The Jackal

The first year





George Mitchell - the US President at the time - declared "the Broadband Project" a Homeland Security emergency, and nobody could do a thing to avoid it. Whoever was against IT was declared enemy of the state and placed in FBI custody with no right to a judge or any other representation. People in the country and around the world were astonished about the turn of events in America, seeing and not believing what the U.S. -- once a country of freedom and democracy -- has turned into.


The internet was flooded with all kind of speculations about what is going on. But the reality was……….nobody really knew what was going on in America. The security was so tight that even the ones with diplomatic status were scrutinized and searched at their entrance in the country. All the others were finger printed and checked against a database of fingerprints and photos with all possible "unwanted". The entry visa was denied to all those living in oil conspiracy countries (listed in the Black List of US enemies). No exceptions there!


Yeah, it was tough to get on American soil in those times. George Mitchell was the first President taking the decisions at the time, but all others will follow his steps in accomplishing the impossible and go against the clock to keep America from falling into chaos and save the world of man from become extinct.




"We are teachers not drivers!"………..were the slogans coming out from the teachers all around the country protesting the President’s decision of turning them into blue bus drivers. They were out of a job from one month now, taking advice from their Union to protest the decision. But their chances were very slim, many of the teachers already taken the new driving jobs. More and more every day were doing the same.


The President gave them just one more week to submit, or they will be demoted and placed under the Homeland Security act together with their Union leaders. The blue bus drivers "club" was taking shape day by day, dissociating from the Union’s calls. The Broadband Project was taken very seriously by Americans – either by fear or real patriotism, was hard to say. No other disruptions were heard of, except for some rich Americans trying to stash their wealth in some banks abroad. Their bank accounts abroad were frozen, as I’ve heard, and they have been put under NSA scrutiny. Other than that, the life in America was rolling as usual……..…capitalistic business with a real touch of equanimity.


In Europe the riots were in high gear, and the teachers there were more vehement into keeping their obsolete status with any risks, hoping their message will spread farther in the U.S. It didn’t! their desperation. In France, Mr. Paul Leroy, the President there, was having a hard time to convince his American contra part to drop the Project and help the situation there. That was the beginning of the American dissociation from Europe and its clement policy toward Russia and the radical Arabs.

As it looked………..America was alone in its way to avoid the Prophecy!


Brazil, among some few other countries, was the first country having a similar project, and the only support the U.S. had with his own. George Mitchell was willing to help Brazil and those few countries in this regard, but strong forces from the belligerent neighboring countries were working hard to undermine the similar project existent there.


Russia, on the other hand, was playing tricky, using the old slogan of "each country should be free to have its own right in taking political decisions". And their decision was of course "the old gulag and terrorist practice will stay in place". Nothing new there!


The oil rich Arab countries were aligned with Russia, having a similar agenda on this. Iran and other totalitarian countries were vehemently against the American Broadband Project, realizing the tremendous damage it will do to their domination based on religious brain-hacking. And so was China with its communist and corrupt regime. They will all try to use their oil and money power to dominate the world, now when America was at odds with its own European allies.


The U.S. has withdrawn the aid for all the Arab and other similar countries harboring terrorist activities, stopping also from buying oil from such countries. The cash flow was almost dry in all those countries, spurring more desperate terrorist acts from their part in order to maintain their religious gulag. But Europe, playing their "oil conspiracy" game, was buying oil from Russia, Iran, and other Arab countries, helping them to refill their empty safes with the very badly needed hard currency. Europe was falling in the Oil Conspiracy trap!


The USA will not fall in this trap, steering away of any deals with those countries. More and more people from around the world were coming in the U.S., in spite of the very high taxation they would be subject to, seeking refuge in the only safe heaven on Earth. They were all scrutinized against an extensive criminal database without any preferential treatment, and "invited" to bring their support to the Broadband Project. Only very few at the time knew indeed what was going on, the world being split in two camps and visions going against each other. The Prophecy was definitely working hard from behind. No prediction was possible, due to the astonishing turn of events around the world -- mankind was definitely at a crucial juncture!




"Take a right turn on Market street"……….."Stop at the number 5024, the final destination, NetWorld Inc."………..that was the computerized voice of the SPPL (Satellite Pin-Point Locator) inside the blue bus instructing the driver, Pat Fergusson, that she has reached one of her final destinations and is ready to drop the last load of students for the GLab existing there.


