The Movie

How it ended





"Hey guys!.............pulverize!"............."that scene was awesome!"………couple of young people were commenting when exiting the premiere of "the Prophecy" movie. That scene showing those American torus shaped saucers uncloaking and pulverizing enemy’s jet fighters was a great one indeed. Watching those enemy planes pulverized in the midair by the power of the Pulverizor was definitely one of the movie’s best 3D trills.


“Et cette scène quand les troupes spéciales américaines uncloaking au milieu de cette pièce secrète où les mauvaises fringues discutaient leurs plans d'envahir le Brésil “. “Quelle grande scène!" (And that scene when the American special troops were uncloaking in the middle of that secret room where the bad duds were discussing their plans of invading Brazil. What a great scene!)…………. were the comments of some other youngsters watching the same movie in France.


"What a movie, and nobody knew! Wow!...........that’s one in the lifetime!"

Those were the words most people were saying coming out from the theaters all over the world after watching "The Prophecy" premier movie.


And indeed nobody knew, except some few. I was amazed myself, considering the fact I was among the few………..thinking of knowing. As I’ve found out from the movie, I didn’t have the necessary clearance to know everything, just a small part of what from now on it will be known as…………"the Cloaking Prophecy".


Nobody knew in details how it really happened………..only after, when bits of facts were revealed to the film producers, making them able to have the final picture in the end, for mankind to remember. IT was not just a "motion picture", but a real picture of how IT happened. IT was indeed a lifetime trill, considering the facts and the majestic ending. I vividly remember those times when everything was so amazingly challenging………..





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