens lingering in the shadow of our Mother Earth which are always there as a dense world of darkness. Without this help you won't be able to go through those dense layers of darkness (part of the phony heavens), and your dreams will be then possessed by the dark visions existing in this dense cone of darkness. All unpleasant dreams are coming to us from the world existing in this cone of darkness. Only the father Sun can help you get through this dense cone of darkness. So ask him for help and he will help you. Be very sure about IT! But your heart has to be totally open to this, otherwise the brain will take over...........thinking of our Father Sun as a lifeless phenomenon!



  If you persevere with this practice you will notice something strange, something never experienced before. You will notice that life is coming your way instead of you going after life as you did before. The life in high heavens is like that – coming over instead of going after – and you are living IT by your own capacity of understanding IT. That’s building your own heavens by your own wise living doings! Starting from that point on your life won’t be the same anymore, and your dense food based body will take a back sit! 

  What people don’t seem to understand is how important their dreams are and how much influence they have on their daily actions. A dream is like a curse on all your next day unfolding actions. That’s happening because dreams are based on feelings, and feelings are very compressed living events in becoming. So please don’t disregard your dreams and the feelings behind them because they will hunt you from behind. They all come from a heaven or another as a result of the permanent feedback of your heart with those heavens. That’s your karma, your destiny to be, and nobody can escape IT! Any being is possessed by those invisible karmic vibrations. 

  Many times in my life I was seeing this happening! Sometimes, just after I woke up in the morning, I didn’t know why I was having a strong feeling of anger inside me right from the start. Then the dream I was having prior to this came up as a fresh image in my mind to reinforce that feeling of anger and keep it in all my daily life events. Some other days the feelings induced by my dreams where very cheerful in nature, and in that day nobody and nothing could change that cheerful disposition present in my heart. All those induced feelings by my prior night dreams were shaping all my living events in that day in a way or another.  

  Observing this for a longer period of time I’ve notice this to be a real fact: our dreams are shaping all our life events indeed, and the only way you can help your self with this is to be aware of it and to perform all your living actions in sync with those of high heavens – the place where all divine dreams come from! You will notice also that the last dream you have (the one just before waking up) is the one taking shape in your immediate living events, or as of all others (before this last dream) are shaping the following next and all other next living events of that day. In short, the timing of your dreams is in backwards with your living events – the last represents the first living events of that day, and all others are backing up all the other living events of that day. Unfortunately, only very few are aware of this, due to the wide spread belief dreams are just distorted thoughts coming from your brain! The heart has to wake up and remember, believing otherwise!


  I am giving you bellow a fresh example of my own in this regards, a dream I had last night. I didn’t even wash my self, going straight to the computer to write this down. I was laying in the bed practicing that small mantric practice I recommended you in the morning (there is no practice inserted here that I am not using it on my own on daily basis), when a late dream straight from high heavens came into my heart as a song composed by a famous composer which I was about to sing myself. It was a beautiful song written in the language of the heart, and the audience was the universe of man (the Adamic Element). I just said to the band “hit it”, I’ve turned around in high speed several times, after which I started to sing that song. I knew all the lyrics by heart, and just by singing it I was aware of the very essence of that song, which was “Heavenly Bliss”, an endless expansion of heart. I woke up at that time with a feeling of tremendous love in my heart. The feeling was so strong that I was in love with all the universe of man, starting from the shining stars and the sun, all mankind, all the way to a fly and all the dead leaves in front of my house. Then I just came down to write all this! 

  This feeling of heavenly bliss coming from High Heavens is not the same with the separatist love cherished by man, being rather a divine love of the Union not knowing of you, me, they, etc., just of everybody as one. Only by having such a divine love in your own heart you can understand what I am saying here. And when you do, you will turn entirely New! 

  Nothing in the world will change my state of heart today, I know this for certain, and I know for certain also that anyone – and I mean anyone – can accomplish this. The more you practice building your own heavens, the more you will have them, and the more you will believe in them. Don’t you ever stop building your own heavens! 