"Good Morning Pat! How was the ride today?" said a young and smiling black lady at the front desk, greeting the middle age blond lady approaching her desk.

"Good Morning children, ready to start having some fun?" the same lady said to the five young children walking together toward her desk.

"Hi Annie! Those buses are something else indeed, no doubt about it!" Pat replied, to continue short after………"Is the meeting in session, or should I just drop the children in the GLab?………..I am a little late today!"…………Pat continued.

"You just go ahead and drop them in the GLab, the session didn’t start yet".

"Let’s go!" Pat said to the five youngsters, taking a right turn toward the elevators.


Pat is a former biology teacher, turned BBD for more than 3 months now, enjoying her job and the children she is dropping off every day in certain GLabs across the San Jose city, California. One of them is her own son, 12 year old Chris, who is skilful enough to be a network technician in formation at the NetWorld Inc., a network company specialized in world wide web networks using twisted fiber optics equipment. She is very proud of Chris and the other two children she had, Giana, 14, and Ona, 15.


Giana is a dentist in formation, belonging to a GLab inside the Stomatology Institute in down town San Jose. Ona is doing a wonderful job as an intern in the office of the congressman Larry Patella. She had already visited the White House twice so far. Giana and Ona are driven to their GLabs in other blue buses - by other BBDs - one of them, Larry Brooks, being a former teacher Pat knew from before.


One group after another, Pat was dropping the children in their area of "expertise", where an adult professional (known also as a Prof) in charge with a GLab or another will guide them into the business the companies are doing on the daily basis. Each GLab had daily scaled down tasks the kids are supposed "to play" with, and for 6 hours they were sharing the life the professional team there is having everyday. The GLab concept was backed up by the best known child psychiatrists in America, and tailored to stir kids’ farther interest in the field, keeping their mind open and fresh in the same time.


By nine a ‘clock all children were present at their destination, inside the GLabs, ready to start their "working day", and having fun doing it. Many of them have their parents working for the same company, sharing with them goals and dreams. By three a ‘clock, Pat and all others like her, are there again to pick up the kids and drop them all home.


After the GLabs drops, Pat was driving back and forth to some former schools in town – now warehouses – facilitating various shipments coming over from the corporations she is assigned to work for. That was filling up her 8 hours shift of duties. All the bus seats were built in such a way that they fold down completely, turning the entire bus into a perfect UPS style bus. Many other BBDs like her are driving across the city doing the same thing she does, all in a very close range to each other, so that the trips were short and efficient! This was done in a very organized fashion thanks to a computerized system reminding her constantly what best action has to be taken in order to make her job, as well as that of all others, efficient and stress free.


The system in place was smooth indeed, far better than her job as a teacher. And the thing was………..nobody was bored doing this, every day having a new face from the one before. The children inside the GLabs were continuously reshuffled according with the needs and the emergencies in each GLab, so that the BBDs didn’t have the same children in their buses all the time. A very tight daily schedule was in place - with the mighty help of MAX, the new existing dynamic data base the BBDs had inside their blue buses.

Flexibility and Accuracy was the best way to describe it!


At the beginning and the end of the daily session, for a half hour, the children were free to express their ideas with the company’s Prof assigned as their leader. During this time the ideas were interchanged from both sides. The children were encouraged to brainstorm what was discussed there, and to eventually come up with new ideas as they go along. All as a cheerful game free of constrains or routines! No tests or grades ever!


Some of these skilful children already contributed with their ideas to improve, and even take the technology a step farther, making the WorldNet company - as an example - one of the leaders in the field. Having children of different ages, each company had to figure the means to adjust to their capacity of understanding, having always in mind that the age is not a barrier in front of comprehension…………just the idea it is, is.


The facts have shown that many times great ideas can come from an eight year old kid, the same way they can come from a 12, 18 or 20 years old college student. That’s why the start and day end discussion sessions were always having all ages present at once. The only important thing was to keep children’s mind flexible, by rotating them from a task to another, from a company to another, from a company to a college environment, and vice versa, in order to adjust their mind into thinking in different environments without losing its power of concentration and keeping the mind always open to new creative ideas. That was possible because of the flexibility children’s mind has - as the child experts knew!


Children from 12 years of age to 14 were rotated more often – every 3 month or so – and with every advanced year of age thereafter, a month was added between rotations. Starting from the 17 years of age the youngsters were asked to think about making a carrier out of what they have learned and performed in the GLabs. It was still  their decision to take a step in this direction, or to move into another GLab.


