Samadhi Whispers



A heavenly challenge*



All children go in heavens, as everybody knows, but only if they don't become pirates and fill their heart with stagnant manlike routine. If that divine heart present in you remains childish in nature, you will certainly go in heavens and stay there. And in order to check how childish your heart is, I give bellow a challenge for those dare to take IT. The divine living attributes present in heavens are as follow:


    ~ a subtle body without mass which cannot decay, flowing in all possible direction at will. This body is not human..........unless you want to be by making your wish as such. Please be aware of this!


    ~ whatever you wish be-comes - as you and all around you - giving you the prove of the mindscape of all living. So you better watch out what you wish for here, because in high heavens you and your habitat become what your heart desires to be.


    ~ the human senses left behind as man are enhanced here in extreme:


          the vision is filled with light from within, enlightening the darkness to be-come what you wish for;

          the hearing is that of a permanent music of spheres played straight in your heart;

          the smell and taste turn into Nectar and Ambrosia (the nourishment of gods);

          the touch becomes a constant shivering of Bliss.


    ~ three new sensorials are present here as well: Penetration, Transmutation, and Identification.

  • Penetration skill makes you able to go deep inside everything present there.

  • Transmutation skill allows you to stop your own flowing and be in one place or another in an instant and at will.

  • Identification is the most amazing skill of all, fusioning the souls present there in one. You can be here one with everything else you want to be one with. One with the sun, with a galaxy, with a light or another.......or the entire universe. But you don't know of those labels, only of Bliss traveling freely through Abyss and enlightening it to be!


You have also to remember that all what I am exposing here comes from you and you only. There is no god of any kind here, just you and what IT comes out from inside of you enlightening the darkness to become what that light in you wants to. The darkness is the life patterns keeper (Life's Database), having infinitely designed shapes hidden deep inside IT. What you need is just to enlighten them.

Please try to remember this, because otherwise the light existing in you will start to twinkle (like a candle in the wind), and then the darkness will grow on you, engulfing you and making you remember how fearful you were of darkness as man. If this happens, you will start looking for a god to give you light. And that god will come out of you, giving you a sun again and turning you in man again. Bye, bye heavens then!


The challenge I give you is to use all the heavenly attributes I am exposing here and make a story about you in heavens. First try to remember about the weightless/bodiless state you enjoy here. This subtle body is of heavenly nature (the astral body), a virtual presence of a divine show able to be whatever you want to be. Start then to apply all other attributes to this bodiless witness in order to build your own heavens! Use your dreaming experience for this!

The vision you have is the most important because is the spiritual luminosity in you which enables you to enlighten the darkness to be. Then try to align this vision with your wish in order to become "active". Remember also, there are others like you there doing more or less the same! You must accommodate your vision then with the ones of those present here by sympathy. And so on, and on!

I am telling you from the start: "IT is not easy!" So you better try couple of rounds to see how you can adapt into this new divine world. You have to remember also the fact all real yogis are doing this everyday when still alive, turning IT into a vivid reality. And so can you, because any man can do what other man does, and many other men already did in the past! It is just a matter of belief! You can send me your finished story in an email if you like and I will tell you how close to heavens you really are.



a hint


The only hint I can give you to build you own heavens is your own dreams. The dreams are the very creation of the spiritual luminosity residing in your heart. This luminosity travels through darkness and gives you the dreams you have. Studying your own dreams is giving you an idea of how dim or bright the light in you is. That doesn't mean studying their meaning, but rather how they deploy. Are your dreams in black and white or in color?; how bright in color they are and what kind of feelings they leave in your heart?; are their action pleasant or depressing?; are they human in nature or alien in nature?; how do they influence your living actions in that day?; etc..........those are some questions you should ask your self when you wake up from your dreams. The closer they are from heavenly attributes I've exposed far above, the brighter the luminosity in you is!

Studying all those aspects present in your dreams is giving you a clear picture about the power your spiritual luminosity has to enlighten the darkness. According with what you find you can then cultivate it and make it grow in your heart. If you have black and white dreams, you make a goal to have colorful ones. If you have colorful dreams, you make a goal to make those colors brighter and delightfully so. If your dreams are depressing or nightmares, you make a goal to turn them pleasant. And so you keep on going!


In a short while you will see amazing changes, because your inner-luminosity starts to remember. And that's all you need! Then the darkness will start to come to you in a very bright manner, because your spiritual luminosity is now enlightening the darkness upon your wish to be. I keep on saying "to be" and not "be-come" because here you don't be-come, here you are the enlightener. The difference between those two states of being is quite remarkable.


Playing with the Bliss as IT goes through Abyss is a fine art, try not to get in IT if your heart is tinted with human elements. Only a pure heart can play with them at will. As man you are part of the living game, as heavenly divine you are not, playing with it. There is no compatibility between man and a heavenly divine being, but man can have glimpses of how is there. Your dreams are telling you how your heavens will be. For some few IT will be blissful heavens indeed, for some many others IT will be just dark hells. But in both cases IT will be you all along! So please: Don't be ashamed, Don't blame, Don't complain! Try rather to remember your own inner-luminosity and build your own heaven!

Dwelling in heavens is a matter of childish heart vision! 

Man can never dwell in heavens, only that divine little boy can!

Good Luck!



* I am addressing this inner-sublimation to all those with childish hearts!



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