  The small practice I gave you will help you with this, as you will notice, but only if you let your heart to carry the message coming from there into the everyday living and live your life accordingly. Those messages are to be followed by your heart without any doubt or hesitation, knowing they are there for your own good. No doubt should stop you from trusting your heart, because any doubt in your heart comes from the brain as a poison pill, making you lose the trust in your heart!


  The hardest part in doing this is to carry over the message coming from your heart into everyday living, as I already said. This is because the living of man today is based on the old habit of good and evil, which as you know, is a deceiving hoax. Allow me to show you how you can chase away the hoax of the good and evil. Let’s say you are at work and your boss comes to you in a bad mood, telling you all kind of nasty stuff about the way you perform your job. What should you do with his “bad attitude”? Should you get upset, scared, or what? You should do nothing, nothing at all! And the same applies if he would come to you to congratulate you for your well done job and give you a salary raise. Does that mean you should be insensitive? 

  Here I need to explain farther how our universe works. The Being universe is a flow and nothing else. Stopping this flow is what brings all the misery in our life and makes us fearful of dying. You can stop this flow in many ways: by being scared, disgusted, angry, proud, happy, sick, excited, greedy, etc., in short, by oscillating between the good and evil. This is happening when we are possessed by the phony visions of the phony heavens! The only way to avoid all this is to flow with the universe of man and all others. This will shield you of all good and evil contingencies, living your life with the visions existent in the high heavens. And please don't you think of this as insensitivity, this is super-sensitivity!  

  Why should you be upset for what your boss said? He builds his own hell or heaven the way he sees fit for him, not for you. And so are all others! Is this making the sun bleak, making the stars to fall from the sky………..or you to die. NO! So why should you suffer because of all these insignificant living events? Let them flow like a river without leaving any trace in your heart!

What it will become of you if you will start being “sensitive” to the phony hells and heavens of all others? You will end up with an ulcer, a heart attack or in the madhouse. Why should you do this to yourself? Be super-sensitive instead!   

  When your boss or anybody else comes to you in any possible mood, you see the same flow of being there and nothing else. It doesn’t matter if someone screams at you, or smiles at you, for you just the flow of being counts, shielding yourself this way from the good, as well as from evil, in the same detached manner. That’s what Yoga calls Detachment! The very result of this is a permanent state of Bliss. If the universe will fall apart in that instance, you will still be in that blissful state! Nothing can penetrate that blissful state………..not one thing! Your attitude should always be: "I see a smile, I see a cry, or I die………the Bliss is always there as I!" That's living in High Heavens!


  With this kind of vision in your heart you can then stay in front of that nasty boss and just see there an unhappy man, one that probably had a bad dream giving him that nasty attitude. And the same thing applies if you see there a happy coworker lady smiling at you and trying to comfort you afterwards. She might’ve just had a nice dream last night or something else to be cheerful about – like a good sex for instance. Should you really care about all this stuff? Why don’t you just see the blissful flow of being there evenly deploying in front of your keen eye. Otherwise you will have friends and foes all your life, thinking all the time how to adjust you life to the good and evil coming your way. But that’s not what the real living is all about, that’s misery all the way! If you keep on practicing building your own heavens this kind of low living events won’t even happen to you. Then you will be able to dream your life the way you see fit and having that life lived by you indeed. In short, you will become the god of your self, living in high heavens at all times – here on Earth, as well as everywhere else! You better believe IT! 

  The Buddhists are expressing this old truth when saying that “sitting by a Buddha you become a Buddha”. The meaning of this truth is that when someone lives in the Center of All that IT is, he becomes one with that Center (a Buddha), having the power of IT. Then, when someone comes to you, he will instantly share your state, aligning his heart with yours. That’s why nobody can harm or get upset in front of such a one. This is the power of Kaivalya/Singularity...........turning you into a Kaivalyan!