Even inside a GLab cycle, children and youngsters alike were exposed to a different environment every single day of their staying there, as a preventive measure against boringness, and many adults have learned from these GLab students how to keep their mind free of prejudice and routine!

Many parents and BBDs were doing their job amazingly well, knowing it was for the good of the children, for America, and the world at large. In a short time there was no doubt in any American mind about this. All the businesses, the big corporations, and the government itself were pleased with the Broadband Project.


As the time was passing by, the former teachers – now BBDs – started to develop a strange sense of freedom and pride never felt before. Everybody was happy with what they were doing - having also a lot more fun this time around than when they were teaching obsoleteness. It was a general feeling of relief from the stress of before, when working was just an everyday burden to make a living. What it would come out of this unusual living in America was hard to say at the time, it was a too short of a period. Only the future will really tell.




"Are you two ready?"

"Yeah, I think so"………..Pat Fergusson and Chris answered to the lady giving them both a last touch with their hair before going in front of the TV camera and the nation.

Another young adult was also ready to take his seat before going live on the stage.

"Three, Two, One……… are on!"

"Good afternoon, and welcome to the "Facing the Nation" talk show"!

"I am Tania Marwick, and today we are discussing the various aspects of one of the most interesting jobs in America………the blue bus driver job, known otherwise as the BBD. Our guest today is Pat Fergusson, a former biology teacher, turned BBD for 6 month now, and her 12 years old child Chris, who is present in his mom’s blue bus everyday as a student attending the GLab inside the NetWorld, a leading high speed network products company".

"Welcome to the show Pat!…………and welcome Chris!"


"Hello, hello!..........they both answered, rocking in their chairs.

"We have also with us today Mr. Jack Machado, a Prof with the NetWorld company, who is joining us to discuss about the Geno-Labs, known also as GLabs, existing there".

"Hello Jack and welcome"……….Tania is greeting him.

"Nice to be here"………Jack answers.


After waiting for several rounds of applauses to die down, Tania continued.

"We will start with Pat……… do you like your new BBD job, after being a teacher for so many years?.

"Well, I didn’t……….in the beginning……….until I’ve got into it, but in couple of weeks I’ve realized, it is better than my prior job as a teacher".

"Why is that?............Tania asks.

"Because in a short while I’ve realized is less stressful, more rewarding, and most of all I feel like I am in charge all the time, with nobody hovering over me. No unions, no principal, no endless meetings, just me and what I am doing. And if something goes wrong, I can retrofit myself really quick, so I won’t do the same mistake again. Sure I have plenty of help from Max for that!"

"Who is Max?" Tania curiously asks.

"Max is the computer dynamic database helping me to adjust to all contingencies and correct my actions accordingly", Pat replies.

"Wow! I thought Max is your husband!".....…..Tania jokily replies, making the audience laugh to the roof.

"No! Max is a real time dynamic artificial intelligence database put at our disposal by the government in order to help us do our job in the most efficient way. It guides us in the city, is changing the stop signs light to give us priority, is giving us hints how to avoid traffic jams, it reminds us when we need to get ready to pick up students from GLabs, it is letting us know where all other BBDs are and to communicate in a 50 miles radius, and much, much more.

"Wow! this is pretty intelligent indeed"………Tania exclaims……….."Don’t you think so?" she said, addressing to the audience this time.


"What about you Chris………..are you happy for your mom and your life as a GLab student at NetWorld?"............Tania was addressing to Chris this time.

"As mom said, not in the beginning, but in time I did enjoy indeed the change as a better one. It is interesting, I don’t get bored as I was before in the school, and most of all I do what I like best without being concerned with someone grading me, giving me silly tests, or hovering over me…………as mom just mentioned".

"That’s freedom indeed, right Chris?"………Tania said, looking at Chris appreciatively. "Yes! For me it is!"………..Chris calmly replied, making the audience present there wonder if that good looking kid was a 12 years old child indeed. His intelligence was amazingly high for his age. "It was the GLab doing this to him?".........many wondered.


"Let’s go now to Jack, who is a Prof of one of many GLabs existent inside the NetWorld Corp., a leading company in the field"…………"welcome again Jack", Tania continued, making Jack to move his head as an approval gesture of what she just said.

"So tell us about the GLabs and what you and the students are doing there", Tania said again looking interested at him.

"The GLab I am the Prof in is specialized in twisted fibreoptics and network hubs using them. I bet your TV network here has plenty of those to air this show right now", Jack replied, facing the audience and smiling. Everybody was loudly laughing at the remark.

"Everywhere you turn, right Jack?"……….Tania jokily replied.

"Even in space"………..Jack answered jokily himself, to continue..……….


"In our GLab we try to find ways to increase the transmission speed over the internet and other communication mediums, so that people can communicate with each other in various ways like voice, images, video packet streams, micro and xrays, etc. Your show is using some of those as video streams and voice, both carried over through a very laborious set of gadgets, from satellites, servers, to hubs, routers, fiberoptics cables, etc, etc. all linked into a very ingenious way for everybody’s enjoyment. My GLab, with all the 10 students there, is trying to make all those gadgets work faster, making them also more reliable under any circumstances. Don’t forget, some of those are used in airplanes, military jets, submarines, satellites, diving devices, etc., where the conditions are very harsh", Jack said making a long pause.

"So you make my show possible, right?".............Tania replied.

"In a way, Yes!............but together with many others", Jack answered…………..


I remember watching this show myself then, wondering where all those GLabs will take America…………up to the skies of freedom, or down to the realm of Abyss. It was hard to say at the time, but looking at Pat’s and Chris’ faces, and at what Jack was describing in front of that audience, it looked the hopes were high. It must have been the same when the Independence of America was declared, making all the people living there one nation under the same blessing god.




The government support was in high gear, forcing the big corporation to make public many sealed discoveries secretly kept in their safes for too long now. All those will be later developed and put to work, propelling country’s economy to new heights and making everybody proud to be an American. The "boiling pot" was showing its talent indeed, proving the fact that each American can be a real contributor to the nation’s prosperity.


Just two years later the blue buses were about to use many different kinds of fuel, from biodiesel, ethanol, methanol, natural gas, propane, to p-series mix fuels, hydrogen, and batteries based on watery sugar, all showing the amazing capacity of the human minds working in tandem. Depending no longer on foreign fuel, the U.S. was in shackles no more, and neither the former American oil companies, retrofitted now for alternative fuels other than oil. And so were the car makers, coming up with cars running on many alternative fuels other than oil based gasoline. All those fuels were cheap and clean.


Sure all this wasn’t too cheerful for the ones trying to impose their "oil power" over others. Russia, Iran and the South American oil rich countries, in particular, were very concerned about the way the U.S. understood to steer free from oil dependency. They were afraid that other countries would soon follow. China was staying neutrally aside.

Then I just remembered what the Prophecy said about applying a reverse psychology for the occasion, but due to the red code secrecy………….it wasn’t to be told yet.


I remember one day of midsummer another piece of Prophecy was brought to me for interpretation. It was about how to perform the new social changes in the most beneficial manner, without disrupting the social relationships among the ones doing it. After giving to the President my interpretation of it, the final draft put up by President’s Staff was looking like this…………


" All the profits coming out from the business activities will be taxable at the 90% rate and disbursed back after to the companies according with the needs existing there. All businesses in the country should accommodate the GLabs on their premises and provide for them. The ones not having GLabs on their premises yet should be ready to accommodate them at any given time on short notice (usually a week).

From the 90% rate profit taxes the government will keep 10% for government needs, giving the 80% left of collected taxes back to the companies for R&D, marketing, salaries, health care, BTCs, GLabs expansions, and other needs that may arise. The money will be held at the Treasury Department at companies’ disposal. Any capital request has to have a written explanatory note attached stating the purpose the money will be used for. The money will be released right after as company’s own. The government itself is not an exception to this!

When the project the money has been used for is finalized, a short info-note has to be electronically sent by the CFO to the proper department of the government body for acknowledgement. At the end of the fiscal year the CFO of each company has to compile the overall costs of all those projects, together with salaries, and all other expenses, and send a detailed itemized statement to the Treasury Department for financial review. The IRS will be dismantled!

All this has to be done in order to prioritize the needs of different sectors of the U.S. economy and a more harmonized disbursement of funds among those sectors. The same pool of money will also be used to upgrade the country’s infrastructure like roads, highways, airports, etc., as well as for Homeland Security, reinforcement agencies, jails, the free health care for all Americans, etc.