  Changing your life in this manner won’t get unnoticeable, and people will start telling you “you have changed” – and you did change indeed. And because you changed, so is your living, changing from a terrestrial living into the one in high heavens. Being consciously guided from beyond, this living is similar with the one it comes from, the living in high heavens. Because of this, in this new heavenly living miracles will be permitted, therefore they will happen in your everyday life indeed. That explains why the high end yogis (the mahasiddhas) can perform miracles. They are all invested with the power of the high heavens. Sure there are some fake ones among those, but you can easily tell them apart from the real ones. 

  But if you shut off your heart to those wise messages coming from high heavens, going with the brain instead, then you will start building a heaven based on good and evil (brain) and suffer accordingly. Those are the ones suffering from a chronic eclipse of heart. For those the high heavens are inexistent, they prefer the hell of man instead. And they surely have it! They have money, power, and all the dirt of this planet, but they don’t have a heart, thinking of their heart as a pump. Instead of building the real heavens, those heartless ones are building hells instead. But they don’t have any idea they are doing this, that’s why all others – living by heart – should feel compassionate for them, knowing it is their eclipse of heart doing this to them.  

  That's why is crucial to understand that all dreams are coming into your heart from heavens as very compressed feelings. The heart decompresses them all, to send them next as images to the brain to be stored for farther use – the brain using them farther as daily living routines……….as your life and living. Without your awareness present you won’t realize this, thinking you build your life by using your brain, which you actually do, but only after the feelings present in your heart are translated and stored there. If not aware of this subtle process, everything out of ordinary coming in your living will seem to you as a miracle! When this start to work for a living instead of letting the living work for you!


  Allow me to give you two factual examples from my own life in this regards.

  I was young, poor, spending my short vacation with my wife into a tent on the beach. We did have just enough money for 3 days of staying, but we really wanted to extend our vacation farther. By the end of the third day we’ve found a wallet with about the right amount in it to fulfill our wish of extending our vacation by 3 days. It was nobody there to claim the wallet, and in my country people have wallets with nothing but money in them, no IDs or such. So, it was this a miracle? It was certainly looking like one back then!

  Another example is totally opposite. I was a PE teacher in a public school. One day a janitor lady was asking me to borrow her some money she desperately needed. I said to her I can’t! Next day I’ve lost my wallet with about the same amount of money she was asking me for, having also a very heavy heart because of what I did. I’ve never felt so sorry in my life for not giving her the money. As a result of this I made a pact with myself never to do this again. All this just because I was going by brain and not by heart! This was looking like a miracle as well!

  As you can see, if you let your brain interfere, the vision of the good and evil will set in, and you will get into the karmic loop of random living events, living your life by the wide spread percept of “I have a good day / I have a bad day”. Sounds familiar? What about changing all this and have heavenly days all the way! This is very possible indeed because building imaginative heavens is the job of any living soul – here in terrestrial realm, as well as in the high heavens themselves. Here you do this to get there, and there you do it to get in higher expansions of hearts.


  Those heavens are not the ones from where we fell from, those are totally new heavens. In these new heavens the canny serpent desire doesn’t exist, being replaced by Conscious Bliss. That’s because those heavens are gained by your own wisdom, a wisdom accumulated in your heart by your own merit. That makes a great deal of difference, giving you the chance to last there forever! 

  But if you are a religious freak, a low end scientist, or a low end yogi, then your heaven will be in the land of desire again, making you stick with the desirous good and evil and fall back in terrestrial living again. All this is happening because your impure heart wants to live in such a dense realm. Everything depends, as you realize by now, on your living perspective, on how open and pure your heart is. In the Being universe any life perspective is coming from the depths of your heart! The purer your heart is, the larger and brighter your life perspective will be. If your terrestrial life was based on brain, ice cold decisions, heart breaking restrictions, or ego-centric (selfish) desires, then this will be your life perspective you will carry with you in heavens – and you will have a hell of a heaven, one with a very terrestrial look. 