Anybody found guilty of money embezzlement will be put to work in cleaning bathrooms in jails, police stations, hospitals, and other establishments - one day per each thousand dollar stolen - and the money recovered in full from them by any means. Nobody was immune to this, not even the President. An electronic nano-device will be attached in the blood  vessels of those in order to pinpoint their location at any given time. During and after the sentence is over their salary will be reduced with the amount they’ve stolen and disbursed in amounts paid each month.  Until the stolen amount is fully recovered the nano-device will be kept in place. Other than that they will be free to walk and talk as they wish, no strings attached.

Portion of the same pool of money will be also disbursed by the Treasury Department to banks - all governmental owned -  for the purpose of helping the democratic nations around the world to develop their own economy and prosper, enlarging this way the need of American products abroad and eliminating the dependency of those countries on oil and oil based products.

The Stock Market and all those making a living out of speculative operations will be out of social picture. The only Market in the country will be the Global Market, a market which has everybody in mind and is open to everybody to bring his participation into it. The entire social life will be a huge and creative market of goods for all,  to work in as a whole. Nobody is spare of working, and the ones who don't won't have any means to socially survive. Regardless, nobody should be forced into working outside his own natural skills. A body of high level experts will decide upon this accordingly without any prejudice or discrimination until the skill is found in those not willing to work. 

The age of getting a salary inside the GLabs is 15, the salary increasing accordingly as the age increases. Reaching the age of 18 the salary will start to differentiate according with the direct amount of energy and social contribution the job puts in. Regardless, any salary in the U.S. will still have the 90% tax bracket if it gets into the ten million per year range or higher. All other salaries lower than 10 million will have lower brackets accordingly. Starting with the 18 years of age no net salary will be lower than $100,000. No net salary will be higher than 1 million, regardless of age. In a short while America won't have rich and poor anomaly anymore! "……..……and the Prophecy continued in minute details how all this has to be done in order to succeed. It wasn’t easy, and many times the government had to show its "ugly face" in order to implement the new changes. That’s why many Americans are referring to this first year as "the year of the jackal". And a jackal was the government indeed...........for the good of all mankind!


I remember vividly even now the frustration people are overwhelmingly sending over the internet about all these new changes, all expressing their resentment about one issue or another. On top of all those were also the hurdles the government was facing in implementing the new rules and laws, and the very many disruptions along the way. Some people didn’t get their checks in time, some students were dropped in wrong locations, some BBDs didn’t show up in time, if at all, some corporations were behind in making their GLabs ready, some others didn’t have them at all, etc.

Tough sanctions and high fines were put in place in the beginning in order to discourage such things of happening again. In time everybody has realized, there is no way to fool around with the Broadband Project, and you better commit to it indeed, rather than facing a harsh treatment and even jail.

Even with this bumpy start, the Broadband Project was optimistically carried over with each passing day. It was hard to say by whose will.......that of the government, that of Americans, or that of Destiny. One thing was for sure, nobody was able to figure what the outcome will be. In spite of all this, the faith in the Project was increasingly "taller".




"Hey Joe! What’s cooking at the SFO lately"……….a young blond hair man was yelling to someone across two tables in a McDonald restaurant at San Francisco airport.

"We are right on schedule Nick, setting up GLabs right inside the planes"……….was the answer coming out from a middle age skinny guy eating his breakfast at that table.

"That sounds good", the blond guy replied, taking his plate and coffee cup to join him at his table. Joe is a pilot, and Nick is a fly attendant, both GLab Profs now in charge with letting children, 14 and up, know what to be a pilot and a fly attendant is all about.


The pilot cabin GLab was a real piece of art indeed, set just in the back to that of the pilots and accommodating up to 4 students. The GLab – built as a simulating cabin – was equipped with the same gadgets the pilots’ cabin had, except it was a computer simulated one, able to give to those using it the real feel of flying a commercial plane. The entire panel with all the gadgets on it could also tilt on the side, revealing a transparent separating screen through each the pilots can be seen. The technology used inside that flight simulating cabin was one of the latest, and Joe Morella was very excited to see the faces of those children using it.

The money to set such cabins on board was provided by the government from the pool of money existent as a result of the 90% tax bracket on all Corporate America. Most airline companies were bankrupt at the time – due to the high gasoline prices – and all other businesses in the country had to work hard to make money for them to stay afloat. But in time this will pay off in big way.


Nick Callahan was a fly attendant for more than 10 years now, flying with Joe most of the time. He was in charge now with letting children know what his job is all about. Due to the special conditions and the heaviness of the equipment, only children 14 years and up were allowed to be in his GLab, which was actually the airplane itself. The number of those attending his GLab was four, the same number the attendants on the plane were. They were on duty to be GLab Profs for three months only, after which some others like them will take their place, working with a new team of children also. That was the main rule of the GLabs………"never more than the necessary time not to become bored" -- Profs wise, as well as students wise. And in so far, both camps liked IT! So much so that kids were vocally expressing their great satisfaction for they see and do!


The GLab system was organized in such a way that the students and the Profs alike will enjoy what they are doing, their relationship being based on a real sense of pride and self esteem. It was no teaching involved here, just "do what I do and see if you like it". That was what the experts in human behavior were trying to advocate and be put in practice by the Profs: "no teaching involved, just like attracts like to become alike!" 

Due to the openness and flexibility of children’s minds, the experts knew, teaching is not good at any living levels, killing spontaneity and creativity. They knew, any activity can be done in infinite ways, all evenly right to be and succeed. To teach, they said, is to force children live someone else’s life, and that’s against the flow of life. That’s why children were encouraged to bring their input in any activity they perform, as long as they ask first and act after, in order not to hurt themselves or others.


Based on self-experience, the GLabs were doing what Mother Nature is doing from ages: "let Life evolve from within to improve the without". That was possible only in America, and only by a general acceptance, as it was happening now at the beyond advise of the Prophecy. But only a few were able to see and appreciate this. All others were struggling to understand what is going on in America.

Yeah, that first year was tough for America, as any beginning is, but the ones at the top were willing to do whatever they can to turn the beyond advise into a reality. I was myself curious of the outcome, not seeing any in the months just following President’s decision. But then I didn’t have the all picture………..only later.


"All colleges and universities should be financially self-sustained, and if they were not able to, they will be turned into warehouses, the same way the former grammar and middle schools were. A successful institution is the one creating social goods or services like any other business does. All the people there, together, have to figure out ways to be productive and participate through their activities to the well being of all Americans and the country. There is no excuse for not being productive and profitable!

All the former professors will turn Profs, having precise responsibilities to turn their college or university into a business establishment. They should work together with the students to form GLabs based on the skills on both sides present there.  The experts new, in order to be able to influence others you and all others have to act and behave the same, regardless of age or intelligence.

It will be no teaching in the GLabs, just different working activities able to bring revenues by all possible legal means, leading the nation to better times. All colleges  and universities will work with all corporate America as a business extension of those, providing them with the necessary expertise to expand and improve their profits. The body of people existing in both parties will be inter-exchanged, sharing their experience in their common fields. In doing this they will become soon the same business body, one completing the other. Then all colleges  and all universities will become part of corporate America, and vice versa.

The corporations will provide them transportation for back and forth trips from one place to another. The BBDs from each party will take turns at the wheel, when the need of a common activity arises. Private cars can be used also, but only in emergencies. A homestead will be provided on premises of each parties in order to accommodate the needs of longer scientific projects  until the project becomes a reality.

For projects related to National Security a double representation has to be developed in two separate locations, both safely guarded by Special Forces. All such locations are to be maintained in total secrecy, and the people working there should live on the premises until the project is finalized, tested, and retested, just to be sure it performs under any unpredicted contingencies. The security there should be the highest, falling under the Homeland Security Law.

If a project gets into a dead end, a collective brainstorming session across the world should be initiated via secure lines of internet and other communication media until the problem is solved. Any project stalled in a dead end for more than three month has to be stopped and all people working on it disbursed among similar GLabs having better projects at hand.

Any successful project has to be classified against three coded types: blue, yellow and red. The Blue Code applies to projects that are to be used in the everyday living in a safe manner ASAP. Those projects don’t need any security, but the vigilance has to be present through video cameras, special badges, and finger printing access on the premises. The Yellow Coded projects have to be cleared by a Homeland Security Commission assessing the possible use of such projects. Such projects are covered by a medium sized security core – beside the ones already in place for the Blue Code – until is decided how they will be used. The Red Coded Projects are to be kept in total secrecy, and not to be released for public use. Such projects are done on "need to know" basis and kept under heavy security at all times"………….


Reading all this you start wonder…………what kind of country is this? Yeah, it was the same old U.S. of A with a new twist toward a radical change. They were too many threats in the world, and too many people willing to hurt anybody around just to make their pitiful and fanatic point. It was about time to tie the knot and take the world a step farther. And if this has to be done in this new and uncomfortable way, well...........just let it be! 