  It is a permanent pouring of living events in the universe, all, without exception, of mindful nature. From all those events your heart selects what to keep and what to leave out. The ones your heart keeps are the ones you live by – here on Earth, as well as in any possible heaven. Only a pure and wise guided heart can pick the right living events and live in blissful heavens. The guidance comes from the Circle of Hearts already there, all lending you a hand to become like them. And they all, without exception, come from that same One and only Spiritual Center existent in the hearts of all beings. IT is not a god, IT is you and you all along............You New!

Let IT be of that Center!


  Allow me to explain this in a more extensive manner.

A mahayogi lives his terrestrial life in seclusion and motionless meditation. He obviously knows is not worth to be man. He is using his terrestrial life span to build his own heavens when still alive as man, wasting his manhood away for a better way to be. And he will have indeed a bright and blissful heaven. From this top position the purity of the heart descends farther to a high end scientist, which is not so far from a real yogi. Those two categories of people are able to envision living scenarios which are beyond human imaginative capacity. The only difference is a real yogi is already living his imaginative heavens – with the help given by the entities already there – or as of a scientist is just envisioning them – due mostly to their lack of training.  

  Then there are those of artistic nature, the ones letting their heart open to any possible imaginative displays. Those people are working intensively with their imaginative power, bringing in the world of man many enjoyable moments. Some are for real and some are just for money, but they are both living their life by the call of their heart. The ones getting later into the glamour of show biz and money are getting into the habit of getting high by the means of drugs, just to shield their heart – now sold to money – from the misery of living at this dense and heartless terrestrial living plane. Some of those are sooner or later committing suicide They usually die young, being reunited with the Bliss of Heavens way sooner than others! But even those won’t stay in heavens long, due to their heavy ties with terrestrial living! 

  All others are just too much into manhood, living their life in a close circle of family, friends, and pets. For those the heavens barely exists, they don’t see the forest from the trees in front of their own house. Their imaginative capacity is so limited they will never understand this. For this vast majority the heavens are just a repeat of terrestrial living. They will stay terrestrials! 

  What man doesn’t seem to understand is where his imagination comes from, and the fact that all Being (Existence) is just a heartfelt mindscape. Nobody in the entire universe is able to imagine something without that something to be already there – the universe we live in being a déjà vu, as I said. What anyone imagines comes then from somewhere where that something he is imagining is very much present. So what a yogi does is recognizing this factual truth and lives IT, or as of  all others are just imagining, without having this understanding, therefore they don’t believe IT, therefore they can’t live their imagination. In short, they don’t substantiate their imagination in a miracle as all real yogis do! They are hooked to "dense matter"!


  All high end scientists and real artists are very close to real yogis, that’s why they do substantiate their imagination in a discovery or an artistic expression at times. All our civilization is based on those few people – yogis, scientists, and artistswho are taking their imagination in their own hands.  But some times, when you are so far away with your imagination, you just can’t substantiate it at terrestrial level – it is too unbelievable and some times even dangerous for all others. That’s why all real mahayogis are very secluded, and many scientific discoveries have to be kept under wrap for future times. It has to be that way for the sake of the future! 

   Our imagination comes from the heart, and it comes in our heart from high heavens. You must really believe this! After all, why are they called high heavens? Because they are subtle manifestations of Being, so subtle that they are lacking a bodymass – the same way you do when in heavens. Do you see the light now? Yea, that light taking any possible form in our imagination and All that IT is!  In our imagination is subtle and expansive, in our body is also subtle, but we see the dense body of man and start thinking of……….matter. The religio-scientific dogma is to blame for this! 

  This is what the low end science taught us in schools and all religions are preaching for their own benefit. But hey, we have the Internet now, is about time to wake up from the trance of those two and become one mankind again. The mankind of tomorrow will certainly live in High Heavens, because the actual mankind is way overdue for a change. As today we are at the end of our living cycle, and the signs are present everywhere showing we all suffer of a chronic eclipse of heart! When this happens, the heart has to be changed with another! 