Mankind was at a brink of total alienation, everybody having his personal way to build his own capitalistic heaven on everybody else’s expense. An evil and unscrupulous "oil conspiracy" was trying to control the entire world, forcing nations and people to play their deceiving game by any means. By the same token, a drug industry under CIA's leadership was spreading like a tumor all across the world. In America, as well as in many other developed countries. just a handful of crooked few were unscrupulously taking advantage of all others in order to get filthy rich and to make the entire nation, once free, to be sold to greed, violence, and corruption.

As the reality was showing, that wasn’t sustainable, the individual approach having no chance to survive, just a collective and harmonious one has. The world at large was way too much into personal and small private circles concern to realize this, but the "melting pot" of America was built on such new concept of collective prosperity and equanimity, and the Prophecy knew this, giving to America the chance to save mankind! This was the task America had to carry on its shoulders!


Colleges and Universities all across America have started to accommodate the new GLab concept, building a solid structure of such GLabs according with the skills the Profs were seeing there. The students were accepted in the GLabs according with their own preferences, and asked to bring their contribution to make them profitable. With the full support of the Corporate America, those GLabs were prone for a good start. The motivation was high from all sides, but the results were still to be desired.

It wasn’t easy in the beginning, but a while later, when everybody’s input was compiled, the profits started rolling, making everybody happy. Many such college GLabs were a mixture of students, corporate employees, lower age students, and Profs from all over the place, all with the same goal in mind: to put their skills to work and make them profitable.  

A vast Internet and otherwise network has been put in place for those GLabs to be able to change experiences and ideas in the shortest period of time possible. That was the time when the GLabs’ Infrastructure was created. A huge and fast network – a GLab in itself - was put in place to serve such a purpose, serving all other GLabs across the country. In spite of all this, not everybody was able to see the majestic way this infrastructure was shaping up…………until much later.


There were no secrets among GLabs as it was before among corporations because of competition and greed, all working now for America, not for themselves. Due to this free approach, very much reinforced by the government, the speed the ideas were circulated was amazingly fast, not only in U.S., but from here everywhere where the U.S. interests were shared, and sent back here. Those countries were not known at the time, as per Prophecy’s reverse psychology strategy.

By the end of that beginning year a vast network of GLabs were in place all over the country, ready to make the change America was looking for. The change was getting noticed in the following years as discoveries to remember. Some turned into everyday starling living accomplishments like cars running on multiple alternative fuels, on hydrogen (using water as main source of energy), on air, etc., compact genes, animals cloning, stem cells bio-technology able to replace damaging diseases and replace sick organs, nano-technology, growing teeth genomic implants, photonic-computers, etc.

For strategic reasons some of those technologies were kept under heavy secrecy, and guarded in places no mouse or fly can get even near. Those places were known as the Black Holes, and later on as the Abyss, where everything going nearby was sucked in, vanishing without a trace. Some were skeptical such places really exist, but even those were scared of the horror stories they’ve heard about those places. The truth was...…..nobody knew for sure!




All the belligerent countries trying to dominate the world with their "oil conspiracy" were challenging the American democracy, playing harsh words against it. A world wide gulag was in place at the time trying to convince people and nations to steer out from American influence and join them and their oil based power. And very many fell in their trap, going against democracy and America.

Claiming religious rights, or playing the game of helping the poor, they were all manipulating the international media, trying to make it believe in their political agenda and join their "oil club". The ones behind the "oil club" were former or active warlords and military leaders, unscrupulous clericals, corrupt politicians, all willing to do everything in order to convince their own people and the world at large of their "noble intentions". It was hard at the time to see their hidden agenda, due to the high prices of gasoline and food, the harsh winters in some parts of the world, and the hard living in general. Beside all this, they were all counting on the ignorance of those left without a proper education from generations. A world wide "oil club gulag” was spreading like a virus! 

What nobody knew at the time was the fact they were all “helped” from behind to do all this in order to encourage them to believe they can go along with it. But as always in man’s case, there were places where people knew how to look beneath the surface and see the ugliness of those pretending to be what they were not. America was such a place, among some few others! Regardless, the first year was a tough one, due to many corrupted oligarchs America had to wither and the old rooted routine. No wonder some Americans were referring to it as……….“the Year of the Jackal!”





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