  The Heavens are there for this very purpose: to give you a more expansive heart! Man can go there to find one, or the heavens can expand and engulf man and his habitat in it. This book is about going in heavens and expand your heart farther. The other way doesn’t need to be explained……….it is too obvious. The choice is yours as a call of your heart! In the end everything will dwell there, but an eternity has to pass by for that to happen. That’s because they are so many of them, all just waiting to be in Union (Centralized), in that One and only Center. Can you wait that long? That’s the eternal question!


  Just look at our social life today and realize how "centralized" we are lately. And this will be more and more so as the only condition for man to survive. This is not a Conspiracy, as some think of, just that One and only Center working in us all from beyond to make us be and prosper. In nowadays planetary conditions man can't afford to go with the old concept of separated nations as groups of people doing whatever they want with their piece of land. This is not possible anymore because of the precarious condition those corrupted few in power of mankind have created on our planet by their greed and lack of wisdom. Only a united and wise mankind can help us escape from the brink of extinction. Regardless what people think or do, and how many will die, the centralization of man into one united mankind will get stronger by day, to sublimate into a Union of many as One! What mankind needs today is real bravery in fighting the despicable 1% Elite grabbing all the goods of this planet. Those few and heartless rulers have to be removed and put in trial for crimes against humanity. As long as those sub-humans few Oligarchs, their army of crooks, and their religio-scientific propaganda will stay in place, no good will come to mankind.  Today is either us (the 99%) to fight and regain our stolen living rights, or them (the 1% crooked  thieves) turning us into their cattle!


  The US of A is a Union today, and so is EU............barely. But those unions are ruled by the same few cruel crooks in control of mankind. What we need today is one single body of mankind without any crooks sold to money and corruption in it. Only this way we will be able to continue living on this planet. If this won't happen, then we are due for extinction. This won't take long, but for all the heavens to be reunited in the Union of One it takes an Eternity, as I said! Even so, an eternity is just a heartfelt state of being in Union, therefore is already there as Hridaya, the Tao – the  heart of Being present everywhere you turn, the Center of All that IT is. Try to be one with that Center and you will forever be in Union!





Beyond Heavens*



Before starting this concluding part I would like to clear up the term “beyond” and give you a clear vision of what beyond really means. We know today many things which were totally unknown to people of the old times. We can surely consider what we’ve just discovered since those old times as beyond for the people living back then. So when you say beyond what you actually say is unknown and nothing else. Beyond is then in no way inexistent or out of reach, but rather undiscovered yet. And science knows today that most of our universe is totally unknown, considering most of it is hiding in deep darkness (Dark Matter). I don’t really know how many computers science was using to come up with this truth, but Buddha knew IT more than 2400 years ago, and all real yogis know of this as I speak. 

  So people have a different perspective about beyond according with their capacity to comprehend IT. What for someone is considered beyond and inexistent, for another can be a very well known reality. As I said, the entire Being universe is made of boxes inside boxes, and the bigger or smaller the box is, the less or more beyond will be there. Everything goes then by expansion, and any expansion comes from a pure heart knowing of That Center!


  With this understanding settled, allow me now to summarize the hierarchy of heavens.


~  The lowest heaven is the phony heaven, the one lingering in higher and lower atmosphere of Mother Earth. This is the most common heaven, and is filled to the rim with human elements of good and evil. Except for the missing dense body, this heaven is very similar to the terrestrial living. All those living here are called “disincarnated” or “ghosts”. This is the land of all kind of dualistic spooks! You won’t last long there, going back on Earth soon to reincarnate as man again. You better try to increase your energy to be and avoid this heaven!


~  The next heaven is the High Heavens, the ones expanding to the very borders of the Adamic Element (man’s universe). This is a heaven filled with delightful bliss and light in action. But all this light will be of solar nature, therefore limited to that speed, and so will be the heart expansion present there. This is a kingdom where you are not man anymore, just a body of expansive light. But even here you don’t have enough strength to get out of the universe of man into the more expanded heavens. Some of those dwelling here are coming back on Earth also as bodhisattvas, guiding humanity to a better living. Those High Heavens are the real heavens of man, the kingdom of Spiritual Light!


~  At the high end of the High Heavens is the Core of the Adamic Element. This is the “Blue Print”, the Causal Body of man (AnandaMayaKosha). This is the Union of the Universe of Man. That’s the Purusha (the God) of the Adamic Element, the so called "Creator". He doesn’t actually create anything, because He is everything – all our universe compressed into One Entity. But there are other Purushas, all dwelling in their own universal cocoon as universes to be!


~  Getting beyond the high heavens is not known to man, surpassing man’s capacity to imagine farther, therefore a Void has to instate in order to assess new existential possibilities other than the 5 elements of being. Whoever is telling you about seeing expansions beyond the high heavens is a liar. But the ones dwelling in high heavens have the chance to go beyond the Adamic Element and go in farther expansions by severing their ties with it and be adamic no more. They can accomplish this only by knowing how to handle the Void (Sunya)! If they do, they expand beyond the universe of man! Such an expansion is not to be told by man, any man!


~  Whatever heavens (expansions) you are in, the Being will be there as a self, a witness of something outside of IT. But I really believe life doesn’t end with the Being universe, going farther without a witness and his illusory stunts. Living beyond being (duality) is very much possible!  And here I stop!


  All the spreading words used so far in this book was done for the exclusive purpose of revealing this One (Monadic) and only Center present all across the Being universe. We have IT inside our food-body-man at all levels, from our belly all the way to the core of all our components: tissues, cells, molecules and atoms; our Mother Earth has IT at her very core; our Father Sun has IT at his very core; our milky Galaxy has IT, and so on. Everything in existence satellites around a center.............everything. That's why everything in the being is alive, from an atom, a grain of sand, a rock, all the way to man, our Mother Earth, our Father Sun, and as far as you can imagine.

  When we die we separate from the food-body center of man, upgrading our status to a higher center, that of the Sun. We usually speak of this center as the heaven. But not all of us go in this heavenly center. Some of us the ones too much in love with terrestrial center – linger in the atmosphere of Mother Earth when they die, descending back soon as man again. The ones going in the heaven of the Sun will meet the light existing there, a light changing its color like the rainbow does. The higher you go, the higher expansions and more subtle lights you will meet. Those are the heavens beyond Sun's center, therefore totally alien to our universe and our regular imagination. 


  And so you keep on traveling/expanding among the lights of different centers (gods) until you meet the silvery light of Bliss, which can't be exceeded, and the traveling stops. Here you will finally realize what TY says: "any traveling is in fact of others". You have finally found the Real Center – the motionless and singular (monadic) Center of IT present here-everywhere at once.  All Life comes out and gets back into this One and only Center, which is forever inside you, as IT is in all Existence/Being as well the One-Many. Don't you ever doubt this, and stop making an external god out of IT, because you are that god! 

  This Monadic Center is not something to talk about. IT is not even something to walk about! IT is something to be One you really are! Just look around and take notice of this Center IT is everywhere you look, even in the look. Everything has a center, everything: the man, the father Sun, the mother Earth, a tree, a grain of sand, and any cosmic dust there is. Everything is also embedded into this Center, having IT also at the very core of their being!


  Regardless how much Yoga Dogma you read, mentalize or practice, in the end IT is this Center present in your own heart to tell what is true or foe. Yoga doesn’t turn you into a Yogi (one in Union) – the same way a science book doesn’t turn you into a high end scientist – only you do by letting your heart to expand at will by sympathy. Don’t you ever forget this! Let your heart to be One with everything and everyone and you will be that Center. To accomplish this you have to surrender your other-center (ego-center) to this One and only Real Center!  

  This is a secret no one can be ever able to unravel, the secret of Being! Being needs always two centers, but just one is for real, the other is a hoax. That makes me cry……… know why?..............because it is so sad to be alone……….that’s why you make a mirror of you to become………ITSelf………..that second center. That's the Dichotomy of Being! But that second center should never forget where comes from………..the Real Center.

We forgot this already………..and we have just to remember. Remembering is discovering that One Monadic Center as the real you (your True Nature). When you discover that Real Mirror, you are free……to be and not to be at will. Then you can be everything you want to be, or you can remove the Being as a scroll folding in. This is the real legacy all Seers left behind, not the lifeless showbiz dogma called religion! All those Majestic Seers were talking about the same One and only Center! 

  But Being is just one kind of expressing life, one based on mirroring. That Center has infinite ways of expressing a living, beyond Being. Do you think you can discover those? You better Don’t! You will be disappointed, because thinking is never good for this, and neither is the heart. The Center reigns as One in everyone, therefore IT is always you, as You New! So whatever you discover is nothing else but a flow of you and you only! Please try to realize this truth of Being reshuffling ITSelf from inside out and outside in!

Being is Immortality in action of eternal Be-Coming!


  Every living being – small and tall – is then in search of that One and only Center, from an eternity and more eternities to come. And the thing is……….IT is always you and you only, because that’s what All Existence/Being really is………..a Center. That’s why we do what we do, living our life for this very purpose. We kiss, we kill, we procreate, we search, we fight, we hide, etc., for this purpose and only. And we do all these selfish living actions at the canny advice of the other phony center, which takes control of us through our desirous heart. But even this second center is instinctively going in the direction of the same One and only Real Center – being in fact just a challenge put forth by the Real Center.

  This phony center can be incased in something gross (visible, physical), or can be incased in something subtle (metaphysical), but regardless of this he will be always a hoax, as all being universe is (the many). The Real Center abides motionlessly as One, that dark side of a mirror reflecting all images passing by! IT has to stay infinitely hidden as an Abysmal Interstice of not being sustaining the other (which lives and dies in karmic circles of T/S). That’s what an eternity is for! The One and only Center is present in all many, being infinitely spread and infinitely contained. That's the play of Bliss and Abyss witnessed from the Center the One-Many!

All just a childish and joyful play of mindful nature!


  Man can put an end to this eternal being process he lives in and travel no more! The only thing he has to do is to Surrender his phony center to the Real Center and identify with IT! That’s what Tachy Yoga has discovered Life is meant to be: a longing to return into that One and only Center and identify with IT! In order to be able to do this you have to sublimate the 3 Fabulous Views into the Majestic View of ONE in everyone. This will set you free of the Adamic Element all together. When this happens, the Seer of Being (ITSelf) freezes, letting the Void of all Plenitude to instate as Trinogen. The play of Bliss and Abyss (One-Many) is now finally revealed!

  In the Void you are able to see the Real Center, here-everywhere alternatively, but not to identify with IT yet. That’s because…..when IT reigns, the living perspective paradoxically shifts: instead of looking at the Center from the perspective of the phony center, the Center looks at the Living Organism of Being how IT flows from ITSelf! When this happens, ITSelf (ITs reflection) Selflessly IT, turning Infinite!

A Motionless-Here-Everywhere-Aware-Presence abides the Real Center!

Never born…………never diminished………….never ending!






* Most meanings of this concise esoteric book are encrypted. To unravel the meanings, and for farther unfoldement related to “YouNew” and the beyond Center living practice you need to "travel" my Tachy Yoga website from one end to the other. IT will be an amazing traveling without an itinerary or a destination making you change from within and outside in. You will be surprised what you can do............with you! Unfortunately, my Tachy Yoga website went in retreat!